I only ever read the forums and never post but our situation is my daughter was born with Meconium Ileus and she was our first child, it took my husband and I more than 2 years to come to a decision to have another baby naturally. I fell pregnant and wanted to be tested as we grieved (well I know I did) heavily with the complications with our daughter. I had a CVS at 11 weeks and it came back within a week that our new baby has CF. A shock, yes, but we were well prepared as we knew what was and could happen, we are well aware that this baby , a girl also, may take a different path than our daughter who has only been hospitalised twice (once at birth then again at 1y/o.) these are things to think about. No one is the same and you have to take cross contamination into account, are you prepared to care for 2 children with CF, I know this is going to be alot of work but my husband and I are dedicated to giving both our girls the quality of life they deserve. You will alwats love your children no matter what, some days are good and others aren't, you adapt and learn to cope in various situations, I don't regret having another baby but it is a decision that only you and your partner can make, we involved no one and found it best, we did get a few reactions when we found out from close family but they respect our choices, and so they should. We have 6 weeks to go, I am worried about Meconium Ileus occuring but our doctor's are well prepared.
Good luck with your decision. Sometimes I believe everything happens for a reason.