do you have another baby????


New member
I'm having a hard time with the repeated theme that god wouldn't confront us with anything we couldn't handle, given what has happened and is continuing to happen to <u>millions</u> of people -- many of them helpless children -- in Indonesia, Thailand, etc. in just the past few days.


New member
In my opinion it's all part of the big plan of wherever we are going to go today and what is going to happen to the world. I don't believe a kind god would inflict pain and suffering on us such as what is going on the world now, I think that we (though time and generations) have done this to ourselves and it is part of our consequence-however cruel it may be. And he must allow us to live with our consequences for some amount of time, or else we would never learn our lesson.


New member
you see i find that SO interesting.....

huge tragedies happen, which obviously contradict the idea of a kind god...and so people, in a desperate attempt to explain them, say WE caused it!??!??! ok so say we ARE in fact the cause, say its because a different million people did bad would still take a vindictive god to kill innocent children due to other peoples failings. it doesnt add up.
and as for the idea that its all some big feels to me like shirking responisbility. yes its someone elses plan/idea. therefore theres nothing we can do about it, its all predestined.
thats fine if that is how you chose to live your life, i prefer to be slightly more pro-active and take a bit of responsibility. i thoroughly recommend reading satre to anyone who is interested in the idea that man is only what he makes of himself. existentialism, thats what i believe in <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
OK.....I have gone anonymous for this post because I don't necessarily want everyone to know which regular poster this is. I don't want any "oh my awful" crap. I am so sick of hearing "God won't give you more than you can handle". My mother was a big one on that expression. and sorry mom, but I don't believe that one any more. A quick rundown on my family.
My newborn daughter gets diagnosed with CF very young after surgery. My second child gets diagnosed with a bleeding disorder at the age of 15. (not terribly life altering but a pain). My brother gets killed in a horrific, violent on the job accident. My brother-in-law drops dead on the job site of an undiagnosed brain tumor. My father-in-law has Alzheimer's and cancer. My husband (age 50) gets diagnosed with Early onset Parkinson's and now I may be facing cancer. I think I have more than I can handle now and I am sick of God dumping S**T on my head, so I don't believe he won't give anyone more than they can handle and I don't belive there is a "master plan" of any kind. I just think my family got REALLY unlucky with genetics!!


New member
I agree with you, Dave and the previous poster. What purpose would a master plan have that does these sorts of things to good people and children?


New member
If God doesn't give people more than they can deal with, then why do some people commit suicide because they have too much to deal with? Just doesn't add up.


New member
It has been proven that a lot of suicides are due to depression and depression most times is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain...not controllable by an individual without medication. The suicides that are not due to depression I can't explain, but I don't necessarily believe that they can be tied to "having too much to handle". I believe alot of those people have something not right in their brains also. I think they might have hurt themselves whether they had too much to deal with or not. Just my opinion!


New member
To the first poster...sorry this has become a rediculous chat on God and what his plan is. I only hope that you and your husband make the decision that is right for you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Best of luck!


New member
Hi, About 2 years ago I was contemplating the same thing. My oldest child has CF and was diagnosed when my son who doesn't have CF was a month old. We wanted to try for a third child but we were very worried. After a lot of thought, we decided to try for a third child and keep the baby whether or not it had CF. We are now the proud parents of a beautiful little girl. Although the decicion was a difficult one, we are so happy we had her, she makes our faimily complete. Good luck with whatever decicion you make.



New member
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">Hello, just came across this post, and heres my two cents<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I'am a mom of 8 children my 4th and my 7th boy and girl both have
CF we found out after my son was diagnosed when he was 3 months then i knew in my heart that my 6 yr old girl had CF also after Ant was diagnosed we had one more baby and he is fine although a carrier we found that out via CVS testing from a mom to a mom i hear the uncertanty in your letter but i would like to say that i dont regreat having another child its alot of work having two CFers but the ultamate is can you live without regreat if you have another baby w/CF and can you lay your head down at night knowing you are your best if your baby has or does not have CF life is full of uncertanty iether way you look at it. And are kids tend to take the out look on life we give them.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>OK.....I have gone anonymous for this post because I don't necessarily want everyone to know which regular poster this is. I don't want any "oh my awful" crap. I am so sick of hearing "God won't give you more than you can handle". My mother was a big one on that expression. and sorry mom, but I don't believe that one any more. A quick rundown on my family.

My newborn daughter gets diagnosed with CF very young after surgery. My second child gets diagnosed with a bleeding disorder at the age of 15. (not terribly life altering but a pain). My brother gets killed in a horrific, violent on the job accident. My brother-in-law drops dead on the job site of an undiagnosed brain tumor. My father-in-law has Alzheimer's and cancer. My husband (age 50) gets diagnosed with Early onset Parkinson's and now I may be facing cancer. I think I have more than I can handle now and I am sick of God dumping S**T on my head, so I don't believe he won't give anyone more than they can handle and I don't belive there is a "master plan" of any kind. I just think my family got REALLY unlucky with genetics!!<hr></blockquote>

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of these things happened to these "healthy" people. So, do the CVS have a "normal" baby, doesnt mean it will have some fairytale life! This post right here hits the point exactly!!!


New member
I only ever read the forums and never post but our situation is my daughter was born with Meconium Ileus and she was our first child, it took my husband and I more than 2 years to come to a decision to have another baby naturally. I fell pregnant and wanted to be tested as we grieved (well I know I did) heavily with the complications with our daughter. I had a CVS at 11 weeks and it came back within a week that our new baby has CF. A shock, yes, but we were well prepared as we knew what was and could happen, we are well aware that this baby , a girl also, may take a different path than our daughter who has only been hospitalised twice (once at birth then again at 1y/o.) these are things to think about. No one is the same and you have to take cross contamination into account, are you prepared to care for 2 children with CF, I know this is going to be alot of work but my husband and I are dedicated to giving both our girls the quality of life they deserve. You will alwats love your children no matter what, some days are good and others aren't, you adapt and learn to cope in various situations, I don't regret having another baby but it is a decision that only you and your partner can make, we involved no one and found it best, we did get a few reactions when we found out from close family but they respect our choices, and so they should. We have 6 weeks to go, I am worried about Meconium Ileus occuring but our doctor's are well prepared.
Good luck with your decision. Sometimes I believe everything happens for a reason.


New member
I have 2older siblings withuot cf and there was me with cf and my parents decided to try again regardless and I have a ypunger sister without cf. I am the "1in4" statistic! I was 3 when my sister was born.