Entering 2nd BB competition


New member
I'm not very good at the water thing either which probably supresses my gains but I'm slowly getting better at it and forcing it down. But I just hate the taste, though me not drinking enough water would proble be part of the reason I stay quite ripped all the time.


New member
I'm not very good at the water thing either which probably supresses my gains but I'm slowly getting better at it and forcing it down. But I just hate the taste, though me not drinking enough water would proble be part of the reason I stay quite ripped all the time.


New member
thanks lilmac. That's similar to what I do. It's great having such a fast metabolism and being able to stay mostly lean. Though it gets tough packing in all the calories.


New member
thanks lilmac. That's similar to what I do. It's great having such a fast metabolism and being able to stay mostly lean. Though it gets tough packing in all the calories.


New member
thanks lilmac. That's similar to what I do. It's great having such a fast metabolism and being able to stay mostly lean. Though it gets tough packing in all the calories.


New member
Spartan, whats your stats? height, weight, bodyfat? A good key I found which help me alot to past a plateu I was at was to eat according to the weight you want to be at, but make it realistic of coarse. So if you weigh 150 and want to be a 200lb monster then eat as if you weighed 165-170 cause obviously eating as if you were 200 lbs is just a bit extreme, and as your weight goes up adjust the the diet to suit what you want to be. I'm sure you know the diet of 1.5-2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight per day for building muscle, I try to follow that as best as I can and I kinda feel out the carbs I'll eat lots for a few days and if I start getting bloated and puffy looking then I know that's too much and I'll gradually back down to where it keeps my muscles pump but isn't too much to make me start looking puffy and bloated. Fats - I don't really pay alot of attention to them cause as you know most uf us don't absorb alot of it properly anyway so I probly eat alot of it compared to most other folks but I don't make it a point to have as much as possible cause then I'll just be living on the toilet letting out most of the other much needed nutirtients along with it, if you what I'm saying. A fat that I do take is extra virgin coconut oil, it's alot more easily absorbed and it's totally good for you and your body doesn't store it as fat and it can also help you lose fat, I'm actually planning on experimenting with it to try taking more and see if it will halp me to lean out more for the show.


New member
Spartan, whats your stats? height, weight, bodyfat? A good key I found which help me alot to past a plateu I was at was to eat according to the weight you want to be at, but make it realistic of coarse. So if you weigh 150 and want to be a 200lb monster then eat as if you weighed 165-170 cause obviously eating as if you were 200 lbs is just a bit extreme, and as your weight goes up adjust the the diet to suit what you want to be. I'm sure you know the diet of 1.5-2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight per day for building muscle, I try to follow that as best as I can and I kinda feel out the carbs I'll eat lots for a few days and if I start getting bloated and puffy looking then I know that's too much and I'll gradually back down to where it keeps my muscles pump but isn't too much to make me start looking puffy and bloated. Fats - I don't really pay alot of attention to them cause as you know most uf us don't absorb alot of it properly anyway so I probly eat alot of it compared to most other folks but I don't make it a point to have as much as possible cause then I'll just be living on the toilet letting out most of the other much needed nutirtients along with it, if you what I'm saying. A fat that I do take is extra virgin coconut oil, it's alot more easily absorbed and it's totally good for you and your body doesn't store it as fat and it can also help you lose fat, I'm actually planning on experimenting with it to try taking more and see if it will halp me to lean out more for the show.


New member
Spartan, whats your stats? height, weight, bodyfat? A good key I found which help me alot to past a plateu I was at was to eat according to the weight you want to be at, but make it realistic of coarse. So if you weigh 150 and want to be a 200lb monster then eat as if you weighed 165-170 cause obviously eating as if you were 200 lbs is just a bit extreme, and as your weight goes up adjust the the diet to suit what you want to be. I'm sure you know the diet of 1.5-2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight per day for building muscle, I try to follow that as best as I can and I kinda feel out the carbs I'll eat lots for a few days and if I start getting bloated and puffy looking then I know that's too much and I'll gradually back down to where it keeps my muscles pump but isn't too much to make me start looking puffy and bloated. Fats - I don't really pay alot of attention to them cause as you know most uf us don't absorb alot of it properly anyway so I probly eat alot of it compared to most other folks but I don't make it a point to have as much as possible cause then I'll just be living on the toilet letting out most of the other much needed nutirtients along with it, if you what I'm saying. A fat that I do take is extra virgin coconut oil, it's alot more easily absorbed and it's totally good for you and your body doesn't store it as fat and it can also help you lose fat, I'm actually planning on experimenting with it to try taking more and see if it will halp me to lean out more for the show.


New member
thanks for all the encouragement everyone! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I'm gonna try to take some more pics this weekend to see if I have made any progress, I've slowly started to lean out some more and trying to lose some water weight too to bring out more definition. I'm doing it very slowly so my body adjusts to it better and hoping that this way I won't have the sudden exhausted feeling from cutting the water like what some people can get from a drastic contest prep. Anyway so as soon as I get those pics I'll try to get them up for some critiquing.


New member
thanks for all the encouragement everyone! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I'm gonna try to take some more pics this weekend to see if I have made any progress, I've slowly started to lean out some more and trying to lose some water weight too to bring out more definition. I'm doing it very slowly so my body adjusts to it better and hoping that this way I won't have the sudden exhausted feeling from cutting the water like what some people can get from a drastic contest prep. Anyway so as soon as I get those pics I'll try to get them up for some critiquing.


New member
thanks for all the encouragement everyone! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I'm gonna try to take some more pics this weekend to see if I have made any progress, I've slowly started to lean out some more and trying to lose some water weight too to bring out more definition. I'm doing it very slowly so my body adjusts to it better and hoping that this way I won't have the sudden exhausted feeling from cutting the water like what some people can get from a drastic contest prep. Anyway so as soon as I get those pics I'll try to get them up for some critiquing.


New member
Updated pics taken 14th April, critique please, how am I doing so far? These are comparing with tanning stuff on and without. I was having a hard time flexing my legs cause I did my leg work out 2 days before and I was sore as hell! I took one of my legs as well with the best sqeeze I could get but that pic looks a bit too up close to those areas if you know what I mean. Anyway here we go and hopefully it works.



New member
Updated pics taken 14th April, critique please, how am I doing so far? These are comparing with tanning stuff on and without. I was having a hard time flexing my legs cause I did my leg work out 2 days before and I was sore as hell! I took one of my legs as well with the best sqeeze I could get but that pic looks a bit too up close to those areas if you know what I mean. Anyway here we go and hopefully it works.



New member
Updated pics taken 14th April, critique please, how am I doing so far? These are comparing with tanning stuff on and without. I was having a hard time flexing my legs cause I did my leg work out 2 days before and I was sore as hell! I took one of my legs as well with the best sqeeze I could get but that pic looks a bit too up close to those areas if you know what I mean. Anyway here we go and hopefully it works.



New member
WOW I never have seen the comparison between the tanning stuff & without. I can see why you get all tanned & slicked up. It really emphasizes things. Keep up the good work.


New member
WOW I never have seen the comparison between the tanning stuff & without. I can see why you get all tanned & slicked up. It really emphasizes things. Keep up the good work.


New member
WOW I never have seen the comparison between the tanning stuff & without. I can see why you get all tanned & slicked up. It really emphasizes things. Keep up the good work.