Do you tell people...?


New member
Ry told everyone he had CF, if they cared to hear about it. Coworkers, friends, the guy who works at the corner store, Ry was basically an open book. He told them all about it, then moved on to the next topic to show it was just another thing about him, like him being Jewish or having a kid. It was something different about him, but the need for more than basic consideration wasn't called for. He tried to avoid the negative attention thing.

If anyone did try to baby him about it in an annoying way, he just told them that he'd lived with it this long, he was pretty sure he knew how to handle it, and he wanted to live while he was alive anyhow.

I don't blame you for being apprehensive about telling people, but I hope you don't have to be <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Ry told everyone he had CF, if they cared to hear about it. Coworkers, friends, the guy who works at the corner store, Ry was basically an open book. He told them all about it, then moved on to the next topic to show it was just another thing about him, like him being Jewish or having a kid. It was something different about him, but the need for more than basic consideration wasn't called for. He tried to avoid the negative attention thing.

If anyone did try to baby him about it in an annoying way, he just told them that he'd lived with it this long, he was pretty sure he knew how to handle it, and he wanted to live while he was alive anyhow.

I don't blame you for being apprehensive about telling people, but I hope you don't have to be <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm open about it in friendships from the point at which it comes up..similar to Amy's examples but I find people are too shy to ask why I cough so I blurt it out for example "Don't worry I'm not contagious, I know I sound like hell but it's my cf acting up. I'll be better soon." Then we usually discuss cf if they don't know what it is already. Or often about why I can't be in smoky place leads to the cf talk or about having a baby now for my health sake or having to go home early to do my treatments or someone's at my place and see's my gear that I don't hide (purposely and because it would be a pain in the ass now that I have a nice permanent set up). It's funny I had alot more what I call 'openers' when I was young probably because kids are so good at asking 'why?' and adults are trained to mind their own business. Sometimes I have to force the subject such as telling my boss and the owner of the company.

When it comes to work I keep it secret for a year and then tell the boss then everyone else. I'm in the everyone else phase right now. I probably would tell sooner but I was raised by a father that preached to me about job discrimation on a regular basis. So I keep my mouth shut until after my track record is strong (I'm out sick less than the normies) and honestly now my resume speaks strongly for itself that people would want me probably even with a little baggage :) Oh that feels so good. When it comes down to it ... everyone has something in life to deal with.

Waiting a while to tell people gives them a clue as to how to respond like someone previously mentioned. This is why I have heard the "Well if it's not a big deal to you, it's not a big deal to me" comment multiple times. When funny enough it's a huge deal to me and a huge part of my life I just try to have a well adjusted life 9-5. So who cares if they don't know the long and short of it. I give it out in bit size pieces. No one wants dumped on in life. I have a few ways I tell the story depending on the circumstances. Remember you don't owe anyone anything though do what feels comfy.


New member
I'm open about it in friendships from the point at which it comes up..similar to Amy's examples but I find people are too shy to ask why I cough so I blurt it out for example "Don't worry I'm not contagious, I know I sound like hell but it's my cf acting up. I'll be better soon." Then we usually discuss cf if they don't know what it is already. Or often about why I can't be in smoky place leads to the cf talk or about having a baby now for my health sake or having to go home early to do my treatments or someone's at my place and see's my gear that I don't hide (purposely and because it would be a pain in the ass now that I have a nice permanent set up). It's funny I had alot more what I call 'openers' when I was young probably because kids are so good at asking 'why?' and adults are trained to mind their own business. Sometimes I have to force the subject such as telling my boss and the owner of the company.

When it comes to work I keep it secret for a year and then tell the boss then everyone else. I'm in the everyone else phase right now. I probably would tell sooner but I was raised by a father that preached to me about job discrimation on a regular basis. So I keep my mouth shut until after my track record is strong (I'm out sick less than the normies) and honestly now my resume speaks strongly for itself that people would want me probably even with a little baggage :) Oh that feels so good. When it comes down to it ... everyone has something in life to deal with.

