

New member
Nope, CF Services Pharmacy does not have it.

As I said earlier this thread, there are only 3 companies in the US that have the eFlow, and they serve different geographies. For CA, Foundation Care is the <b> only </b> pharmacy there.

And you will find Rao more apt to prescribe it because I've pushed him over <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Tell Diane I say hi. I love her.


New member
I love Diane too Amy, she is the biggest sweet heart. She knows her s@#$ too. I do miss her as an inpatient nurse though!!!

I was so happy when she took the position in the CF Team. She is the only one I talk to there when I need something because she gets stuff done!!!!!!

I sent her an email letting her know I wanted the Eflow. I am excited about it because its so small and seems to work so well. Hopefully I will be getting mine soon too!

I can be an Elfow groupie LOL!!!!


New member
I love Diane too Amy, she is the biggest sweet heart. She knows her s@#$ too. I do miss her as an inpatient nurse though!!!

I was so happy when she took the position in the CF Team. She is the only one I talk to there when I need something because she gets stuff done!!!!!!

I sent her an email letting her know I wanted the Eflow. I am excited about it because its so small and seems to work so well. Hopefully I will be getting mine soon too!

I can be an Elfow groupie LOL!!!!


New member
I love Diane too Amy, she is the biggest sweet heart. She knows her s@#$ too. I do miss her as an inpatient nurse though!!!

I was so happy when she took the position in the CF Team. She is the only one I talk to there when I need something because she gets stuff done!!!!!!

I sent her an email letting her know I wanted the Eflow. I am excited about it because its so small and seems to work so well. Hopefully I will be getting mine soon too!

I can be an Elfow groupie LOL!!!!


New member

I forgot to ask you how long you have had the eflow and how many heads you have gone through? Just curious.

Our first head we had for about 6-8 weeks with no real problems until the end of that time. And then...lost of trouble. Just curious.

I do think that water has a big part to play, but not sure what the balance is. Please explain how you clean yours. Knowledge is power.



New member

I forgot to ask you how long you have had the eflow and how many heads you have gone through? Just curious.

Our first head we had for about 6-8 weeks with no real problems until the end of that time. And then...lost of trouble. Just curious.

I do think that water has a big part to play, but not sure what the balance is. Please explain how you clean yours. Knowledge is power.



New member

I forgot to ask you how long you have had the eflow and how many heads you have gone through? Just curious.

Our first head we had for about 6-8 weeks with no real problems until the end of that time. And then...lost of trouble. Just curious.

I do think that water has a big part to play, but not sure what the balance is. Please explain how you clean yours. Knowledge is power.



New member
[posted by: Sakasuka
"hI'm curious how you evaluated this.

Did you have a head, rinise it with tap water. Then get another head, rinise it only with distilled water (not to be confused with sterile water) and then compare times?

Or did you have just one head, rinse it with tap water, then switch to distilled water, and not see an imporvement?

I would like to know how you evaluated that distilled water wasn't any better, out of curiosity. Thanks"

Yes, we did have several old neb heads that didn't work or that were very slow 15+ min. We were at the point of not using the eflow any more even though we loved evey other aspect of it. The great frustration on the times going up were maddening!! We were constantly calling FoundationCare for ideas (they didn't have any not because they didn't want to help, they were great, but they didn't know how to help us because the product was/is so new).

We figured we had one last very non-scientific attempt to make it work. SO we experimented. We had about 5 neb heads to work with. First I started soaking them all in as many different solutions as I could think of that might work. Vinegar, hydrogen perxoide, alcohol, and baking soda and vinegar (reaching for anything I could think of). THe vinegar worked the best the time was 5 min. the next was the hydrogen peroxide 7.5 min. I then soaked them all in vinegar and all of the times were brought down quite a bit.

After that I tried the different ways of rinsing the head. Once again my only evaluation was timing them. I tried keeping everything the same except the way in which I rinsed ( I had two heads that were each 5 min.) The first time I did it the time went up a little 30 sec. or so, I repeated my non-scientific experiement several more times and each time the one that I rinsed only in distilled water went up. For us...it was a little proof to do what was working.

If I am not mistaken, distilled water can be made into sterile water by boiling it for 10 min correct. If I am wrong I would appreciate someone informing me. I love to learn, but so far that is what we use for all of our cleaning except the faucet water which we use to shake off the medicine.

