First visit since oregano


New member
Great to hear ye have been having such good results with oregano oil. Sean, I was wondering if you could list some of the sources for whatever reseatch you did before starting? Its not that I don't take your word for it or anything but I'm sure you'd agree that people should do a bit of reading up on their own before trying soimething new like this. I just thought that a list of references might be a good place to start for the rest of us (who are a little lazzier than you).

Hope you have continued success with your experiment.



New member
Great to hear ye have been having such good results with oregano oil. Sean, I was wondering if you could list some of the sources for whatever reseatch you did before starting? Its not that I don't take your word for it or anything but I'm sure you'd agree that people should do a bit of reading up on their own before trying soimething new like this. I just thought that a list of references might be a good place to start for the rest of us (who are a little lazzier than you).

Hope you have continued success with your experiment.



New member
Hi ive recently ordered the oregano oil to start taking but it hasnt come yet. I was going to tak the tablets but there are 3 types on and im not sure what is the one other people take. Is it a gel capsule with oil in it or a normal tablet looking like an asprin (powdery) etc? Because they also supplied a tablet in this form and this was aimed at respitory health on the label. But also alot more expensive! The gel capsules just say it is the same as the oil but in capsule form, is this what people like sean are taking? ot they also supply another gelcap which is for natural calcium, iron and magnesium and a powerful anti-oxidant. So confused :S


New member
Hi ive recently ordered the oregano oil to start taking but it hasnt come yet. I was going to tak the tablets but there are 3 types on and im not sure what is the one other people take. Is it a gel capsule with oil in it or a normal tablet looking like an asprin (powdery) etc? Because they also supplied a tablet in this form and this was aimed at respitory health on the label. But also alot more expensive! The gel capsules just say it is the same as the oil but in capsule form, is this what people like sean are taking? ot they also supply another gelcap which is for natural calcium, iron and magnesium and a powerful anti-oxidant. So confused :S


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>michellerose</b></i><br>Hi ive recently ordered the oregano oil to start taking but it hasnt come yet. I was going to tak the tablets but there are 3 types on and im not sure what is the one other people take. Is it a gel capsule with oil in it or a normal tablet looking like an asprin (powdery) etc? Because they also supplied a tablet in this form and this was aimed at respitory health on the label. But also alot more expensive! The gel capsules just say it is the same as the oil but in capsule form, is this what people like sean are taking? ot they also supply another gelcap which is for natural calcium, iron and magnesium and a powerful anti-oxidant. So confused :S<hr></blockquote>

Yes i live in england and have the same problem. Sean when you order from under the product heading do you order from oreganol p73 line or oregycyn p73 line? This is what i am confused on. The oregycyn line are the pills which are not gelly caps and are aimed at respitory health. If you do take oreganol line there are 2 types of caps from there normal oregano oil in caps and oregamax? Dont know if this also helps us cystics or not


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>michellerose</b></i><br>Hi ive recently ordered the oregano oil to start taking but it hasnt come yet. I was going to tak the tablets but there are 3 types on and im not sure what is the one other people take. Is it a gel capsule with oil in it or a normal tablet looking like an asprin (powdery) etc? Because they also supplied a tablet in this form and this was aimed at respitory health on the label. But also alot more expensive! The gel capsules just say it is the same as the oil but in capsule form, is this what people like sean are taking? ot they also supply another gelcap which is for natural calcium, iron and magnesium and a powerful anti-oxidant. So confused :S<hr></blockquote>

Yes i live in england and have the same problem. Sean when you order from under the product heading do you order from oreganol p73 line or oregycyn p73 line? This is what i am confused on. The oregycyn line are the pills which are not gelly caps and are aimed at respitory health. If you do take oreganol line there are 2 types of caps from there normal oregano oil in caps and oregamax? Dont know if this also helps us cystics or not


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>michellerose</b></i>
Hi ive recently ordered the oregano oil to start taking but it hasnt come yet. I was going to tak the tablets but there are 3 types on and im not sure what is the one other people take. Is it a gel capsule with oil in it or a normal tablet looking like an asprin (powdery) etc? Because they also supplied a tablet in this form and this was aimed at respitory health on the label. But also alot more expensive! The gel capsules just say it is the same as the oil but in capsule form, is this what people like sean are taking? ot they also supply another gelcap which is for natural calcium, iron and magnesium and a powerful anti-oxidant. So confused :S<hr></blockquote>

