do you let your cf'r use the shower?



Wow, this is very worrisome to me. When Graycie is clogged up and full of mucus the doctors have told us to increase her treatments and to put her in the bathroom while we shower. Maybe not a good idea anymore.


Wow, this is very worrisome to me. When Graycie is clogged up and full of mucus the doctors have told us to increase her treatments and to put her in the bathroom while we shower. Maybe not a good idea anymore.


Wow, this is very worrisome to me. When Graycie is clogged up and full of mucus the doctors have told us to increase her treatments and to put her in the bathroom while we shower. Maybe not a good idea anymore.


Wow, this is very worrisome to me. When Graycie is clogged up and full of mucus the doctors have told us to increase her treatments and to put her in the bathroom while we shower. Maybe not a good idea anymore.


Wow, this is very worrisome to me. When Graycie is clogged up and full of mucus the doctors have told us to increase her treatments and to put her in the bathroom while we shower. Maybe not a good idea anymore.


New member
You daughter sits in her bouncy seat also when I am showering and my other daughter has always been allowed to come in and use the potty while anyone is showering. I personally think all this is rediculous! They will one day be taking showers and already take baths with the steamy water in the bathroom. They need to grow to be used to it all. Of course you should keep the bathroom as clean as possible, but you cannot keep your kids from the bathroom or 'steamy' rooms. The fact is, bacteria is everywhere, whether you see it or not! I think some of the worries on here are beyond necessary. (Sorry, my opinion only) I definitely want my children to be safe and healthy, but I also want us to live a close to normal life as well.


New member
You daughter sits in her bouncy seat also when I am showering and my other daughter has always been allowed to come in and use the potty while anyone is showering. I personally think all this is rediculous! They will one day be taking showers and already take baths with the steamy water in the bathroom. They need to grow to be used to it all. Of course you should keep the bathroom as clean as possible, but you cannot keep your kids from the bathroom or 'steamy' rooms. The fact is, bacteria is everywhere, whether you see it or not! I think some of the worries on here are beyond necessary. (Sorry, my opinion only) I definitely want my children to be safe and healthy, but I also want us to live a close to normal life as well.


New member
You daughter sits in her bouncy seat also when I am showering and my other daughter has always been allowed to come in and use the potty while anyone is showering. I personally think all this is rediculous! They will one day be taking showers and already take baths with the steamy water in the bathroom. They need to grow to be used to it all. Of course you should keep the bathroom as clean as possible, but you cannot keep your kids from the bathroom or 'steamy' rooms. The fact is, bacteria is everywhere, whether you see it or not! I think some of the worries on here are beyond necessary. (Sorry, my opinion only) I definitely want my children to be safe and healthy, but I also want us to live a close to normal life as well.


New member
You daughter sits in her bouncy seat also when I am showering and my other daughter has always been allowed to come in and use the potty while anyone is showering. I personally think all this is rediculous! They will one day be taking showers and already take baths with the steamy water in the bathroom. They need to grow to be used to it all. Of course you should keep the bathroom as clean as possible, but you cannot keep your kids from the bathroom or 'steamy' rooms. The fact is, bacteria is everywhere, whether you see it or not! I think some of the worries on here are beyond necessary. (Sorry, my opinion only) I definitely want my children to be safe and healthy, but I also want us to live a close to normal life as well.


New member
You daughter sits in her bouncy seat also when I am showering and my other daughter has always been allowed to come in and use the potty while anyone is showering. I personally think all this is rediculous! They will one day be taking showers and already take baths with the steamy water in the bathroom. They need to grow to be used to it all. Of course you should keep the bathroom as clean as possible, but you cannot keep your kids from the bathroom or 'steamy' rooms. The fact is, bacteria is everywhere, whether you see it or not! I think some of the worries on here are beyond necessary. (Sorry, my opinion only) I definitely want my children to be safe and healthy, but I also want us to live a close to normal life as well.


Staff member
We had a hot tub as well in our back yard and gave it to a relative when DS was about a year old. I'd read an article about all the bacteria in hot tubs, jacuzzi jets, etc and don't thing I'll ever set foot in one again either. And to think there was one in my hospital room when DS was born. Cringe!

DS prefers tubs and when we stay at hotels, I bring along antibacterial wipes and clorox spray to wipe down surfaces and the remote anyway. I'm sure at some point he'll prefer showers and we'll deal with it then, probably bring along our own showerheads.


