

New member
My doc has suggested a GI consult to see what is going on with my GERD/reflux that isn't responding to meds.

She mentioned they may take a tube and put it down my throat to "look around" OR they may do an upper GI endoscopy. She said for the latter, they sedate you, but for the other one, they just numb your throat.

Has anyone had either of these tests and how awful are they? I have a severe gag reflex and am terrified (I gag if I brush my tongue when brusing my teeth!)

Anyway, I'm just really scared and wondering what these tests will feel like. I'd rather not feel them at all and be knocked out, but it sounds like for the first scope, they don't do that.



New member
My doc has suggested a GI consult to see what is going on with my GERD/reflux that isn't responding to meds.

She mentioned they may take a tube and put it down my throat to "look around" OR they may do an upper GI endoscopy. She said for the latter, they sedate you, but for the other one, they just numb your throat.

Has anyone had either of these tests and how awful are they? I have a severe gag reflex and am terrified (I gag if I brush my tongue when brusing my teeth!)

Anyway, I'm just really scared and wondering what these tests will feel like. I'd rather not feel them at all and be knocked out, but it sounds like for the first scope, they don't do that.



New member
My doc has suggested a GI consult to see what is going on with my GERD/reflux that isn't responding to meds.

She mentioned they may take a tube and put it down my throat to "look around" OR they may do an upper GI endoscopy. She said for the latter, they sedate you, but for the other one, they just numb your throat.

Has anyone had either of these tests and how awful are they? I have a severe gag reflex and am terrified (I gag if I brush my tongue when brusing my teeth!)

Anyway, I'm just really scared and wondering what these tests will feel like. I'd rather not feel them at all and be knocked out, but it sounds like for the first scope, they don't do that.



New member
My doc has suggested a GI consult to see what is going on with my GERD/reflux that isn't responding to meds.

She mentioned they may take a tube and put it down my throat to "look around" OR they may do an upper GI endoscopy. She said for the latter, they sedate you, but for the other one, they just numb your throat.

Has anyone had either of these tests and how awful are they? I have a severe gag reflex and am terrified (I gag if I brush my tongue when brusing my teeth!)

Anyway, I'm just really scared and wondering what these tests will feel like. I'd rather not feel them at all and be knocked out, but it sounds like for the first scope, they don't do that.



New member
My doc has suggested a GI consult to see what is going on with my GERD/reflux that isn't responding to meds.
<br />
<br />She mentioned they may take a tube and put it down my throat to "look around" OR they may do an upper GI endoscopy. She said for the latter, they sedate you, but for the other one, they just numb your throat.
<br />
<br />Has anyone had either of these tests and how awful are they? I have a severe gag reflex and am terrified (I gag if I brush my tongue when brusing my teeth!)
<br />
<br />Anyway, I'm just really scared and wondering what these tests will feel like. I'd rather not feel them at all and be knocked out, but it sounds like for the first scope, they don't do that.
<br />
<br />Thanks,


New member
I have not had an EGD, but I went with my mom when she had one. They did what they call conscious sedation with her, which to my knowledge is what they usually do. When doing conscious sedation, you aren't technically "out", but you don't really care whats going on and you don't really remember afterward. They also sprayed the back of her throat with the numbing stuff. I think the worse part for her was the week or so afterward, her throat was very soar, but she also had her esophagus dilated, so that might have been part of that. It wasn't too bad, I don't think. Good luck!

Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
I have not had an EGD, but I went with my mom when she had one. They did what they call conscious sedation with her, which to my knowledge is what they usually do. When doing conscious sedation, you aren't technically "out", but you don't really care whats going on and you don't really remember afterward. They also sprayed the back of her throat with the numbing stuff. I think the worse part for her was the week or so afterward, her throat was very soar, but she also had her esophagus dilated, so that might have been part of that. It wasn't too bad, I don't think. Good luck!

Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
I have not had an EGD, but I went with my mom when she had one. They did what they call conscious sedation with her, which to my knowledge is what they usually do. When doing conscious sedation, you aren't technically "out", but you don't really care whats going on and you don't really remember afterward. They also sprayed the back of her throat with the numbing stuff. I think the worse part for her was the week or so afterward, her throat was very soar, but she also had her esophagus dilated, so that might have been part of that. It wasn't too bad, I don't think. Good luck!

Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
I have not had an EGD, but I went with my mom when she had one. They did what they call conscious sedation with her, which to my knowledge is what they usually do. When doing conscious sedation, you aren't technically "out", but you don't really care whats going on and you don't really remember afterward. They also sprayed the back of her throat with the numbing stuff. I think the worse part for her was the week or so afterward, her throat was very soar, but she also had her esophagus dilated, so that might have been part of that. It wasn't too bad, I don't think. Good luck!

Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
I have not had an EGD, but I went with my mom when she had one. They did what they call conscious sedation with her, which to my knowledge is what they usually do. When doing conscious sedation, you aren't technically "out", but you don't really care whats going on and you don't really remember afterward. They also sprayed the back of her throat with the numbing stuff. I think the worse part for her was the week or so afterward, her throat was very soar, but she also had her esophagus dilated, so that might have been part of that. It wasn't too bad, I don't think. Good luck!
<br />
<br />Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
I had an upper GI Endoscopy a few years ago. Like you, I was nervous because I also have a very bad gag reflex. Honestly, the procedure was no big deal, and if I ever need to have one again in the future, I would not hesistate. They numbed my throat real well by spraying some numbing medication. I also had conscious sedation and fell asleep during the whole procedure. I had no pain and no side effects afterwards. I did feel really dizzy after though, but I think it was the meds they used for the conscious sedation and it eventually wore off. They also took biopsies and I didn't feel a thing.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.
Take care,
34 wcf


New member
I had an upper GI Endoscopy a few years ago. Like you, I was nervous because I also have a very bad gag reflex. Honestly, the procedure was no big deal, and if I ever need to have one again in the future, I would not hesistate. They numbed my throat real well by spraying some numbing medication. I also had conscious sedation and fell asleep during the whole procedure. I had no pain and no side effects afterwards. I did feel really dizzy after though, but I think it was the meds they used for the conscious sedation and it eventually wore off. They also took biopsies and I didn't feel a thing.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.
Take care,
34 wcf


New member
I had an upper GI Endoscopy a few years ago. Like you, I was nervous because I also have a very bad gag reflex. Honestly, the procedure was no big deal, and if I ever need to have one again in the future, I would not hesistate. They numbed my throat real well by spraying some numbing medication. I also had conscious sedation and fell asleep during the whole procedure. I had no pain and no side effects afterwards. I did feel really dizzy after though, but I think it was the meds they used for the conscious sedation and it eventually wore off. They also took biopsies and I didn't feel a thing.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.
Take care,
34 wcf


New member
I had an upper GI Endoscopy a few years ago. Like you, I was nervous because I also have a very bad gag reflex. Honestly, the procedure was no big deal, and if I ever need to have one again in the future, I would not hesistate. They numbed my throat real well by spraying some numbing medication. I also had conscious sedation and fell asleep during the whole procedure. I had no pain and no side effects afterwards. I did feel really dizzy after though, but I think it was the meds they used for the conscious sedation and it eventually wore off. They also took biopsies and I didn't feel a thing.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.
Take care,
34 wcf


New member
I had an upper GI Endoscopy a few years ago. Like you, I was nervous because I also have a very bad gag reflex. Honestly, the procedure was no big deal, and if I ever need to have one again in the future, I would not hesistate. They numbed my throat real well by spraying some numbing medication. I also had conscious sedation and fell asleep during the whole procedure. I had no pain and no side effects afterwards. I did feel really dizzy after though, but I think it was the meds they used for the conscious sedation and it eventually wore off. They also took biopsies and I didn't feel a thing.
<br />
<br />If you have questions, feel free to ask.
<br />Take care,
<br />Michelle
<br />34 wcf


New member
I forgot to mention and this is funny, but the one thing that really bothered me before I fell asleep, before the procedure even started was the oxygen in my nose! LOL! It was driving me crazy and I kept taking it out, guess I wasn't used to it.

34 wcf


New member
I forgot to mention and this is funny, but the one thing that really bothered me before I fell asleep, before the procedure even started was the oxygen in my nose! LOL! It was driving me crazy and I kept taking it out, guess I wasn't used to it.

34 wcf


New member
I forgot to mention and this is funny, but the one thing that really bothered me before I fell asleep, before the procedure even started was the oxygen in my nose! LOL! It was driving me crazy and I kept taking it out, guess I wasn't used to it.

34 wcf


New member
I forgot to mention and this is funny, but the one thing that really bothered me before I fell asleep, before the procedure even started was the oxygen in my nose! LOL! It was driving me crazy and I kept taking it out, guess I wasn't used to it.

34 wcf


New member
I forgot to mention and this is funny, but the one thing that really bothered me before I fell asleep, before the procedure even started was the oxygen in my nose! LOL! It was driving me crazy and I kept taking it out, guess I wasn't used to it.
<br />
<br />Michelle
<br />34 wcf