Yes i live in england and have the same problem. Sean when you order from under the product heading do you order from oreganol p73 line or oregycyn p73 line? This is what i am confused on. The oregycyn line are the pills which are not gelly caps and are aimed at respitory health. If you do take oreganol line there are 2 types of caps from there normal oregano oil in caps and oregamax? Dont know if this also helps us cystics or not<hr></blockquote>

I have never taken any of their supplements besides the regular Oreganol P73 gelcaps, that just contain the oil itself that goes into your GI tract. So I can't comment on any of their other products, with regards to how well they work. So i can only advocate the capsules and the regular oil and water soluble oil, because that's all I have ever taken. People are more than welcome to experiment around on their own with their different oregano oil based product line if they would like, It probably helps also.

As far as being in england and ordering the stuff, I have ran across a few websites that sell the stuff with a UK based URL.

Just use google and type in the name followed by UK, you should find several places that either carry it or are informative.

I'm sure if you can't find as many resources, you can use the american sites, and i'm sure they would ship to you, of course it would be more expensive.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>michellerose</b></i>
Hi ive recently ordered the oregano oil to start taking but it hasnt come yet. I was going to tak the tablets but there are 3 types on and im not sure what is the one other people take. Is it a gel capsule with oil in it or a normal tablet looking like an asprin (powdery) etc? Because they also supplied a tablet in this form and this was aimed at respitory health on the label. But also alot more expensive! The gel capsules just say it is the same as the oil but in capsule form, is this what people like sean are taking? ot they also supply another gelcap which is for natural calcium, iron and magnesium and a powerful anti-oxidant. So confused :S<hr></blockquote>

Yes i live in england and have the same problem. Sean when you order from under the product heading do you order from oreganol p73 line or oregycyn p73 line? This is what i am confused on. The oregycyn line are the pills which are not gelly caps and are aimed at respitory health. If you do take oreganol line there are 2 types of caps from there normal oregano oil in caps and oregamax? Dont know if this also helps us cystics or not<hr></blockquote>

I have never taken any of their supplements besides the regular Oreganol P73 gelcaps, that just contain the oil itself that goes into your GI tract. So I can't comment on any of their other products, with regards to how well they work. So i can only advocate the capsules and the regular oil and water soluble oil, because that's all I have ever taken. People are more than welcome to experiment around on their own with their different oregano oil based product line if they would like, It probably helps also.

As far as being in england and ordering the stuff, I have ran across a few websites that sell the stuff with a UK based URL.

Just use google and type in the name followed by UK, you should find several places that either carry it or are informative.

I'm sure if you can't find as many resources, you can use the american sites, and i'm sure they would ship to you, of course it would be more expensive.


New member
OOOOOOOOOOOOO thats so great hun!! im so happy for you. I never heard of these oil treatments...hmm maybe i should ask my docs about it...i dunno. BUT CONGRATES HUN!!!!


New member
OOOOOOOOOOOOO thats so great hun!! im so happy for you. I never heard of these oil treatments...hmm maybe i should ask my docs about it...i dunno. BUT CONGRATES HUN!!!!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>irishdavid</b></i><br>Great to hear ye have been having such good results with oregano oil. Sean, I was wondering if you could list some of the sources for whatever reseatch you did before starting? Its not that I don't take your word for it or anything but I'm sure you'd agree that people should do a bit of reading up on their own before trying soimething new like this. I just thought that a list of references might be a good place to start for the rest of us (who are a little lazzier than you).

Hope you have continued success with your experiment.


No problem David. I could probably fill this entire forum with different research information, so instead of doing that, ill link several places and one of the good research databases I use that compiles tons and tons of professional and academic findings. Google in general is a very powerful search engine, and if you take a couple hours (I spent a couple weeks to a month), with proper search criteria, a TON of information is out there to find about oregano oil, and essential oils in general. Remember oregano oil isn't the only oil that destroys many of our bugs, it's just that it's one of the more healthier oils to take internally, especially nebbing. You could use the facial sauna steam inhalation technique with combinations of different oils known for their antimicrobial properties and probably see good results as well.