Waiting a while to tell people gives them a clue as to how to respond like someone previously mentioned. This is why I have heard the "Well if it's not a big deal to you, it's not a big deal to me" comment multiple times. When funny enough it's a huge deal to me and a huge part of my life I just try to have a well adjusted life 9-5. So who cares if they don't know the long and short of it. I give it out in bit size pieces. No one wants dumped on in life. I have a few ways I tell the story depending on the circumstances. Remember you don't owe anyone anything though do what feels comfy.


New member
I'm open about it in friendships from the point at which it comes up..similar to Amy's examples but I find people are too shy to ask why I cough so I blurt it out for example "Don't worry I'm not contagious, I know I sound like hell but it's my cf acting up. I'll be better soon." Then we usually discuss cf if they don't know what it is already. Or often about why I can't be in smoky place leads to the cf talk or about having a baby now for my health sake or having to go home early to do my treatments or someone's at my place and see's my gear that I don't hide (purposely and because it would be a pain in the ass now that I have a nice permanent set up). It's funny I had alot more what I call 'openers' when I was young probably because kids are so good at asking 'why?' and adults are trained to mind their own business. Sometimes I have to force the subject such as telling my boss and the owner of the company.

When it comes to work I keep it secret for a year and then tell the boss then everyone else. I'm in the everyone else phase right now. I probably would tell sooner but I was raised by a father that preached to me about job discrimation on a regular basis. So I keep my mouth shut until after my track record is strong (I'm out sick less than the normies) and honestly now my resume speaks strongly for itself that people would want me probably even with a little baggage :) Oh that feels so good. When it comes down to it ... everyone has something in life to deal with.

Waiting a while to tell people gives them a clue as to how to respond like someone previously mentioned. This is why I have heard the "Well if it's not a big deal to you, it's not a big deal to me" comment multiple times. When funny enough it's a huge deal to me and a huge part of my life I just try to have a well adjusted life 9-5. So who cares if they don't know the long and short of it. I give it out in bit size pieces. No one wants dumped on in life. I have a few ways I tell the story depending on the circumstances. Remember you don't owe anyone anything though do what feels comfy.


New member
I am pretty open about it if people ask, but go out of my way to
tell people either.  It also depends on who it is and whether
or not I think they will understand.  Like the guys on my
hockey team I told I had asthma.  I don't think they would
have any clue and because I don't see them in any other social
setting I didn't see point.


New member
I am pretty open about it if people ask, but go out of my way to
tell people either.  It also depends on who it is and whether
or not I think they will understand.  Like the guys on my
hockey team I told I had asthma.  I don't think they would
have any clue and because I don't see them in any other social
setting I didn't see point.


New member
I am pretty open about it if people ask, but go out of my way to
tell people either.  It also depends on who it is and whether
or not I think they will understand.  Like the guys on my
hockey team I told I had asthma.  I don't think they would
have any clue and because I don't see them in any other social
setting I didn't see point.


