It's nice to see other's are in the OC area! I live in Tustin.

Deanna, I have a CF friend who goes to St. Joe's and I go to LBM. From stories I hear from him, I'm glad I go to Long Beach!! When I met him about a year and a half ago we got to talking about our CF and hospitals and such. He didn't even know what the vest was, which completely shocked me!! He said they don't use them at St. Joes. I've also heard they have a high rate of patients spreading cepacia. What is your experience with them?

clinging2faith, I've never had issues with hygiene at LBM. I'm not exactly sure what you are asking specifically, but as far as I see the docs and nurses all wash their hands or wear gloves when dealing with patients. The hospital itself seems clean. I've never come out of there with anything more than what I went in there with!!! I have noticed though that the respiratory therapists are very aware of good hygiene. Which, I suppose is a good thing, considering people are spewing phlegm at them all day!! As far as the nurses go, like I said before, sometimes you get the nasty ones. I've had a lot more good ones than bad. Right from the start though, I try to establish who's boss (that's me!) I don't let them do anything to me that I don't want them to do. And if I have a problem with them, I go above them and tell whoever is in charge that I don't want that person to be my nurse anymore (I've only had to do that once, though!). Believe me, once word gets around that you don't put up with anything, everyone is nice!


New member
Wow Lindsey small world. I grew up in Tustin. Lived there my whole life until about 5 yrs ago to buy a house in corona. Could not afford Tustin.My in-laws live in Tustin Ranch.
Anyways to answer your question about st. Joe's I think they are pretty current with knowledge and treatments. I am not sure about the care and attitudes of the docs. That is my biggest problem. They have used the vest for quite awhile, as far as I know. I got it ages ago. They did have quite a bit of cepacia. I think it hit all at once. But i think they finally got it under control. I am in the hospital quite a bit and managed to stay clear of it. I would love to know who your friend is, if he would not mind you saying. I know quite a few of the cf'ers there. Anyways, always fun to exchange notes with people close. Have you always gone to LBM?You are so close to St Joe"s. Did you go to CHOC?


New member
Wow Lindsey small world. I grew up in Tustin. Lived there my whole life until about 5 yrs ago to buy a house in corona. Could not afford Tustin.My in-laws live in Tustin Ranch.
Anyways to answer your question about st. Joe's I think they are pretty current with knowledge and treatments. I am not sure about the care and attitudes of the docs. That is my biggest problem. They have used the vest for quite awhile, as far as I know. I got it ages ago. They did have quite a bit of cepacia. I think it hit all at once. But i think they finally got it under control. I am in the hospital quite a bit and managed to stay clear of it. I would love to know who your friend is, if he would not mind you saying. I know quite a few of the cf'ers there. Anyways, always fun to exchange notes with people close. Have you always gone to LBM?You are so close to St Joe"s. Did you go to CHOC?


New member
Wow Lindsey small world. I grew up in Tustin. Lived there my whole life until about 5 yrs ago to buy a house in corona. Could not afford Tustin.My in-laws live in Tustin Ranch.
Anyways to answer your question about st. Joe's I think they are pretty current with knowledge and treatments. I am not sure about the care and attitudes of the docs. That is my biggest problem. They have used the vest for quite awhile, as far as I know. I got it ages ago. They did have quite a bit of cepacia. I think it hit all at once. But i think they finally got it under control. I am in the hospital quite a bit and managed to stay clear of it. I would love to know who your friend is, if he would not mind you saying. I know quite a few of the cf'ers there. Anyways, always fun to exchange notes with people close. Have you always gone to LBM?You are so close to St Joe"s. Did you go to CHOC?


New member
wow, really, thought it was that bad?
I totally disagree.
I first started going a few years ago...I was in admission waiting for my second visit and the charge nurse was there and remembered me by name!...after only one other visit. Yep, I have had the occasional idiot, but those are usually floaters or travelers. If you do have a problem with one of the nurses, just tell a charge nurse and they will fix it. I had a problem with one of my night nursese and told the charge, and she discretetly took over. I'm thankful that that the nurses don't go "by the book" other words, they don't stand over you waiting for you to take your meds, or won't bug you all the time with vitals. The one thing I would like to see improved: since they know we are self sufficient, sometimes they forget about us. But, realistically, I'd rather be left alone anyway. I guess this is something I should address with the charge nurse.

