Do you guys have jobs?


New member
Hi there!

I wish I could travel more! I traveled all the time in high school and early college but you know how the college money thing goes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I'm currently a part time veterinary technician and a full time pre-veterinary student. I'm either working my way to vet school (I'm an alternate at 2 this year) or a master's degree. I'd like to work as a vet or as an animal trainer, behavioralist, zoologist, or anything down that road.


New member
Hi there!

I wish I could travel more! I traveled all the time in high school and early college but you know how the college money thing goes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I'm currently a part time veterinary technician and a full time pre-veterinary student. I'm either working my way to vet school (I'm an alternate at 2 this year) or a master's degree. I'd like to work as a vet or as an animal trainer, behavioralist, zoologist, or anything down that road.


New member
Hi there!

I wish I could travel more! I traveled all the time in high school and early college but you know how the college money thing goes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I'm currently a part time veterinary technician and a full time pre-veterinary student. I'm either working my way to vet school (I'm an alternate at 2 this year) or a master's degree. I'd like to work as a vet or as an animal trainer, behavioralist, zoologist, or anything down that road.


New member
Hi there!

I wish I could travel more! I traveled all the time in high school and early college but you know how the college money thing goes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

I'm currently a part time veterinary technician and a full time pre-veterinary student. I'm either working my way to vet school (I'm an alternate at 2 this year) or a master's degree. I'd like to work as a vet or as an animal trainer, behavioralist, zoologist, or anything down that road.


New member
Hi there!
<br />
<br />I wish I could travel more! I traveled all the time in high school and early college but you know how the college money thing goes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />I'm currently a part time veterinary technician and a full time pre-veterinary student. I'm either working my way to vet school (I'm an alternate at 2 this year) or a master's degree. I'd like to work as a vet or as an animal trainer, behavioralist, zoologist, or anything down that road.


New member
I am blessed that my husband opened his own company. I work in the front office (used to be full time, now it's part time.)
It's flexible and I have more time for treatments and just taking care of myself in general. If I need IV's, he gives me time off without ever a word.
I've had problems in the past with getting time off (different jobs I've had) and even the employer treating me like crap when I did come back from IV's. (like I could help it!). So working with my husband is the perfect situation! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck to you and enjoy your new move. How exciting!

30 f CF


New member
I am blessed that my husband opened his own company. I work in the front office (used to be full time, now it's part time.)
It's flexible and I have more time for treatments and just taking care of myself in general. If I need IV's, he gives me time off without ever a word.
I've had problems in the past with getting time off (different jobs I've had) and even the employer treating me like crap when I did come back from IV's. (like I could help it!). So working with my husband is the perfect situation! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck to you and enjoy your new move. How exciting!

30 f CF


New member
I am blessed that my husband opened his own company. I work in the front office (used to be full time, now it's part time.)
It's flexible and I have more time for treatments and just taking care of myself in general. If I need IV's, he gives me time off without ever a word.
I've had problems in the past with getting time off (different jobs I've had) and even the employer treating me like crap when I did come back from IV's. (like I could help it!). So working with my husband is the perfect situation! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck to you and enjoy your new move. How exciting!

30 f CF


New member
I am blessed that my husband opened his own company. I work in the front office (used to be full time, now it's part time.)
It's flexible and I have more time for treatments and just taking care of myself in general. If I need IV's, he gives me time off without ever a word.
I've had problems in the past with getting time off (different jobs I've had) and even the employer treating me like crap when I did come back from IV's. (like I could help it!). So working with my husband is the perfect situation! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck to you and enjoy your new move. How exciting!

30 f CF


New member
I am blessed that my husband opened his own company. I work in the front office (used to be full time, now it's part time.)
<br />It's flexible and I have more time for treatments and just taking care of myself in general. If I need IV's, he gives me time off without ever a word.
<br />I've had problems in the past with getting time off (different jobs I've had) and even the employer treating me like crap when I did come back from IV's. (like I could help it!). So working with my husband is the perfect situation! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Good luck to you and enjoy your new move. How exciting!
<br />
<br />Kelli
<br />30 f CF


New member
I work full time as a journalist, have been for a little over a year. Have been working different jobs since I was 19.

I know what you mean about not really thinking youd last past 25. I thought the same myself for a long time. Not that I was ever really sick, I just figured, why bother... Still went through high school, cause that is what you're supposed to do. When I realised my health just staid the same, and even got a little better I went for it, finished school and got a job. Needed the money to go travelling.

