Girl with CF on The View



I agree Sue. I dont think the segment was long You would need like 127 segments that long to really explain it. I also agree with your cure thing. I do like Rosie, but I dont think she should have said that. yes they have come very far in treating the disease...but its so complex, and will take a very long time for that cure to come along. hmmm...


New member
i liked it, it was simple and in the christmas spirit. i really liked that it was making a girl happy then making the audience depressed (for the lack of a better word). I think it made people want to give money to <u>find a cure</u> rather then give money <u>because they felt bad</u>


New member
i liked it, it was simple and in the christmas spirit. i really liked that it was making a girl happy then making the audience depressed (for the lack of a better word). I think it made people want to give money to <u>find a cure</u> rather then give money <u>because they felt bad</u>


New member
i liked it, it was simple and in the christmas spirit. i really liked that it was making a girl happy then making the audience depressed (for the lack of a better word). I think it made people want to give money to <u>find a cure</u> rather then give money <u>because they felt bad</u>


New member
It was alright. I think its main purpose was to give the little girl a special Christmas present that she would never forget. Maybe it was also meant for donation purposes but I doubt it. There was not nearly enough detail about CF, and face it, she's 12. She hasn't spoke publicly for too long! If they really wanted to raise awareness, they should have spoken with an older person with CF for a much longer amount of time to allow for details. I didn't think CF got difficult until I was 17. I agree, though, that I didn't care for Rosie's remark about a "cure". I personally have no hope in that. I live for today and do the best I can to make each day count as the best it can be. I do admire Rosie for at least trying to raise the public awareness. I'm so sick of hearing stars that throw their money away on plastic surgery, mansions, and 20 of the same luxury items.


New member
It was alright. I think its main purpose was to give the little girl a special Christmas present that she would never forget. Maybe it was also meant for donation purposes but I doubt it. There was not nearly enough detail about CF, and face it, she's 12. She hasn't spoke publicly for too long! If they really wanted to raise awareness, they should have spoken with an older person with CF for a much longer amount of time to allow for details. I didn't think CF got difficult until I was 17. I agree, though, that I didn't care for Rosie's remark about a "cure". I personally have no hope in that. I live for today and do the best I can to make each day count as the best it can be. I do admire Rosie for at least trying to raise the public awareness. I'm so sick of hearing stars that throw their money away on plastic surgery, mansions, and 20 of the same luxury items.


New member
It was alright. I think its main purpose was to give the little girl a special Christmas present that she would never forget. Maybe it was also meant for donation purposes but I doubt it. There was not nearly enough detail about CF, and face it, she's 12. She hasn't spoke publicly for too long! If they really wanted to raise awareness, they should have spoken with an older person with CF for a much longer amount of time to allow for details. I didn't think CF got difficult until I was 17. I agree, though, that I didn't care for Rosie's remark about a "cure". I personally have no hope in that. I live for today and do the best I can to make each day count as the best it can be. I do admire Rosie for at least trying to raise the public awareness. I'm so sick of hearing stars that throw their money away on plastic surgery, mansions, and 20 of the same luxury items.


New member
I think a little goes a long way..especially today. The segment was great!! We never get national attention like this so I will take what we get. Obviously the hollywood movie starting the "sexiest men alive" is going to get more air time than a kid with CF..come on this is America, Hollywood is where the money is! (that is meant to be taken as a joke..I am being fecesious!).
The girl was pretty well spoken and cool for 12 and Rosie did a great job talking about how we get tested and the vest. It was easy to understand and to the average joe I think it did what it needed to do.
The studio and viewing audience got to hear a bit about CF..Matthew M and Matthew Fox were exposed to CF as well as the a part of the Broadway community.
We always want more but this was great.
Heck it had me crying when the Rent cast came out..I am a big Broadway gal and if you mix that with CF it is a definite cry for me hahaha.

Thanks Rosie and the view..finally we have someone (a celeb) who is into helping us out.