Oh, we did recieve a new head not to long ago (they sent us one without us calling how fun was that after almost 10 months of constantly needing a new head because ours didn't work) we tried our little experiment of using only the distilled/sterile water and the times went from 3 min to 5 in about 3 treatments. I don't know if 5 is just our lucky number, but at five min. we switched to doing it our old way. Stuck it back in the box for later use.

Amy, just curious I know you are using a few different meds than we are, have your times stayed the same? How about the Hypertonic?

There is a wealth of wisdom and experience on this site any I love it that we can learn from each other. I am open to learning what works well.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
[posted by: Sakasuka
"hI'm curious how you evaluated this.

Did you have a head, rinise it with tap water. Then get another head, rinise it only with distilled water (not to be confused with sterile water) and then compare times?

Or did you have just one head, rinse it with tap water, then switch to distilled water, and not see an imporvement?

I would like to know how you evaluated that distilled water wasn't any better, out of curiosity. Thanks"

Yes, we did have several old neb heads that didn't work or that were very slow 15+ min. We were at the point of not using the eflow any more even though we loved evey other aspect of it. The great frustration on the times going up were maddening!! We were constantly calling FoundationCare for ideas (they didn't have any not because they didn't want to help, they were great, but they didn't know how to help us because the product was/is so new).

We figured we had one last very non-scientific attempt to make it work. SO we experimented. We had about 5 neb heads to work with. First I started soaking them all in as many different solutions as I could think of that might work. Vinegar, hydrogen perxoide, alcohol, and baking soda and vinegar (reaching for anything I could think of). THe vinegar worked the best the time was 5 min. the next was the hydrogen peroxide 7.5 min. I then soaked them all in vinegar and all of the times were brought down quite a bit.

After that I tried the different ways of rinsing the head. Once again my only evaluation was timing them. I tried keeping everything the same except the way in which I rinsed ( I had two heads that were each 5 min.) The first time I did it the time went up a little 30 sec. or so, I repeated my non-scientific experiement several more times and each time the one that I rinsed only in distilled water went up. For us...it was a little proof to do what was working.

If I am not mistaken, distilled water can be made into sterile water by boiling it for 10 min correct. If I am wrong I would appreciate someone informing me. I love to learn, but so far that is what we use for all of our cleaning except the faucet water which we use to shake off the medicine.

Oh, we did recieve a new head not to long ago (they sent us one without us calling how fun was that after almost 10 months of constantly needing a new head because ours didn't work) we tried our little experiment of using only the distilled/sterile water and the times went from 3 min to 5 in about 3 treatments. I don't know if 5 is just our lucky number, but at five min. we switched to doing it our old way. Stuck it back in the box for later use.

Amy, just curious I know you are using a few different meds than we are, have your times stayed the same? How about the Hypertonic?

There is a wealth of wisdom and experience on this site any I love it that we can learn from each other. I am open to learning what works well.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
[posted by: Sakasuka
"hI'm curious how you evaluated this.

Did you have a head, rinise it with tap water. Then get another head, rinise it only with distilled water (not to be confused with sterile water) and then compare times?

Or did you have just one head, rinse it with tap water, then switch to distilled water, and not see an imporvement?

I would like to know how you evaluated that distilled water wasn't any better, out of curiosity. Thanks"

Yes, we did have several old neb heads that didn't work or that were very slow 15+ min. We were at the point of not using the eflow any more even though we loved evey other aspect of it. The great frustration on the times going up were maddening!! We were constantly calling FoundationCare for ideas (they didn't have any not because they didn't want to help, they were great, but they didn't know how to help us because the product was/is so new).

We figured we had one last very non-scientific attempt to make it work. SO we experimented. We had about 5 neb heads to work with. First I started soaking them all in as many different solutions as I could think of that might work. Vinegar, hydrogen perxoide, alcohol, and baking soda and vinegar (reaching for anything I could think of). THe vinegar worked the best the time was 5 min. the next was the hydrogen peroxide 7.5 min. I then soaked them all in vinegar and all of the times were brought down quite a bit.

After that I tried the different ways of rinsing the head. Once again my only evaluation was timing them. I tried keeping everything the same except the way in which I rinsed ( I had two heads that were each 5 min.) The first time I did it the time went up a little 30 sec. or so, I repeated my non-scientific experiement several more times and each time the one that I rinsed only in distilled water went up. For us...it was a little proof to do what was working.

