Funny CF Stories


New member
This is kinda funny, and very sweet. Our youngest has cf and the two older brothers are so protective of her. When we are out in public they watch and listen with the best of them.

1-If there is anyone smoking, they march right up to them and say that their sister has "65 roses, and the smoke hurts her lungs." It is so funny and embarrasing at times.

2-They also ask anyone that even makes a slight cough if they are sick. It doesn't matter where we are, park, store.. you name it. Good thing for us it has been helpful at times. Their boldness keeps her away from danger.

3-Playing with the enzyme caps. Our child is only 2 so we still open the caps for her. Then the rest of the family flicks them with our fingers to see who can get them to spin the longest on its end. It's nice distraction and gets her to eat. Please tell me someone else plays with the empty enzyme caps too.

Only with cf can you make medicine fun and the fact that we have at least 4 caps per meal to play with why not???? We think it's funny.



New member
This is kinda funny, and very sweet. Our youngest has cf and the two older brothers are so protective of her. When we are out in public they watch and listen with the best of them.

1-If there is anyone smoking, they march right up to them and say that their sister has "65 roses, and the smoke hurts her lungs." It is so funny and embarrasing at times.

2-They also ask anyone that even makes a slight cough if they are sick. It doesn't matter where we are, park, store.. you name it. Good thing for us it has been helpful at times. Their boldness keeps her away from danger.

3-Playing with the enzyme caps. Our child is only 2 so we still open the caps for her. Then the rest of the family flicks them with our fingers to see who can get them to spin the longest on its end. It's nice distraction and gets her to eat. Please tell me someone else plays with the empty enzyme caps too.

Only with cf can you make medicine fun and the fact that we have at least 4 caps per meal to play with why not???? We think it's funny.



New member
This is kinda funny, and very sweet. Our youngest has cf and the two older brothers are so protective of her. When we are out in public they watch and listen with the best of them.

1-If there is anyone smoking, they march right up to them and say that their sister has "65 roses, and the smoke hurts her lungs." It is so funny and embarrasing at times.

2-They also ask anyone that even makes a slight cough if they are sick. It doesn't matter where we are, park, store.. you name it. Good thing for us it has been helpful at times. Their boldness keeps her away from danger.

3-Playing with the enzyme caps. Our child is only 2 so we still open the caps for her. Then the rest of the family flicks them with our fingers to see who can get them to spin the longest on its end. It's nice distraction and gets her to eat. Please tell me someone else plays with the empty enzyme caps too.

Only with cf can you make medicine fun and the fact that we have at least 4 caps per meal to play with why not???? We think it's funny.



New member
This is kinda funny, and very sweet. Our youngest has cf and the two older brothers are so protective of her. When we are out in public they watch and listen with the best of them.

1-If there is anyone smoking, they march right up to them and say that their sister has "65 roses, and the smoke hurts her lungs." It is so funny and embarrasing at times.

2-They also ask anyone that even makes a slight cough if they are sick. It doesn't matter where we are, park, store.. you name it. Good thing for us it has been helpful at times. Their boldness keeps her away from danger.

3-Playing with the enzyme caps. Our child is only 2 so we still open the caps for her. Then the rest of the family flicks them with our fingers to see who can get them to spin the longest on its end. It's nice distraction and gets her to eat. Please tell me someone else plays with the empty enzyme caps too.

Only with cf can you make medicine fun and the fact that we have at least 4 caps per meal to play with why not???? We think it's funny.



New member
Tiffany, when i opened my enzymes i would put each of them into each other and then the last one on my finger tip and poke people. it was rather entertaining, lol.

farting stories...oh yes, so many of them! my most recent embarassing story: i was making up a chem test with one other boy in this room. we were both sick and coughing a lot. i was having a fit and he just had a cold. i also had, ehm, a lot of gas. so i was sitting on this really tall stool (as in the chair) trying to hold it in, and while taking a chem quiz. i'd planned out that i would go to the bathroom halfway through the test but it was only like 20 min. in. i had a question for the teacher so i went to his office but he wasnt in there so i had to ask this other air-head teacher. i walked in, coughed, and then let out the loudest toot ever! it wasnt even a fart, just a TOOT! thank God this teacher was zoning out so much he didnt notice! but i think the kid in the other room did and didnt say anything. eek!