New member
I think a little goes a long way..especially today. The segment was great!! We never get national attention like this so I will take what we get. Obviously the hollywood movie starting the "sexiest men alive" is going to get more air time than a kid with CF..come on this is America, Hollywood is where the money is! (that is meant to be taken as a joke..I am being fecesious!).
The girl was pretty well spoken and cool for 12 and Rosie did a great job talking about how we get tested and the vest. It was easy to understand and to the average joe I think it did what it needed to do.
The studio and viewing audience got to hear a bit about CF..Matthew M and Matthew Fox were exposed to CF as well as the a part of the Broadway community.
We always want more but this was great.
Heck it had me crying when the Rent cast came out..I am a big Broadway gal and if you mix that with CF it is a definite cry for me hahaha.

Thanks Rosie and the view..finally we have someone (a celeb) who is into helping us out.


New member
I think a little goes a long way..especially today. The segment was great!! We never get national attention like this so I will take what we get. Obviously the hollywood movie starting the "sexiest men alive" is going to get more air time than a kid with CF..come on this is America, Hollywood is where the money is! (that is meant to be taken as a joke..I am being fecesious!).
The girl was pretty well spoken and cool for 12 and Rosie did a great job talking about how we get tested and the vest. It was easy to understand and to the average joe I think it did what it needed to do.
The studio and viewing audience got to hear a bit about CF..Matthew M and Matthew Fox were exposed to CF as well as the a part of the Broadway community.
We always want more but this was great.
Heck it had me crying when the Rent cast came out..I am a big Broadway gal and if you mix that with CF it is a definite cry for me hahaha.

Thanks Rosie and the view..finally we have someone (a celeb) who is into helping us out.


New member
It had me in tears too! She got a wish come true & we got to witness it! YAY! I agree that Rosie shouldnt have set a "date" to when there will be a cure found, but we DID get a chance to have awareness nationally! ALl in all I think it was good enough! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

And from a parents view, when they showed her parents in the audience soooo happy, that made me cry even more.


New member
It had me in tears too! She got a wish come true & we got to witness it! YAY! I agree that Rosie shouldnt have set a "date" to when there will be a cure found, but we DID get a chance to have awareness nationally! ALl in all I think it was good enough! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

And from a parents view, when they showed her parents in the audience soooo happy, that made me cry even more.


New member
It had me in tears too! She got a wish come true & we got to witness it! YAY! I agree that Rosie shouldnt have set a "date" to when there will be a cure found, but we DID get a chance to have awareness nationally! ALl in all I think it was good enough! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

And from a parents view, when they showed her parents in the audience soooo happy, that made me cry even more.


New member
Yes I was in tears too. The whole getting her wish to come true thing got to me. I just picked Liliana up, cried and held her close as we danced. Every parent should get to see their child's wish come true.


New member
Yes I was in tears too. The whole getting her wish to come true thing got to me. I just picked Liliana up, cried and held her close as we danced. Every parent should get to see their child's wish come true.


New member
Yes I was in tears too. The whole getting her wish to come true thing got to me. I just picked Liliana up, cried and held her close as we danced. Every parent should get to see their child's wish come true.


New member
I have to say, some of you are so negative. That segment was fabulous! Stephanie did a great job, she was cute, poised, intelligent, and explained cf very well, in a very human way. People care alot more about seeing a kid explain it in normal terms, than in a textbook way.

Stephanie-if you or your family checks this out-which people, is highly likely-you did a great job sweetheart!

People-she is 12 years old. Rosie also has an attachtment to cf b/c of it affecting her family. I think she handled it in a positive way while also trying to educate people. What is wrong with saying-there will be a cure in our lifetime?-What is wrong with being optimistic? (You know they say sometimes if you verbalize an affirmation, it can come true.) After watching that, I felt warm and happy, and proud of her-not depressed and miserable. If I didn't know what cf was, I'd feel much more likely to donate than if I had watched a depressing miserable tale of cf-there's enough of that on Tv. Bringing Rent out and seeing her sing at the end esp made it inspirational.

I don't mean offense to anyone at all, of course each person in entitled to their own opinon. But I am very upset at the thought of criticizing this kid, or criticizing Rosie for being optimistic. (And I can't stand Rosie....) I'm tired of all the downers saying its wicked to hope for a cure.