If I am not mistaken, distilled water can be made into sterile water by boiling it for 10 min correct. If I am wrong I would appreciate someone informing me. I love to learn, but so far that is what we use for all of our cleaning except the faucet water which we use to shake off the medicine.

Oh, we did recieve a new head not to long ago (they sent us one without us calling how fun was that after almost 10 months of constantly needing a new head because ours didn't work) we tried our little experiment of using only the distilled/sterile water and the times went from 3 min to 5 in about 3 treatments. I don't know if 5 is just our lucky number, but at five min. we switched to doing it our old way. Stuck it back in the box for later use.

Amy, just curious I know you are using a few different meds than we are, have your times stayed the same? How about the Hypertonic?

There is a wealth of wisdom and experience on this site any I love it that we can learn from each other. I am open to learning what works well.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>creation301</b></i>

If I am not mistaken, distilled water can be made into sterile water by boiling it for 10 min correct. If I am wrong I would appreciate someone informing me.

</end quote></div>

Sterile : free from living germs or microorganism

Very very different from distilled water. And you can't get rid of minerals from boiling. You can only destroy bacteria.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>
Amy, just curious I know you are using a few different meds than we are, have your times stayed the same? How about the Hypertonic?

</end quote></div>

1. Albuterol
2. Intal
3. Pulmozyme
4. HTS
5. Colistin

When I stopped using tap water to clean the head, and started to use the jewelry cleaner, my med times stabilized. You can read more details on my Blog if you'd like. Under categories, click on "efLow"


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>creation301</b></i>

If I am not mistaken, distilled water can be made into sterile water by boiling it for 10 min correct. If I am wrong I would appreciate someone informing me.

</end quote></div>

Sterile : free from living germs or microorganism

Very very different from distilled water. And you can't get rid of minerals from boiling. You can only destroy bacteria.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>
Amy, just curious I know you are using a few different meds than we are, have your times stayed the same? How about the Hypertonic?

</end quote></div>

1. Albuterol
2. Intal
3. Pulmozyme
4. HTS
5. Colistin

When I stopped using tap water to clean the head, and started to use the jewelry cleaner, my med times stabilized. You can read more details on my Blog if you'd like. Under categories, click on "efLow"


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>creation301</b></i>

If I am not mistaken, distilled water can be made into sterile water by boiling it for 10 min correct. If I am wrong I would appreciate someone informing me.

</end quote></div>

Sterile : free from living germs or microorganism

Very very different from distilled water. And you can't get rid of minerals from boiling. You can only destroy bacteria.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>
Amy, just curious I know you are using a few different meds than we are, have your times stayed the same? How about the Hypertonic?

</end quote></div>

1. Albuterol
2. Intal
3. Pulmozyme
4. HTS
5. Colistin

When I stopped using tap water to clean the head, and started to use the jewelry cleaner, my med times stabilized. You can read more details on my Blog if you'd like. Under categories, click on "efLow"


New member
If I start with distilled water and boil it, doesn;t that make it sterile and wouldn't that be the best?
Or is there another way I should do be doing it?



New member
If I start with distilled water and boil it, doesn;t that make it sterile and wouldn't that be the best?
Or is there another way I should do be doing it?



New member
If I start with distilled water and boil it, doesn;t that make it sterile and wouldn't that be the best?
Or is there another way I should do be doing it?



New member
Yes boilding distilled water is good. This will make the water not only mineral free, but bacteria free.

I misundestood... i thought u were boiling tap water and calling it distilled.


New member
Yes boilding distilled water is good. This will make the water not only mineral free, but bacteria free.

I misundestood... i thought u were boiling tap water and calling it distilled.


New member
Yes boilding distilled water is good. This will make the water not only mineral free, but bacteria free.

I misundestood... i thought u were boiling tap water and calling it distilled.


New member
For 3 ml's how long are your treatments taking doing it your way? I am afrarid that the HT going to slow us down...just in case, could you walk me through what you do to clean it.

I know you said the dishwasher, so maybe that is the difference. We have a family of 5 and the dishwasher just sounds gross to me. So I don't think I would ever even consider that, but when you are away from the dishwasher what do you do?

Thanks- Tiffany