General Debate


New member
I firmly believe that people considering creating a child should be licenced to do so. They should prove stability in the home and prove the ability to be able to make the home financially, and emotionally secure.

It's SO difficult to adopt, and all those things I mentioned are a given in being selected for the adoption of a baby (in Australia anyway). Why should it be any different with the privilege so often taken for granted?.



New member
I firmly believe that people considering creating a child should be licenced to do so. They should prove stability in the home and prove the ability to be able to make the home financially, and emotionally secure.

It's SO difficult to adopt, and all those things I mentioned are a given in being selected for the adoption of a baby (in Australia anyway). Why should it be any different with the privilege so often taken for granted?.



New member
I firmly believe that people considering creating a child should be licenced to do so. They should prove stability in the home and prove the ability to be able to make the home financially, and emotionally secure.

It's SO difficult to adopt, and all those things I mentioned are a given in being selected for the adoption of a baby (in Australia anyway). Why should it be any different with the privilege so often taken for granted?.

that would be a good idea in theory, except the big problem would be people's interpretation of financially and emotionally secure could be so much different.
that would be a good idea in theory, except the big problem would be people's interpretation of financially and emotionally secure could be so much different.
that would be a good idea in theory, except the big problem would be people's interpretation of financially and emotionally secure could be so much different.


New member
It would need a legal when you apply for a house loan. Your financial stability is the biggest part of being considered for a loan.


New member
It would need a legal when you apply for a house loan. Your financial stability is the biggest part of being considered for a loan.


New member
It would need a legal when you apply for a house loan. Your financial stability is the biggest part of being considered for a loan.
that would be nice. it seems so many people have kids that shouldn't.

i wish there was a way like a test or if you could just tell by looking at them what kind of parents people would be. it would be so much better.
that would be nice. it seems so many people have kids that shouldn't.

i wish there was a way like a test or if you could just tell by looking at them what kind of parents people would be. it would be so much better.
that would be nice. it seems so many people have kids that shouldn't.

i wish there was a way like a test or if you could just tell by looking at them what kind of parents people would be. it would be so much better.


New member
Financial situations can change over a lifetime.

You could be married and financially secure at the time of having a baby but later lose your job.
You could be happily married at the time of birth but later that could change and you break up.

Are you saying only rich people should have kids?

Because financially stable people can be bad parents as well.


New member
Financial situations can change over a lifetime.

You could be married and financially secure at the time of having a baby but later lose your job.
You could be happily married at the time of birth but later that could change and you break up.

Are you saying only rich people should have kids?

Because financially stable people can be bad parents as well.


New member
Financial situations can change over a lifetime.

You could be married and financially secure at the time of having a baby but later lose your job.
You could be happily married at the time of birth but later that could change and you break up.

Are you saying only rich people should have kids?

Because financially stable people can be bad parents as well.


New member
some people on this site do really make me think twice about things like that. but i'm firmly against government regulation - and criteria would be so subjective.

but man some people on this site blow me away with their self-centered nature..... all their comments are about what THEY want, what THEY'VE done to get pregnant, THEIR desires.... these people never once make comments about their kid's perspective.

It boggles my mind... it really does....


New member
some people on this site do really make me think twice about things like that. but i'm firmly against government regulation - and criteria would be so subjective.

but man some people on this site blow me away with their self-centered nature..... all their comments are about what THEY want, what THEY'VE done to get pregnant, THEIR desires.... these people never once make comments about their kid's perspective.

It boggles my mind... it really does....


New member
some people on this site do really make me think twice about things like that. but i'm firmly against government regulation - and criteria would be so subjective.

but man some people on this site blow me away with their self-centered nature..... all their comments are about what THEY want, what THEY'VE done to get pregnant, THEIR desires.... these people never once make comments about their kid's perspective.

It boggles my mind... it really does....


New member
That would be the <i>equivalent</i> of forced sterilization for people who are deemed "not good enough" to be parents by the government. And what would happen if they did get pregnant? Forced abortion? Take the child away the day it is born based on a form? Can you imagine the waiting list to get government approval to be parents?!?

Nobody is the "perfect parent" and few even come close, but most people seem to turn out okay <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . And, as was said, what happens if your circumstances change when the child is 6 (divorce, job loss, health issues, etc.)? Do they come and take your child(ren) away and give her to a "better" family? It's a nice thought, in theory, but in practical application, it's not ethical or practical, IMO.


New member
That would be the <i>equivalent</i> of forced sterilization for people who are deemed "not good enough" to be parents by the government. And what would happen if they did get pregnant? Forced abortion? Take the child away the day it is born based on a form? Can you imagine the waiting list to get government approval to be parents?!?

Nobody is the "perfect parent" and few even come close, but most people seem to turn out okay <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . And, as was said, what happens if your circumstances change when the child is 6 (divorce, job loss, health issues, etc.)? Do they come and take your child(ren) away and give her to a "better" family? It's a nice thought, in theory, but in practical application, it's not ethical or practical, IMO.