Now in comparison, I've been to Cedar Sinai in the past (20 years ago), before I had CF exacerbations, and I thought the nurses there were very unfriendly. However, I did appreciate the seemingly better communication between doctors - something USC as something to be desired.

At USC, time after time, if I even mention something in passing conversations, they make sure they do what they can on their end to help it get resolved. I think they are all extremely caring.

Please, tell me your experience. If you don't feel comfortable posting, you can IM me.


New member
wow, really, thought it was that bad?
I totally disagree.
I first started going a few years ago...I was in admission waiting for my second visit and the charge nurse was there and remembered me by name!...after only one other visit. Yep, I have had the occasional idiot, but those are usually floaters or travelers. If you do have a problem with one of the nurses, just tell a charge nurse and they will fix it. I had a problem with one of my night nursese and told the charge, and she discretetly took over. I'm thankful that that the nurses don't go "by the book" other words, they don't stand over you waiting for you to take your meds, or won't bug you all the time with vitals. The one thing I would like to see improved: since they know we are self sufficient, sometimes they forget about us. But, realistically, I'd rather be left alone anyway. I guess this is something I should address with the charge nurse.

Now in comparison, I've been to Cedar Sinai in the past (20 years ago), before I had CF exacerbations, and I thought the nurses there were very unfriendly. However, I did appreciate the seemingly better communication between doctors - something USC as something to be desired.

At USC, time after time, if I even mention something in passing conversations, they make sure they do what they can on their end to help it get resolved. I think they are all extremely caring.

Please, tell me your experience. If you don't feel comfortable posting, you can IM me.


New member
wow, really, thought it was that bad?
I totally disagree.
I first started going a few years ago...I was in admission waiting for my second visit and the charge nurse was there and remembered me by name!...after only one other visit. Yep, I have had the occasional idiot, but those are usually floaters or travelers. If you do have a problem with one of the nurses, just tell a charge nurse and they will fix it. I had a problem with one of my night nursese and told the charge, and she discretetly took over. I'm thankful that that the nurses don't go "by the book" other words, they don't stand over you waiting for you to take your meds, or won't bug you all the time with vitals. The one thing I would like to see improved: since they know we are self sufficient, sometimes they forget about us. But, realistically, I'd rather be left alone anyway. I guess this is something I should address with the charge nurse.

Now in comparison, I've been to Cedar Sinai in the past (20 years ago), before I had CF exacerbations, and I thought the nurses there were very unfriendly. However, I did appreciate the seemingly better communication between doctors - something USC as something to be desired.

At USC, time after time, if I even mention something in passing conversations, they make sure they do what they can on their end to help it get resolved. I think they are all extremely caring.

Please, tell me your experience. If you don't feel comfortable posting, you can IM me.


New member

It's good to know that you feel differently about USC hospital (not the CF Team, which is very good). I don't want to change your opinion. I think it's gone downhill over the past four years. They lack process. I like Cedars better. They seem more on top of their game. The picc line process at USC can be scary at times. I know D & D are trying to get the hospital to improve things. I think it may come down to the nursing shortage. Some of the freelance nurses leave a lot to be desired. What doctor did you see at Cedars?

Best regards,



New member

It's good to know that you feel differently about USC hospital (not the CF Team, which is very good). I don't want to change your opinion. I think it's gone downhill over the past four years. They lack process. I like Cedars better. They seem more on top of their game. The picc line process at USC can be scary at times. I know D & D are trying to get the hospital to improve things. I think it may come down to the nursing shortage. Some of the freelance nurses leave a lot to be desired. What doctor did you see at Cedars?

Best regards,



New member

It's good to know that you feel differently about USC hospital (not the CF Team, which is very good). I don't want to change your opinion. I think it's gone downhill over the past four years. They lack process. I like Cedars better. They seem more on top of their game. The picc line process at USC can be scary at times. I know D & D are trying to get the hospital to improve things. I think it may come down to the nursing shortage. Some of the freelance nurses leave a lot to be desired. What doctor did you see at Cedars?

Best regards,



New member
I know things have changed since I first started going. I think some of that has to do with Dr. Shapiro retiring. I think he and Maureen were an excellent team, and really fought for us (both with regards to the nurses, and with insurance). Dr Rao is an excellent dr in his own right, but I think the new team is quite overwhelmed with the influx of patients and don't have the time (or balls, may I say?) to fight for us. But let me reitterate - they are good at what they's just a different breed than the "old" team. I think the new team is working for us in different ways, but maybe not as fast as we'd like. I admit, I've had a hard time adjusting.