New member
Tiffany, when i opened my enzymes i would put each of them into each other and then the last one on my finger tip and poke people. it was rather entertaining, lol.

farting stories...oh yes, so many of them! my most recent embarassing story: i was making up a chem test with one other boy in this room. we were both sick and coughing a lot. i was having a fit and he just had a cold. i also had, ehm, a lot of gas. so i was sitting on this really tall stool (as in the chair) trying to hold it in, and while taking a chem quiz. i'd planned out that i would go to the bathroom halfway through the test but it was only like 20 min. in. i had a question for the teacher so i went to his office but he wasnt in there so i had to ask this other air-head teacher. i walked in, coughed, and then let out the loudest toot ever! it wasnt even a fart, just a TOOT! thank God this teacher was zoning out so much he didnt notice! but i think the kid in the other room did and didnt say anything. eek!


New member
Tiffany, when i opened my enzymes i would put each of them into each other and then the last one on my finger tip and poke people. it was rather entertaining, lol.

farting stories...oh yes, so many of them! my most recent embarassing story: i was making up a chem test with one other boy in this room. we were both sick and coughing a lot. i was having a fit and he just had a cold. i also had, ehm, a lot of gas. so i was sitting on this really tall stool (as in the chair) trying to hold it in, and while taking a chem quiz. i'd planned out that i would go to the bathroom halfway through the test but it was only like 20 min. in. i had a question for the teacher so i went to his office but he wasnt in there so i had to ask this other air-head teacher. i walked in, coughed, and then let out the loudest toot ever! it wasnt even a fart, just a TOOT! thank God this teacher was zoning out so much he didnt notice! but i think the kid in the other room did and didnt say anything. eek!


New member
Tiffany, when i opened my enzymes i would put each of them into each other and then the last one on my finger tip and poke people. it was rather entertaining, lol.

farting stories...oh yes, so many of them! my most recent embarassing story: i was making up a chem test with one other boy in this room. we were both sick and coughing a lot. i was having a fit and he just had a cold. i also had, ehm, a lot of gas. so i was sitting on this really tall stool (as in the chair) trying to hold it in, and while taking a chem quiz. i'd planned out that i would go to the bathroom halfway through the test but it was only like 20 min. in. i had a question for the teacher so i went to his office but he wasnt in there so i had to ask this other air-head teacher. i walked in, coughed, and then let out the loudest toot ever! it wasnt even a fart, just a TOOT! thank God this teacher was zoning out so much he didnt notice! but i think the kid in the other room did and didnt say anything. eek!


New member
Tiffany, when i opened my enzymes i would put each of them into each other and then the last one on my finger tip and poke people. it was rather entertaining, lol.

farting stories...oh yes, so many of them! my most recent embarassing story: i was making up a chem test with one other boy in this room. we were both sick and coughing a lot. i was having a fit and he just had a cold. i also had, ehm, a lot of gas. so i was sitting on this really tall stool (as in the chair) trying to hold it in, and while taking a chem quiz. i'd planned out that i would go to the bathroom halfway through the test but it was only like 20 min. in. i had a question for the teacher so i went to his office but he wasnt in there so i had to ask this other air-head teacher. i walked in, coughed, and then let out the loudest toot ever! it wasnt even a fart, just a TOOT! thank God this teacher was zoning out so much he didnt notice! but i think the kid in the other room did and didnt say anything. eek!


New member
Tiffany, when i opened my enzymes i would put each of them into each other and then the last one on my finger tip and poke people. it was rather entertaining, lol.

farting stories...oh yes, so many of them! my most recent embarassing story: i was making up a chem test with one other boy in this room. we were both sick and coughing a lot. i was having a fit and he just had a cold. i also had, ehm, a lot of gas. so i was sitting on this really tall stool (as in the chair) trying to hold it in, and while taking a chem quiz. i'd planned out that i would go to the bathroom halfway through the test but it was only like 20 min. in. i had a question for the teacher so i went to his office but he wasnt in there so i had to ask this other air-head teacher. i walked in, coughed, and then let out the loudest toot ever! it wasnt even a fart, just a TOOT! thank God this teacher was zoning out so much he didnt notice! but i think the kid in the other room did and didnt say anything. eek!


