Going off Prevacid?


New member
The doctor says the prevacid help them with weight gain and they do not understand why but it does.My son has severe reflux so he stays on it,he has been on it since he was 3 weeks old.


New member
The doctor says the prevacid help them with weight gain and they do not understand why but it does.My son has severe reflux so he stays on it,he has been on it since he was 3 weeks old.


New member
The doctor says the prevacid help them with weight gain and they do not understand why but it does.My son has severe reflux so he stays on it,he has been on it since he was 3 weeks old.


New member
The doctor says the prevacid help them with weight gain and they do not understand why but it does.My son has severe reflux so he stays on it,he has been on it since he was 3 weeks old.


New member
The doctor says the prevacid help them with weight gain and they do not understand why but it does.My son has severe reflux so he stays on it,he has been on it since he was 3 weeks old.


New member
This is interesting. Tucker is in the hospital right now and they did a fecal fat study on him to see how much of the fat in his diet his body is absorbing. They collected stool for 3 days and logged how much and what he ate. They discovered his body is only absorbing 81% of the fat in his diet. The docs said they like this number to be well over 90%. Tucker has not been on any type of proton pump inhibitor for a couple of years, but now they feel he needs to start taking one to see if this will help his body better absorb the fat in his diet. They will have us do another fecal fat study at home in a few months to see if it is benefiting him or not. He was on Prevacid when he was about 2, but we quit giving it to him because I didn't feel it was making a huge difference. I guess time will tell. I really hate the idea of adding an extra medication, but if that is what it takes for him to keep gaining weight, so be it!


New member
This is interesting. Tucker is in the hospital right now and they did a fecal fat study on him to see how much of the fat in his diet his body is absorbing. They collected stool for 3 days and logged how much and what he ate. They discovered his body is only absorbing 81% of the fat in his diet. The docs said they like this number to be well over 90%. Tucker has not been on any type of proton pump inhibitor for a couple of years, but now they feel he needs to start taking one to see if this will help his body better absorb the fat in his diet. They will have us do another fecal fat study at home in a few months to see if it is benefiting him or not. He was on Prevacid when he was about 2, but we quit giving it to him because I didn't feel it was making a huge difference. I guess time will tell. I really hate the idea of adding an extra medication, but if that is what it takes for him to keep gaining weight, so be it!


New member
This is interesting. Tucker is in the hospital right now and they did a fecal fat study on him to see how much of the fat in his diet his body is absorbing. They collected stool for 3 days and logged how much and what he ate. They discovered his body is only absorbing 81% of the fat in his diet. The docs said they like this number to be well over 90%. Tucker has not been on any type of proton pump inhibitor for a couple of years, but now they feel he needs to start taking one to see if this will help his body better absorb the fat in his diet. They will have us do another fecal fat study at home in a few months to see if it is benefiting him or not. He was on Prevacid when he was about 2, but we quit giving it to him because I didn't feel it was making a huge difference. I guess time will tell. I really hate the idea of adding an extra medication, but if that is what it takes for him to keep gaining weight, so be it!


New member
This is interesting. Tucker is in the hospital right now and they did a fecal fat study on him to see how much of the fat in his diet his body is absorbing. They collected stool for 3 days and logged how much and what he ate. They discovered his body is only absorbing 81% of the fat in his diet. The docs said they like this number to be well over 90%. Tucker has not been on any type of proton pump inhibitor for a couple of years, but now they feel he needs to start taking one to see if this will help his body better absorb the fat in his diet. They will have us do another fecal fat study at home in a few months to see if it is benefiting him or not. He was on Prevacid when he was about 2, but we quit giving it to him because I didn't feel it was making a huge difference. I guess time will tell. I really hate the idea of adding an extra medication, but if that is what it takes for him to keep gaining weight, so be it!


New member
This is interesting. Tucker is in the hospital right now and they did a fecal fat study on him to see how much of the fat in his diet his body is absorbing. They collected stool for 3 days and logged how much and what he ate. They discovered his body is only absorbing 81% of the fat in his diet. The docs said they like this number to be well over 90%. Tucker has not been on any type of proton pump inhibitor for a couple of years, but now they feel he needs to start taking one to see if this will help his body better absorb the fat in his diet. They will have us do another fecal fat study at home in a few months to see if it is benefiting him or not. He was on Prevacid when he was about 2, but we quit giving it to him because I didn't feel it was making a huge difference. I guess time will tell. I really hate the idea of adding an extra medication, but if that is what it takes for him to keep gaining weight, so be it!