I agree with the picc line situation. I hate it too. I hate getting peripherals (sp?) while waiting for them. On top of that, I ONLY like the female nurse, the male just doesn't have the skills yet, and has hurt me so much that I REFUSE to let him do mine. They need more on staff, that's for sure.

As for Cedars, it was over 20 years ago and I don't know what they are like these days. My dr back then was my pediatrician, and the CF doctor Benjamin Kagan (who is now deceased) My ped was a fighter also - made sure the nurses were getting things done. I think that makes a huge difference in hospital stays.
Mind you, there is no hospital like Cedars and you can't compare anything to it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

With that said, I'm not badmouthing our team....all in all I think they are working hard to take care of us. I think Dr Shapiro and Maureen set a tone with the 6 south nurses that have helped us in our stays....I'm talking the staff, not the travelers.

If you have a problem with a certain nurse - just tell the charge nurse, she will change them if you ask. For a while they were giving me all the new nurses, because they knew I was so easy going. Well, since I've started to speak up - I know they needed training with us, but I don't want to be the guinea (sp?) pig, ya know? I think they should pair them up or something. Anyway, I speak up now and ask for a change - my stay should be pleasant as possible - given that I'm alert and active.


New member
I know things have changed since I first started going. I think some of that has to do with Dr. Shapiro retiring. I think he and Maureen were an excellent team, and really fought for us (both with regards to the nurses, and with insurance). Dr Rao is an excellent dr in his own right, but I think the new team is quite overwhelmed with the influx of patients and don't have the time (or balls, may I say?) to fight for us. But let me reitterate - they are good at what they's just a different breed than the "old" team. I think the new team is working for us in different ways, but maybe not as fast as we'd like. I admit, I've had a hard time adjusting.

I agree with the picc line situation. I hate it too. I hate getting peripherals (sp?) while waiting for them. On top of that, I ONLY like the female nurse, the male just doesn't have the skills yet, and has hurt me so much that I REFUSE to let him do mine. They need more on staff, that's for sure.

As for Cedars, it was over 20 years ago and I don't know what they are like these days. My dr back then was my pediatrician, and the CF doctor Benjamin Kagan (who is now deceased) My ped was a fighter also - made sure the nurses were getting things done. I think that makes a huge difference in hospital stays.
Mind you, there is no hospital like Cedars and you can't compare anything to it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

With that said, I'm not badmouthing our team....all in all I think they are working hard to take care of us. I think Dr Shapiro and Maureen set a tone with the 6 south nurses that have helped us in our stays....I'm talking the staff, not the travelers.

If you have a problem with a certain nurse - just tell the charge nurse, she will change them if you ask. For a while they were giving me all the new nurses, because they knew I was so easy going. Well, since I've started to speak up - I know they needed training with us, but I don't want to be the guinea (sp?) pig, ya know? I think they should pair them up or something. Anyway, I speak up now and ask for a change - my stay should be pleasant as possible - given that I'm alert and active.


New member
I know things have changed since I first started going. I think some of that has to do with Dr. Shapiro retiring. I think he and Maureen were an excellent team, and really fought for us (both with regards to the nurses, and with insurance). Dr Rao is an excellent dr in his own right, but I think the new team is quite overwhelmed with the influx of patients and don't have the time (or balls, may I say?) to fight for us. But let me reitterate - they are good at what they's just a different breed than the "old" team. I think the new team is working for us in different ways, but maybe not as fast as we'd like. I admit, I've had a hard time adjusting.

I agree with the picc line situation. I hate it too. I hate getting peripherals (sp?) while waiting for them. On top of that, I ONLY like the female nurse, the male just doesn't have the skills yet, and has hurt me so much that I REFUSE to let him do mine. They need more on staff, that's for sure.

As for Cedars, it was over 20 years ago and I don't know what they are like these days. My dr back then was my pediatrician, and the CF doctor Benjamin Kagan (who is now deceased) My ped was a fighter also - made sure the nurses were getting things done. I think that makes a huge difference in hospital stays.
Mind you, there is no hospital like Cedars and you can't compare anything to it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

With that said, I'm not badmouthing our team....all in all I think they are working hard to take care of us. I think Dr Shapiro and Maureen set a tone with the 6 south nurses that have helped us in our stays....I'm talking the staff, not the travelers.