New member
This is kind of weird, but my friend likes to play this game where she guesses where your belly button is and pokes it trough your shirt. "I never get it wrong" she said, until me, no matter how many times she'd try, she could never find my belly button. It wasn't until i wore a mildish see-through(only in the stomach area! I'm not <i>that</i> scandalous) shirt. We discovered that mine was about 3 inches higher than everone elses' (we did consider height too). I told my mom this later that night and she told me when i had my first surgery, they had to reconstruct my bellybutton cuz it was "damaged" .... the surgeons put it on too high...



New member
This is kind of weird, but my friend likes to play this game where she guesses where your belly button is and pokes it trough your shirt. "I never get it wrong" she said, until me, no matter how many times she'd try, she could never find my belly button. It wasn't until i wore a mildish see-through(only in the stomach area! I'm not <i>that</i> scandalous) shirt. We discovered that mine was about 3 inches higher than everone elses' (we did consider height too). I told my mom this later that night and she told me when i had my first surgery, they had to reconstruct my bellybutton cuz it was "damaged" .... the surgeons put it on too high...



New member
This is kind of weird, but my friend likes to play this game where she guesses where your belly button is and pokes it trough your shirt. "I never get it wrong" she said, until me, no matter how many times she'd try, she could never find my belly button. It wasn't until i wore a mildish see-through(only in the stomach area! I'm not <i>that</i> scandalous) shirt. We discovered that mine was about 3 inches higher than everone elses' (we did consider height too). I told my mom this later that night and she told me when i had my first surgery, they had to reconstruct my bellybutton cuz it was "damaged" .... the surgeons put it on too high...



New member
This is kind of weird, but my friend likes to play this game where she guesses where your belly button is and pokes it trough your shirt. "I never get it wrong" she said, until me, no matter how many times she'd try, she could never find my belly button. It wasn't until i wore a mildish see-through(only in the stomach area! I'm not <i>that</i> scandalous) shirt. We discovered that mine was about 3 inches higher than everone elses' (we did consider height too). I told my mom this later that night and she told me when i had my first surgery, they had to reconstruct my bellybutton cuz it was "damaged" .... the surgeons put it on too high...



New member
This is kind of weird, but my friend likes to play this game where she guesses where your belly button is and pokes it trough your shirt. "I never get it wrong" she said, until me, no matter how many times she'd try, she could never find my belly button. It wasn't until i wore a mildish see-through(only in the stomach area! I'm not <i>that</i> scandalous) shirt. We discovered that mine was about 3 inches higher than everone elses' (we did consider height too). I told my mom this later that night and she told me when i had my first surgery, they had to reconstruct my bellybutton cuz it was "damaged" .... the surgeons put it on too high...



New member
This is kind of weird, but my friend likes to play this game where she guesses where your belly button is and pokes it trough your shirt. "I never get it wrong" she said, until me, no matter how many times she'd try, she could never find my belly button. It wasn't until i wore a mildish see-through(only in the stomach area! I'm not <i>that</i> scandalous) shirt. We discovered that mine was about 3 inches higher than everone elses' (we did consider height too). I told my mom this later that night and she told me when i had my first surgery, they had to reconstruct my bellybutton cuz it was "damaged" .... the surgeons put it on too high...



New member
My belly button was off center (to the right) after my last (4th surgery through the same spot), and about the time it had finally gravitated back to center, I got pregnant- boy, was it wayyyy off center for a while there. Of course, my family thought it was a lot funnier than I did. Gave my ob a double take a couple of times when I was being measured- lol.


New member
My belly button was off center (to the right) after my last (4th surgery through the same spot), and about the time it had finally gravitated back to center, I got pregnant- boy, was it wayyyy off center for a while there. Of course, my family thought it was a lot funnier than I did. Gave my ob a double take a couple of times when I was being measured- lol.


New member
My belly button was off center (to the right) after my last (4th surgery through the same spot), and about the time it had finally gravitated back to center, I got pregnant- boy, was it wayyyy off center for a while there. Of course, my family thought it was a lot funnier than I did. Gave my ob a double take a couple of times when I was being measured- lol.


New member
My belly button was off center (to the right) after my last (4th surgery through the same spot), and about the time it had finally gravitated back to center, I got pregnant- boy, was it wayyyy off center for a while there. Of course, my family thought it was a lot funnier than I did. Gave my ob a double take a couple of times when I was being measured- lol.