New member
Weight gain is complicated and I would want proof that my child is truly producing too much acid and I would also want to try natural methods first before adding a drug. Consider also that Prevacid depletes the body of vitamin B12 and Pepcid, Tagemet and Zantac deplete the body of vitamin B12, Folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc.

These drugs may help in enzyme effectiveness but why are they not willing to work more closely with us to fine tune diets or use natural things like apple cider vinegar before meals before trying a drug. Traditional doctors are not going to tell you what those natural methods are because they don't know. It is worth doing some research and/or consulting with a holistic MD/dietician to see if some minor diet changes and/or supplements could help. You can purchase PH strips to test for acidity in the urine and try adding more alkaline foods to balance this if this is truly the issue. Baking soda in the bath helps as well. Many are easy changes and could be just the thing to aid in digestion.

Books on the topic and even a food chart:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-8391610-8867953?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=acid+alkaline


New member
Weight gain is complicated and I would want proof that my child is truly producing too much acid and I would also want to try natural methods first before adding a drug. Consider also that Prevacid depletes the body of vitamin B12 and Pepcid, Tagemet and Zantac deplete the body of vitamin B12, Folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc.

These drugs may help in enzyme effectiveness but why are they not willing to work more closely with us to fine tune diets or use natural things like apple cider vinegar before meals before trying a drug. Traditional doctors are not going to tell you what those natural methods are because they don't know. It is worth doing some research and/or consulting with a holistic MD/dietician to see if some minor diet changes and/or supplements could help. You can purchase PH strips to test for acidity in the urine and try adding more alkaline foods to balance this if this is truly the issue. Baking soda in the bath helps as well. Many are easy changes and could be just the thing to aid in digestion.

Books on the topic and even a food chart:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-8391610-8867953?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=acid+alkaline


New member
Weight gain is complicated and I would want proof that my child is truly producing too much acid and I would also want to try natural methods first before adding a drug. Consider also that Prevacid depletes the body of vitamin B12 and Pepcid, Tagemet and Zantac deplete the body of vitamin B12, Folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc.

These drugs may help in enzyme effectiveness but why are they not willing to work more closely with us to fine tune diets or use natural things like apple cider vinegar before meals before trying a drug. Traditional doctors are not going to tell you what those natural methods are because they don't know. It is worth doing some research and/or consulting with a holistic MD/dietician to see if some minor diet changes and/or supplements could help. You can purchase PH strips to test for acidity in the urine and try adding more alkaline foods to balance this if this is truly the issue. Baking soda in the bath helps as well. Many are easy changes and could be just the thing to aid in digestion.

Books on the topic and even a food chart:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-8391610-8867953?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=acid+alkaline


New member
Weight gain is complicated and I would want proof that my child is truly producing too much acid and I would also want to try natural methods first before adding a drug. Consider also that Prevacid depletes the body of vitamin B12 and Pepcid, Tagemet and Zantac deplete the body of vitamin B12, Folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc.

These drugs may help in enzyme effectiveness but why are they not willing to work more closely with us to fine tune diets or use natural things like apple cider vinegar before meals before trying a drug. Traditional doctors are not going to tell you what those natural methods are because they don't know. It is worth doing some research and/or consulting with a holistic MD/dietician to see if some minor diet changes and/or supplements could help. You can purchase PH strips to test for acidity in the urine and try adding more alkaline foods to balance this if this is truly the issue. Baking soda in the bath helps as well. Many are easy changes and could be just the thing to aid in digestion.

Books on the topic and even a food chart:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-8391610-8867953?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=acid+alkaline


New member
Weight gain is complicated and I would want proof that my child is truly producing too much acid and I would also want to try natural methods first before adding a drug. Consider also that Prevacid depletes the body of vitamin B12 and Pepcid, Tagemet and Zantac deplete the body of vitamin B12, Folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron and zinc.

These drugs may help in enzyme effectiveness but why are they not willing to work more closely with us to fine tune diets or use natural things like apple cider vinegar before meals before trying a drug. Traditional doctors are not going to tell you what those natural methods are because they don't know. It is worth doing some research and/or consulting with a holistic MD/dietician to see if some minor diet changes and/or supplements could help. You can purchase PH strips to test for acidity in the urine and try adding more alkaline foods to balance this if this is truly the issue. Baking soda in the bath helps as well. Many are easy changes and could be just the thing to aid in digestion.

Books on the topic and even a food chart:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-8391610-8867953?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=acid+alkaline