(found this UK site, searches articles)

(here is one of the primary research databases that I used while doing the research, bookmark this site because it's amazing, and you can look up nearly anything research wise that appeared in academic articles...Just type in oregano oil or essential oils into the field, and there are tons of hits with regards to their findings on their antimicrobial benefits)

(the following link is from the manufacturers site, so there is some self interest on their part for people to recognize their product as helping. But the actual research findings are real, and can be cross referenced for accuracy via any good search engine like google, and some time - They are in PDF format)

(the following link is a real good FAQ based on oregano oil, and the oreganol P73 line of products in general. While very informative, this FAQ does was probably a compilation of information and FAQ's made by someone with the companies interest at heart, but again, the information within for the most part can be cross referenced via their citations to be proven correct, like what I did)

(the following is a good article about a Georgetown Medical Center University researcher who is doing testing with oregano oil for antibacterial properties)

(same guy, but how the oil may help diabetics and increase insulin sensitivity)

(just how incredibly high in antioxidant power oregano is)

(similar findings as the doctor from above, from their direct site)

(this is the universities search engine in research, i think it only holds fairly recent findings, so it's not the richest source for information, but search if you'd like)

(a good general third party research search field to look for things, including oregano oil)

(just the entry from wikipedia, the online encyclopedia)

(same source, Carvacrol, which is the main ingredient in oregano oil)

(same source, Thymol, which is another component of oregano oil, though not as present in the oil as carvacrol is)

(good link about the oil and other essential oils and it's action against microbes)

(the following is a search result for oregano oil from the national library of medicine and the national institutes of health via, which is another large research database, like the previous one I linked)

Anyways, I could sit here all day and continue to link research information about the stuff, but i'll just supply some starter material. If someone wants to, they can sniff around more, because theres mountains of information out there about the oil, and other essential oils in the perspective of their antimicrobial properties. Do your research!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>irishdavid</b></i><br>Great to hear ye have been having such good results with oregano oil. Sean, I was wondering if you could list some of the sources for whatever reseatch you did before starting? Its not that I don't take your word for it or anything but I'm sure you'd agree that people should do a bit of reading up on their own before trying soimething new like this. I just thought that a list of references might be a good place to start for the rest of us (who are a little lazzier than you).

Hope you have continued success with your experiment.


No problem David. I could probably fill this entire forum with different research information, so instead of doing that, ill link several places and one of the good research databases I use that compiles tons and tons of professional and academic findings. Google in general is a very powerful search engine, and if you take a couple hours (I spent a couple weeks to a month), with proper search criteria, a TON of information is out there to find about oregano oil, and essential oils in general. Remember oregano oil isn't the only oil that destroys many of our bugs, it's just that it's one of the more healthier oils to take internally, especially nebbing. You could use the facial sauna steam inhalation technique with combinations of different oils known for their antimicrobial properties and probably see good results as well.

(found this UK site, searches articles)

(here is one of the primary research databases that I used while doing the research, bookmark this site because it's amazing, and you can look up nearly anything research wise that appeared in academic articles...Just type in oregano oil or essential oils into the field, and there are tons of hits with regards to their findings on their antimicrobial benefits)

(the following link is from the manufacturers site, so there is some self interest on their part for people to recognize their product as helping. But the actual research findings are real, and can be cross referenced for accuracy via any good search engine like google, and some time - They are in PDF format)

(the following link is a real good FAQ based on oregano oil, and the oreganol P73 line of products in general. While very informative, this FAQ does was probably a compilation of information and FAQ's made by someone with the companies interest at heart, but again, the information within for the most part can be cross referenced via their citations to be proven correct, like what I did)

(the following is a good article about a Georgetown Medical Center University researcher who is doing testing with oregano oil for antibacterial properties)

(same guy, but how the oil may help diabetics and increase insulin sensitivity)

(just how incredibly high in antioxidant power oregano is)

(similar findings as the doctor from above, from their direct site)

(this is the universities search engine in research, i think it only holds fairly recent findings, so it's not the richest source for information, but search if you'd like)

