I was wondering how bad the pruning is that I've seen mentioned in a few posts? I had never really thought about it until one day a few months ago I noticed how wrinkled DS' hands looked when he was done with his bath. I then saw it mentioned in posts on this site. I never knew that one had anything to do with the other. It looks painful, but for now he says it doesn't hurt. Does anyone have pain along with the pruning. I notice that I seem to prune up quickly, but never as bad as DS. I find it uncomfortable, but not painful. The picture below shows DS' hand after his bath (my hand behind his). I couldn't get a great picture, but his hands also look like they have these white splotches all over. Does this look/sound like what everyone is talking about or does it look different. I was going to take him to a dermatologist, but I don't know if I should bother. It happens after every bath.
<img src="http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j398/EdenParra/0391.jpg">
<img src="http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j398/EdenParra/0391.jpg">