I started out doing three years of training as a nurses aid when I was in high school, but it turned out I didn't really like that kind of work. Then moved on to working in a elementary school for a few years. Great job, but being used as a jungle gym six hours a day was a bit too much, and it really affected my health.
After a few other jobs I ended up as a video games journalist (getting paid to play video games is pretty awesome). When I was 27 I moved to Australia with my girlfriend to go to Uni, and got my BA in photography and design.

Just after new year last year I got a full time job as a journalist for a big tecnology publication. Apart from a four hour commute everyday it's an awesome job. I get to write about computers and cool gadgets, and test out all kinds of cool new products. Best part is that most of the time it's just sitting at my desk writing. Not exactly a huge strain on my health. I even get to use my BA in photography, taking a lot of pictures for the magazine and website.


New member
I work full time as a journalist, have been for a little over a year. Have been working different jobs since I was 19.

I know what you mean about not really thinking youd last past 25. I thought the same myself for a long time. Not that I was ever really sick, I just figured, why bother... Still went through high school, cause that is what you're supposed to do. When I realised my health just staid the same, and even got a little better I went for it, finished school and got a job. Needed the money to go travelling.

I started out doing three years of training as a nurses aid when I was in high school, but it turned out I didn't really like that kind of work. Then moved on to working in a elementary school for a few years. Great job, but being used as a jungle gym six hours a day was a bit too much, and it really affected my health.
After a few other jobs I ended up as a video games journalist (getting paid to play video games is pretty awesome). When I was 27 I moved to Australia with my girlfriend to go to Uni, and got my BA in photography and design.

Just after new year last year I got a full time job as a journalist for a big tecnology publication. Apart from a four hour commute everyday it's an awesome job. I get to write about computers and cool gadgets, and test out all kinds of cool new products. Best part is that most of the time it's just sitting at my desk writing. Not exactly a huge strain on my health. I even get to use my BA in photography, taking a lot of pictures for the magazine and website.


New member
I work full time as a journalist, have been for a little over a year. Have been working different jobs since I was 19.

I know what you mean about not really thinking youd last past 25. I thought the same myself for a long time. Not that I was ever really sick, I just figured, why bother... Still went through high school, cause that is what you're supposed to do. When I realised my health just staid the same, and even got a little better I went for it, finished school and got a job. Needed the money to go travelling.

I started out doing three years of training as a nurses aid when I was in high school, but it turned out I didn't really like that kind of work. Then moved on to working in a elementary school for a few years. Great job, but being used as a jungle gym six hours a day was a bit too much, and it really affected my health.
After a few other jobs I ended up as a video games journalist (getting paid to play video games is pretty awesome). When I was 27 I moved to Australia with my girlfriend to go to Uni, and got my BA in photography and design.

Just after new year last year I got a full time job as a journalist for a big tecnology publication. Apart from a four hour commute everyday it's an awesome job. I get to write about computers and cool gadgets, and test out all kinds of cool new products. Best part is that most of the time it's just sitting at my desk writing. Not exactly a huge strain on my health. I even get to use my BA in photography, taking a lot of pictures for the magazine and website.


New member
I work full time as a journalist, have been for a little over a year. Have been working different jobs since I was 19.

I know what you mean about not really thinking youd last past 25. I thought the same myself for a long time. Not that I was ever really sick, I just figured, why bother... Still went through high school, cause that is what you're supposed to do. When I realised my health just staid the same, and even got a little better I went for it, finished school and got a job. Needed the money to go travelling.

I started out doing three years of training as a nurses aid when I was in high school, but it turned out I didn't really like that kind of work. Then moved on to working in a elementary school for a few years. Great job, but being used as a jungle gym six hours a day was a bit too much, and it really affected my health.
After a few other jobs I ended up as a video games journalist (getting paid to play video games is pretty awesome). When I was 27 I moved to Australia with my girlfriend to go to Uni, and got my BA in photography and design.

Just after new year last year I got a full time job as a journalist for a big tecnology publication. Apart from a four hour commute everyday it's an awesome job. I get to write about computers and cool gadgets, and test out all kinds of cool new products. Best part is that most of the time it's just sitting at my desk writing. Not exactly a huge strain on my health. I even get to use my BA in photography, taking a lot of pictures for the magazine and website.