New member
I used to hide my CF from strangers/ co-workers and the severity of
it.  This past 4 months though I got a new job.  I hid it
from most of the people as well.  Then I started to get sicker
to the point of hospitalization.  And one of the (pardon the
language) goddamn waitresses said I was being a lazy ass to get out
of doing as much work.  Well I told her where to go and the
next day brought in about 6 pages of printed off stuff about CF and
told her to read this and then make that same statement about me..
 Since that day I have, and continue to ignore her.  She
has not apologized one bit and still acts the same around me.
 So I just ignore her don't help her at all.  Partial
reason I do this is to show her just how much of her work I was
actually doing for her.  Sure she has gone to the supervisor
and manager about me not helping her at all, BUT I have known the
supervisor for about 5 years, so she knows my condition and its
I guess I can just keep on working on getting that lazy waitress to
respect me, or get her to quit <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I used to hide my CF from strangers/ co-workers and the severity of
it.  This past 4 months though I got a new job.  I hid it
from most of the people as well.  Then I started to get sicker
to the point of hospitalization.  And one of the (pardon the
language) goddamn waitresses said I was being a lazy ass to get out
of doing as much work.  Well I told her where to go and the
next day brought in about 6 pages of printed off stuff about CF and
told her to read this and then make that same statement about me..
 Since that day I have, and continue to ignore her.  She
has not apologized one bit and still acts the same around me.
 So I just ignore her don't help her at all.  Partial
reason I do this is to show her just how much of her work I was
actually doing for her.  Sure she has gone to the supervisor
and manager about me not helping her at all, BUT I have known the
supervisor for about 5 years, so she knows my condition and its
I guess I can just keep on working on getting that lazy waitress to
respect me, or get her to quit <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I used to hide my CF from strangers/ co-workers and the severity of
it.  This past 4 months though I got a new job.  I hid it
from most of the people as well.  Then I started to get sicker
to the point of hospitalization.  And one of the (pardon the
language) goddamn waitresses said I was being a lazy ass to get out
of doing as much work.  Well I told her where to go and the
next day brought in about 6 pages of printed off stuff about CF and
told her to read this and then make that same statement about me..
 Since that day I have, and continue to ignore her.  She
has not apologized one bit and still acts the same around me.
 So I just ignore her don't help her at all.  Partial
reason I do this is to show her just how much of her work I was
actually doing for her.  Sure she has gone to the supervisor
and manager about me not helping her at all, BUT I have known the
supervisor for about 5 years, so she knows my condition and its
I guess I can just keep on working on getting that lazy waitress to
respect me, or get her to quit <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
As easy as it seems not to tell people about you Cystic Fibrosis Life its easier to tell them. Once they know you don't have the burden of hiding anything hoping noone will find out or what will happen when they do. Just recently I have told my peers about it and it seems easier...I mean sometimes they worry a little bit too much but let them know its ok to be curious, ask questions, etc. It was very hard for me to tell my peers but once I did I felt like I had alot less to worry about...and when they ask I answer. Now instead of people wondering what was going on when I was hospitalized they knew and I didn't have to come up with some stupid excuse that I knew they didn't believe in the first place. In the end, I think that you should let them in on you Cystic Fibrosis Life, however, not everything is best for everyone...But this made my stress go down, less worries, less stress, Better Health.


New member
As easy as it seems not to tell people about you Cystic Fibrosis Life its easier to tell them. Once they know you don't have the burden of hiding anything hoping noone will find out or what will happen when they do. Just recently I have told my peers about it and it seems easier...I mean sometimes they worry a little bit too much but let them know its ok to be curious, ask questions, etc. It was very hard for me to tell my peers but once I did I felt like I had alot less to worry about...and when they ask I answer. Now instead of people wondering what was going on when I was hospitalized they knew and I didn't have to come up with some stupid excuse that I knew they didn't believe in the first place. In the end, I think that you should let them in on you Cystic Fibrosis Life, however, not everything is best for everyone...But this made my stress go down, less worries, less stress, Better Health.


New member
As easy as it seems not to tell people about you Cystic Fibrosis Life its easier to tell them. Once they know you don't have the burden of hiding anything hoping noone will find out or what will happen when they do. Just recently I have told my peers about it and it seems easier...I mean sometimes they worry a little bit too much but let them know its ok to be curious, ask questions, etc. It was very hard for me to tell my peers but once I did I felt like I had alot less to worry about...and when they ask I answer. Now instead of people wondering what was going on when I was hospitalized they knew and I didn't have to come up with some stupid excuse that I knew they didn't believe in the first place. In the end, I think that you should let them in on you Cystic Fibrosis Life, however, not everything is best for everyone...But this made my stress go down, less worries, less stress, Better Health.


New member
What part of her post can't Shirley be serious about? Seems like she's sensible in all aspects. It might not work for you, but she does seem very logical and everything she says is clear. . .


New member
What part of her post can't Shirley be serious about? Seems like she's sensible in all aspects. It might not work for you, but she does seem very logical and everything she says is clear. . .


New member
What part of her post can't Shirley be serious about? Seems like she's sensible in all aspects. It might not work for you, but she does seem very logical and everything she says is clear. . .