has cf affected your social life



When I first read the question I thought, "What social life?" Between working full-time and being a single mom I don't have time for anything else...
but then (as I was walking) I realized that it does. We have tunnels at work and I frequently walk in them for exercise. There is a group that walks regularly and they invited me to join them. I politely declined for two reasons:
1. I tend to get short of breath when walking and it is very embarrassing. These women are all older than me but I don't think that I would be able to keep up with them for the entire 2 miles and I wouldn't want to slow them down.
2. I prefer to walk in the non-climate controlled tunnels because I sweat a lot (not sure if that is a common CF thing) and the tunnels out to the parking garage stay cooler than the ones inside.
Sometimes I run into them and I am afraid that they think I am a snob or something because I don't walk with them. I told them the reason I couldn't walk with them was because I like to listen to my ipod or books on tape/cd while I am walking. I think it would be nice to have someone to walk with. Only my boss and a couple of people in my department know that I have CF.


When I first read the question I thought, "What social life?" Between working full-time and being a single mom I don't have time for anything else...
but then (as I was walking) I realized that it does. We have tunnels at work and I frequently walk in them for exercise. There is a group that walks regularly and they invited me to join them. I politely declined for two reasons:
1. I tend to get short of breath when walking and it is very embarrassing. These women are all older than me but I don't think that I would be able to keep up with them for the entire 2 miles and I wouldn't want to slow them down.
2. I prefer to walk in the non-climate controlled tunnels because I sweat a lot (not sure if that is a common CF thing) and the tunnels out to the parking garage stay cooler than the ones inside.
Sometimes I run into them and I am afraid that they think I am a snob or something because I don't walk with them. I told them the reason I couldn't walk with them was because I like to listen to my ipod or books on tape/cd while I am walking. I think it would be nice to have someone to walk with. Only my boss and a couple of people in my department know that I have CF.


New member
I have personally always had a great social life and I do not think that I have had the mildest case of CF. My relationships with my friends blossomed more when I became open about my CF and my friendships have been stronger since then. I was always (and still am) the one looking for and planning the parties. And because of my situation, I feel that I have stayed in touch with people who were there for me during the whole transplant thing. People I don't think I would have stayed in touch with under other circumstances. when I was really sick my junior year of college, the semester before I took a leave of absence for teh transplant, my social life slowed down and changed. People would pregame in my room before going out and I would only go out if it was a special occasion (date party/formal) and most often I was sober and driving wherever we were going and people were giving me piggyback rides so I didn't have to walk anywhere. that is how I was known around campus that semester. Either in my car or on somone's back. So my socializing came in the form of hanging out in my room or ordering take out with my friends. After transplant I have to say my social life got super intense. I actually think I need to slow it down a bit!


New member
I have personally always had a great social life and I do not think that I have had the mildest case of CF. My relationships with my friends blossomed more when I became open about my CF and my friendships have been stronger since then. I was always (and still am) the one looking for and planning the parties. And because of my situation, I feel that I have stayed in touch with people who were there for me during the whole transplant thing. People I don't think I would have stayed in touch with under other circumstances. when I was really sick my junior year of college, the semester before I took a leave of absence for teh transplant, my social life slowed down and changed. People would pregame in my room before going out and I would only go out if it was a special occasion (date party/formal) and most often I was sober and driving wherever we were going and people were giving me piggyback rides so I didn't have to walk anywhere. that is how I was known around campus that semester. Either in my car or on somone's back. So my socializing came in the form of hanging out in my room or ordering take out with my friends. After transplant I have to say my social life got super intense. I actually think I need to slow it down a bit!


New member
I have personally always had a great social life and I do not think that I have had the mildest case of CF. My relationships with my friends blossomed more when I became open about my CF and my friendships have been stronger since then. I was always (and still am) the one looking for and planning the parties. And because of my situation, I feel that I have stayed in touch with people who were there for me during the whole transplant thing. People I don't think I would have stayed in touch with under other circumstances. when I was really sick my junior year of college, the semester before I took a leave of absence for teh transplant, my social life slowed down and changed. People would pregame in my room before going out and I would only go out if it was a special occasion (date party/formal) and most often I was sober and driving wherever we were going and people were giving me piggyback rides so I didn't have to walk anywhere. that is how I was known around campus that semester. Either in my car or on somone's back. So my socializing came in the form of hanging out in my room or ordering take out with my friends. After transplant I have to say my social life got super intense. I actually think I need to slow it down a bit!