New member
I work full time as a journalist, have been for a little over a year. Have been working different jobs since I was 19.
I know what you mean about not really thinking youd last past 25. I thought the same myself for a long time. Not that I was ever really sick, I just figured, why bother... Still went through high school, cause that is what you're supposed to do. When I realised my health just staid the same, and even got a little better I went for it, finished school and got a job. Needed the money to go travelling.
I started out doing three years of training as a nurses aid when I was in high school, but it turned out I didn't really like that kind of work. Then moved on to working in a elementary school for a few years. Great job, but being used as a jungle gym six hours a day was a bit too much, and it really affected my health.<p>
After a few other jobs I ended up as a video games journalist (getting paid to play video games is pretty awesome). When I was 27 I moved to Australia with my girlfriend to go to Uni, and got my BA in photography and design.
Just after new year last year I got a full time job as a journalist for a big tecnology publication. Apart from a four hour commute everyday it's an awesome job. I get to write about computers and cool gadgets, and test out all kinds of cool new products. Best part is that most of the time it's just sitting at my desk writing. Not exactly a huge strain on my health. I even get to use my BA in photography, taking a lot of pictures for the magazine and website.


New member
I am a graphic designer at a Texas State Agency. I've been at this same job for over 13 years now. Reasons for me staying are:

1. The very good health benefits
2. Healthy amount of sick/vacation days
3. Relaxed atmosphere
4. Ability of my employers to work around my condition
5. My own office (for now anyway)
6. Can learn new skills/programs if I choose

Not the most stimulating creative work out there, but the points listed above are pretty solid reasons why I stick around. In fact, I have trouble seeing myself in a typical graphic design/ad agency kind of job, as I feel the hectic schedule and long hours would lead me quickly to illness. It's enough for me just to keep up with my relaxed job!


New member
I am a graphic designer at a Texas State Agency. I've been at this same job for over 13 years now. Reasons for me staying are:

1. The very good health benefits
2. Healthy amount of sick/vacation days
3. Relaxed atmosphere
4. Ability of my employers to work around my condition
5. My own office (for now anyway)
6. Can learn new skills/programs if I choose

Not the most stimulating creative work out there, but the points listed above are pretty solid reasons why I stick around. In fact, I have trouble seeing myself in a typical graphic design/ad agency kind of job, as I feel the hectic schedule and long hours would lead me quickly to illness. It's enough for me just to keep up with my relaxed job!


New member
I am a graphic designer at a Texas State Agency. I've been at this same job for over 13 years now. Reasons for me staying are:

1. The very good health benefits
2. Healthy amount of sick/vacation days
3. Relaxed atmosphere
4. Ability of my employers to work around my condition
5. My own office (for now anyway)
6. Can learn new skills/programs if I choose

Not the most stimulating creative work out there, but the points listed above are pretty solid reasons why I stick around. In fact, I have trouble seeing myself in a typical graphic design/ad agency kind of job, as I feel the hectic schedule and long hours would lead me quickly to illness. It's enough for me just to keep up with my relaxed job!


New member
I am a graphic designer at a Texas State Agency. I've been at this same job for over 13 years now. Reasons for me staying are:

1. The very good health benefits
2. Healthy amount of sick/vacation days
3. Relaxed atmosphere
4. Ability of my employers to work around my condition
5. My own office (for now anyway)
6. Can learn new skills/programs if I choose

Not the most stimulating creative work out there, but the points listed above are pretty solid reasons why I stick around. In fact, I have trouble seeing myself in a typical graphic design/ad agency kind of job, as I feel the hectic schedule and long hours would lead me quickly to illness. It's enough for me just to keep up with my relaxed job!


New member
I am a graphic designer at a Texas State Agency. I've been at this same job for over 13 years now. Reasons for me staying are:
<br />
<br />1. The very good health benefits
<br />2. Healthy amount of sick/vacation days
<br />3. Relaxed atmosphere
<br />4. Ability of my employers to work around my condition
<br />5. My own office (for now anyway)
<br />6. Can learn new skills/programs if I choose
<br />
<br />Not the most stimulating creative work out there, but the points listed above are pretty solid reasons why I stick around. In fact, I have trouble seeing myself in a typical graphic design/ad agency kind of job, as I feel the hectic schedule and long hours would lead me quickly to illness. It's enough for me just to keep up with my relaxed job!