Fine, I will share mine (I loved everyone elses).
We had company over-- a very refined, proper couple. I had a coughing attack and I passed gas during the coughing. The girl looked over at me with a "what was that" look on her face. I wanted the floor to swallow me up. I tried to cover by coughing some more. Hubby admitted he heard my "noise" but decided to not say anything. I am so thankful he kept his mouth shut.
Our first time back to church after I started having hemopytsis, my son walks up to his teacher in the kids class and said "My mom is spitting up blood". My response under my breath was "oh, great!" Luckily he only did it the one time.
I high school I just irrigated my nose before heading to school. The business manager needed me to sign over my paycheck to cover my school bill (work study program) and when I went to bend over to sign the check some remaining water in my sinuses dripped on her desk. I think I turned several shades of red, pink and purple as I mopped up the water.