Eyes,hair and skin colour - cf related



<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.people.virginia.edu/~rjh9u/cysfib.html
</a>hope this is what your looking for.
Dont know how the natures defense thing works, just wrote what I was told, so I looked this up.


<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.people.virginia.edu/~rjh9u/cysfib.html
</a>hope this is what your looking for.
Dont know how the natures defense thing works, just wrote what I was told, so I looked this up.


New member
Meh I blow all this out of porportion and if anyone knows any historical facts like theres a ton for redhair and such. I wouldn't mind knowing i find it interesting read. Also before you read this no I'm not adopted.

I'm on pale complection darker than average red head grew out of freckles(on face) unless i get alot of sun, 2inches taller than my father i.e tallest. They both sport blue eyes one has brown one has black hair, I have a brown and a green eye. Also excuse my spelling I'm ambidexturous. I am canadian.


New member
Meh I blow all this out of porportion and if anyone knows any historical facts like theres a ton for redhair and such. I wouldn't mind knowing i find it interesting read. Also before you read this no I'm not adopted.

I'm on pale complection darker than average red head grew out of freckles(on face) unless i get alot of sun, 2inches taller than my father i.e tallest. They both sport blue eyes one has brown one has black hair, I have a brown and a green eye. Also excuse my spelling I'm ambidexturous. I am canadian.


New member
For those that have different color eyes (one blue, one green etc)....this might seem dumb, but on drivers license etc that requires eye color, what gets put down?


New member
For those that have different color eyes (one blue, one green etc)....this might seem dumb, but on drivers license etc that requires eye color, what gets put down?