feeling weak


New member
Yah I know that commercial you are talking about. I think it really gets the point out to others that dont know CF. You are different, like you said you have always done pretty good with your CF so dont let a bump like this bring you down. Cuz stress and negative thinking aint gonna help you get better that is for sure. Yah it sucks and it is so flippin hard when your down, your right down. But that is what these forum's are for. To bring other CFers up when there down or others that dont understand and yah all that other stuff. So dont be so hard on yourself you have CF yes and it is very hard but you were doing good 2 years ago so dont let it start hard core bringing you down now. Write me if you want....


New member
Yah I know that commercial you are talking about. I think it really gets the point out to others that dont know CF. You are different, like you said you have always done pretty good with your CF so dont let a bump like this bring you down. Cuz stress and negative thinking aint gonna help you get better that is for sure. Yah it sucks and it is so flippin hard when your down, your right down. But that is what these forum's are for. To bring other CFers up when there down or others that dont understand and yah all that other stuff. So dont be so hard on yourself you have CF yes and it is very hard but you were doing good 2 years ago so dont let it start hard core bringing you down now. Write me if you want....


New member
Yeah, I always tried to escape my cf side of life too. I think it was very hard on my mom while I was growing up, and she always tried to kinda distance me from cf fundraisers, cf friends, support stuff. She kinda had this, you-don't-need-all-that attitude. I resented it, but now I see she was just scared.
I think it's great to have this support now. Especially as an adult. I wish I had more growing up, some fellow cfers to yell at me to take my pancrease.
I can see too though, how it may be a good idea to take a little break form the forum for you. Talk it over with your doc.
Maybe you're just getting overwhelmed. I know how you feel. It's so weird to change so much so fast. But you have all of us, and hopefully a good cf team to help you.



New member
Yeah, I always tried to escape my cf side of life too. I think it was very hard on my mom while I was growing up, and she always tried to kinda distance me from cf fundraisers, cf friends, support stuff. She kinda had this, you-don't-need-all-that attitude. I resented it, but now I see she was just scared.
I think it's great to have this support now. Especially as an adult. I wish I had more growing up, some fellow cfers to yell at me to take my pancrease.
I can see too though, how it may be a good idea to take a little break form the forum for you. Talk it over with your doc.
Maybe you're just getting overwhelmed. I know how you feel. It's so weird to change so much so fast. But you have all of us, and hopefully a good cf team to help you.
