Hello everyone, my name is Candi I am a 30 yr old with cf and diabetes. My pft's fev1 is at my best of 54 percent after two week of iv antibiotics, my doctors is wanting me to think about dissability, he says it could help my lung functions and in general add years to my life, although I dont feel as if I am disabled and feel a little guilty going on it but on another hand, if going on it will mean that I could live a longer healthier life than I think that is the best thing. I just im just needing some advice of others that has gone on disability but feel the same way I do. I work in a hospital in the pharmacy, my boss is scared to death because of my mrsa flare up and she is now on chemo... infection control there at work wants me to wear a mask from here on out... Its just not fair that I have to be the one that wears the mask when my boss is the one that has a low immune system.... I have several issuess grrrrrrrr can someone please help make some sense out of this... I have not gone back to work yet sense my tune up and now that my work issue has came up, it urges me to look more into the dissability just so it makes life easier for everyone..... Please any help or ideas would greatly help me out thanks so much