(a good general third party research search field to look for things, including oregano oil)

(just the entry from wikipedia, the online encyclopedia)

(same source, Carvacrol, which is the main ingredient in oregano oil)

(same source, Thymol, which is another component of oregano oil, though not as present in the oil as carvacrol is)

(good link about the oil and other essential oils and it's action against microbes)

(the following is a search result for oregano oil from the national library of medicine and the national institutes of health via, which is another large research database, like the previous one I linked)

Anyways, I could sit here all day and continue to link research information about the stuff, but i'll just supply some starter material. If someone wants to, they can sniff around more, because theres mountains of information out there about the oil, and other essential oils in the perspective of their antimicrobial properties. Do your research!


New member
i am interested and want to try the monolaurin but i know there is so many types of coconut availiable. Any suggestions dont just want to go to local health food store and get something which doesnt have the great effects of the virgin oil. Anyone let me know where i can purchase this from i am british though so some stuff mitght not be able to get over here! Thanks


New member
i am interested and want to try the monolaurin but i know there is so many types of coconut availiable. Any suggestions dont just want to go to local health food store and get something which doesnt have the great effects of the virgin oil. Anyone let me know where i can purchase this from i am british though so some stuff mitght not be able to get over here! Thanks


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>i am interested and want to try the monolaurin but i know there is so many types of coconut availiable. Any suggestions dont just want to go to local health food store and get something which doesnt have the great effects of the virgin oil. Anyone let me know where i can purchase this from i am british though so some stuff mitght not be able to get over here! Thanks<hr></blockquote>

While the good quality coconut oil is a great source for the lauric acid that gets converted to monolaurin in the body, it might be best and less troubling to just look for a monolaurin supplement itself. There are quite a few out there, but I recommend any brand you can find that seems reputable (as in have quite a few supplements on the market), and has a rather large MG content of the monolaurin. Of course being overseas you have a potential problem, but i'm sure there are places over there that probably have the supplements. A combination of monolaurin and oregano oil would make you pretty strong against many microorganisms.

Here is the brand I used:

But there are other brands out there. I used to coconut oil, and it tasted lovely, but I was tempted to just eat the stuff in it's semi solid state (like coconut snow) when I wasnt having a meal, and I personally had a few nappy oil blowouts, even though some of the literature dealing with the oil says enzymes aren't needed to digest the oil. The monolaurin supplements cuts out much of the inconveinence and possible absorption issues compared to taking in the raw virgin coconut oil.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>i am interested and want to try the monolaurin but i know there is so many types of coconut availiable. Any suggestions dont just want to go to local health food store and get something which doesnt have the great effects of the virgin oil. Anyone let me know where i can purchase this from i am british though so some stuff mitght not be able to get over here! Thanks<hr></blockquote>

While the good quality coconut oil is a great source for the lauric acid that gets converted to monolaurin in the body, it might be best and less troubling to just look for a monolaurin supplement itself. There are quite a few out there, but I recommend any brand you can find that seems reputable (as in have quite a few supplements on the market), and has a rather large MG content of the monolaurin. Of course being overseas you have a potential problem, but i'm sure there are places over there that probably have the supplements. A combination of monolaurin and oregano oil would make you pretty strong against many microorganisms.

Here is the brand I used:

But there are other brands out there. I used to coconut oil, and it tasted lovely, but I was tempted to just eat the stuff in it's semi solid state (like coconut snow) when I wasnt having a meal, and I personally had a few nappy oil blowouts, even though some of the literature dealing with the oil says enzymes aren't needed to digest the oil. The monolaurin supplements cuts out much of the inconveinence and possible absorption issues compared to taking in the raw virgin coconut oil.


New member
That's awesome news! Congratulations! I've been using the oil of oregano for the past week, and do notice a difference. I ifnd myself coughing more and feeling kind of lousy if I forget a dose. I can't wait for my follow up to see what changes have occured in my PFT's, etc.


New member
That's awesome news! Congratulations! I've been using the oil of oregano for the past week, and do notice a difference. I ifnd myself coughing more and feeling kind of lousy if I forget a dose. I can't wait for my follow up to see what changes have occured in my PFT's, etc.