If you have a problem with a certain nurse - just tell the charge nurse, she will change them if you ask. For a while they were giving me all the new nurses, because they knew I was so easy going. Well, since I've started to speak up - I know they needed training with us, but I don't want to be the guinea (sp?) pig, ya know? I think they should pair them up or something. Anyway, I speak up now and ask for a change - my stay should be pleasant as possible - given that I'm alert and active.
Deanna, I'm in Tustin Ranch too, right near the auto center!

I don't know how my friend would feel about me talking about him, but his name is Chris and he's 21. He also has a younger sister named Danielle who goes there as well. I don't think they are real "frequent fliers" though. I've been going to Long Beach since I was about 5. When I was really young I went to CHOC, but I'm not exactly sure why my parents switched me. I've grown up with the docs at LB so that is why I stay there. Why fix it if it's not broken, right? I grew up in Garden Grove, so it wasn't really that far.

Take care!!
Deanna, I'm in Tustin Ranch too, right near the auto center!

I don't know how my friend would feel about me talking about him, but his name is Chris and he's 21. He also has a younger sister named Danielle who goes there as well. I don't think they are real "frequent fliers" though. I've been going to Long Beach since I was about 5. When I was really young I went to CHOC, but I'm not exactly sure why my parents switched me. I've grown up with the docs at LB so that is why I stay there. Why fix it if it's not broken, right? I grew up in Garden Grove, so it wasn't really that far.

Take care!!
Deanna, I'm in Tustin Ranch too, right near the auto center!

I don't know how my friend would feel about me talking about him, but his name is Chris and he's 21. He also has a younger sister named Danielle who goes there as well. I don't think they are real "frequent fliers" though. I've been going to Long Beach since I was about 5. When I was really young I went to CHOC, but I'm not exactly sure why my parents switched me. I've grown up with the docs at LB so that is why I stay there. Why fix it if it's not broken, right? I grew up in Garden Grove, so it wasn't really that far.

Take care!!


New member
Hi Sally,
Thank you so much 4 yr news and msg. I cancelled my hospitalization bc i didnt have a good feeling about it. And yes, good nurses and understanding ones is what Im looking for so I will try to get to the clinic you go to.
Its early I just wanted to get in and see if any ohter answers were posted and I do have some more. i will contact you thank you for all yr help. Its helping me a lot trying to decide whose going to care for me.
Like said, i will contact you a bit later on today. Even if leaving a msg.
Have a good day and take care


New member
Hi Sally,
Thank you so much 4 yr news and msg. I cancelled my hospitalization bc i didnt have a good feeling about it. And yes, good nurses and understanding ones is what Im looking for so I will try to get to the clinic you go to.
Its early I just wanted to get in and see if any ohter answers were posted and I do have some more. i will contact you thank you for all yr help. Its helping me a lot trying to decide whose going to care for me.
Like said, i will contact you a bit later on today. Even if leaving a msg.
Have a good day and take care


New member
Hi Sally,
Thank you so much 4 yr news and msg. I cancelled my hospitalization bc i didnt have a good feeling about it. And yes, good nurses and understanding ones is what Im looking for so I will try to get to the clinic you go to.
Its early I just wanted to get in and see if any ohter answers were posted and I do have some more. i will contact you thank you for all yr help. Its helping me a lot trying to decide whose going to care for me.
Like said, i will contact you a bit later on today. Even if leaving a msg.
Have a good day and take care


New member
HI Deanna,
I used to go to St. Joeph's up until 2001 (or 2000). I switched becase a doctor who was not used to adult c.f. symptoms kept giving me a hard time and it became too much too stand along with the illness. He just was not understanding of adults with c.f. Now they dont take adults and they won't take another adult back in their system. Which is too bad because i loved Dr. Hicks he was very good. But the other doctor was a real pain to deal with.

I have switched to LBMMC but Im not convinced. Im new, i know. But Im good about analyzing my feelings about things and im not happy i think i rather keep looking at the rest of the options which aren ot more than 2 now for me.

Stay at St. Joseph's its a good hospital.
Take care.