Staff member
We had a hot tub as well in our back yard and gave it to a relative when DS was about a year old. I'd read an article about all the bacteria in hot tubs, jacuzzi jets, etc and don't thing I'll ever set foot in one again either. And to think there was one in my hospital room when DS was born. Cringe!

DS prefers tubs and when we stay at hotels, I bring along antibacterial wipes and clorox spray to wipe down surfaces and the remote anyway. I'm sure at some point he'll prefer showers and we'll deal with it then, probably bring along our own showerheads.


Staff member
We had a hot tub as well in our back yard and gave it to a relative when DS was about a year old. I'd read an article about all the bacteria in hot tubs, jacuzzi jets, etc and don't thing I'll ever set foot in one again either. And to think there was one in my hospital room when DS was born. Cringe!

DS prefers tubs and when we stay at hotels, I bring along antibacterial wipes and clorox spray to wipe down surfaces and the remote anyway. I'm sure at some point he'll prefer showers and we'll deal with it then, probably bring along our own showerheads.


Staff member
We had a hot tub as well in our back yard and gave it to a relative when DS was about a year old. I'd read an article about all the bacteria in hot tubs, jacuzzi jets, etc and don't thing I'll ever set foot in one again either. And to think there was one in my hospital room when DS was born. Cringe!

DS prefers tubs and when we stay at hotels, I bring along antibacterial wipes and clorox spray to wipe down surfaces and the remote anyway. I'm sure at some point he'll prefer showers and we'll deal with it then, probably bring along our own showerheads.


Staff member
We had a hot tub as well in our back yard and gave it to a relative when DS was about a year old. I'd read an article about all the bacteria in hot tubs, jacuzzi jets, etc and don't thing I'll ever set foot in one again either. And to think there was one in my hospital room when DS was born. Cringe!
<br />
<br />DS prefers tubs and when we stay at hotels, I bring along antibacterial wipes and clorox spray to wipe down surfaces and the remote anyway. I'm sure at some point he'll prefer showers and we'll deal with it then, probably bring along our own showerheads.


New member
Lol I was on the swim team from 5-17 and each day 5 days a week for 3 months straight (as long as the swim season was) I went into the club spa and never had a problem. We also had a hot tub at our house.

Afterwards I took a nice warm shower.

Those were some of the healthiest years of my life.

Sure, one can make the argument that I was younger, was more active, had a stronger immune system, exc. but when it comes down to it you just gotta live life.

If parents try to "ban" certain every day items from their kids they are not living a normal lifestyle and just makes having this disease 100x worse.


New member
Lol I was on the swim team from 5-17 and each day 5 days a week for 3 months straight (as long as the swim season was) I went into the club spa and never had a problem. We also had a hot tub at our house.

Afterwards I took a nice warm shower.

Those were some of the healthiest years of my life.

Sure, one can make the argument that I was younger, was more active, had a stronger immune system, exc. but when it comes down to it you just gotta live life.

If parents try to "ban" certain every day items from their kids they are not living a normal lifestyle and just makes having this disease 100x worse.


New member
Lol I was on the swim team from 5-17 and each day 5 days a week for 3 months straight (as long as the swim season was) I went into the club spa and never had a problem. We also had a hot tub at our house.

Afterwards I took a nice warm shower.

Those were some of the healthiest years of my life.

Sure, one can make the argument that I was younger, was more active, had a stronger immune system, exc. but when it comes down to it you just gotta live life.

If parents try to "ban" certain every day items from their kids they are not living a normal lifestyle and just makes having this disease 100x worse.


New member
Lol I was on the swim team from 5-17 and each day 5 days a week for 3 months straight (as long as the swim season was) I went into the club spa and never had a problem. We also had a hot tub at our house.

Afterwards I took a nice warm shower.

Those were some of the healthiest years of my life.

Sure, one can make the argument that I was younger, was more active, had a stronger immune system, exc. but when it comes down to it you just gotta live life.

If parents try to "ban" certain every day items from their kids they are not living a normal lifestyle and just makes having this disease 100x worse.


New member
Lol I was on the swim team from 5-17 and each day 5 days a week for 3 months straight (as long as the swim season was) I went into the club spa and never had a problem. We also had a hot tub at our house.
<br />
<br />Afterwards I took a nice warm shower.
<br />
<br />Those were some of the healthiest years of my life.
<br />
<br />Sure, one can make the argument that I was younger, was more active, had a stronger immune system, exc. but when it comes down to it you just gotta live life.
<br />
<br />If parents try to "ban" certain every day items from their kids they are not living a normal lifestyle and just makes having this disease 100x worse.