has cf affected your social life


Staff member
Last summer we went to an out of town wedding, booked hotel rooms -- big family event with relatives from all over the country. I realized that the wedding reception/dance was being held at a private service club, which allowed smoking... I'd been there a few years before -- one of those really dark dingy clubs where the air is blue with smoke.

We spent 20 minutes at the church for the wedding, then DH and I took DS out to dinner and spent the rest of the evening at the hotel. Got pressure from MIL and BIL 'cuz "it won't be THAT smokey. People want to SEE you". Apparently we embarrassed them. Just said, we'll be at the restaurant down the block and back at the hotel if anyone wants to see us. Or we can meet somewhere for brunch. Next morning we went over to a cousin's house to visit with some of the relatives for about an hour and then hit the road back home -- the gift opening, lunch was back at the legion club.

If I'd known prior to booking the hotel, etc., we probably would've just sent a nice gift and said we had a previous engagement.


Staff member
Last summer we went to an out of town wedding, booked hotel rooms -- big family event with relatives from all over the country. I realized that the wedding reception/dance was being held at a private service club, which allowed smoking... I'd been there a few years before -- one of those really dark dingy clubs where the air is blue with smoke.

We spent 20 minutes at the church for the wedding, then DH and I took DS out to dinner and spent the rest of the evening at the hotel. Got pressure from MIL and BIL 'cuz "it won't be THAT smokey. People want to SEE you". Apparently we embarrassed them. Just said, we'll be at the restaurant down the block and back at the hotel if anyone wants to see us. Or we can meet somewhere for brunch. Next morning we went over to a cousin's house to visit with some of the relatives for about an hour and then hit the road back home -- the gift opening, lunch was back at the legion club.

If I'd known prior to booking the hotel, etc., we probably would've just sent a nice gift and said we had a previous engagement.


Staff member
Last summer we went to an out of town wedding, booked hotel rooms -- big family event with relatives from all over the country. I realized that the wedding reception/dance was being held at a private service club, which allowed smoking... I'd been there a few years before -- one of those really dark dingy clubs where the air is blue with smoke.

We spent 20 minutes at the church for the wedding, then DH and I took DS out to dinner and spent the rest of the evening at the hotel. Got pressure from MIL and BIL 'cuz "it won't be THAT smokey. People want to SEE you". Apparently we embarrassed them. Just said, we'll be at the restaurant down the block and back at the hotel if anyone wants to see us. Or we can meet somewhere for brunch. Next morning we went over to a cousin's house to visit with some of the relatives for about an hour and then hit the road back home -- the gift opening, lunch was back at the legion club.

If I'd known prior to booking the hotel, etc., we probably would've just sent a nice gift and said we had a previous engagement.


New member
i agree with amy and lauren and others who have said this; i don't think cf has affected my social life much at all. my cf is on the mild side too, so that's probably helped. cf has also probably had some effects... like maybe a small dent in self-confidence or something... but overall my social life is very normal.


New member
i agree with amy and lauren and others who have said this; i don't think cf has affected my social life much at all. my cf is on the mild side too, so that's probably helped. cf has also probably had some effects... like maybe a small dent in self-confidence or something... but overall my social life is very normal.


New member
i agree with amy and lauren and others who have said this; i don't think cf has affected my social life much at all. my cf is on the mild side too, so that's probably helped. cf has also probably had some effects... like maybe a small dent in self-confidence or something... but overall my social life is very normal.


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>it seems to be the moment i cant keep up im old news, not fun anymore, uncool. coffee, movies and girly nights dont cut it for them. they want to party hard and thats all. </end quote></div>

I totally agree with this statement. I found that alot of times in college, i was feeling left out because of that. My CF is also somewhat mild, but I still get tired very easily and am not able to keep up with my friends. I wish it was not like that and there was something I could do, but thats just the way it happened.

Some of my social problems also may have to do with me personally. I was always very timid, always...esp when I first went away to college. I was always afraid that something would happen if I went out and partied. I wanted to experiment with some things, but found it was very hard because I was afraid of things interacting with my meds and whatnot. I was never pressured by friends to do drugs or anything.

Most of my friends helped me and were supportive if I was sick, and thats a great thing, but I did notice that I always felt left out. I felt like I was missing out on something that I should be doing. It kind of sucks, but I guess thats life. I dont regret anything, but it does make me wonder.


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>it seems to be the moment i cant keep up im old news, not fun anymore, uncool. coffee, movies and girly nights dont cut it for them. they want to party hard and thats all. </end quote></div>

I totally agree with this statement. I found that alot of times in college, i was feeling left out because of that. My CF is also somewhat mild, but I still get tired very easily and am not able to keep up with my friends. I wish it was not like that and there was something I could do, but thats just the way it happened.

Some of my social problems also may have to do with me personally. I was always very timid, always...esp when I first went away to college. I was always afraid that something would happen if I went out and partied. I wanted to experiment with some things, but found it was very hard because I was afraid of things interacting with my meds and whatnot. I was never pressured by friends to do drugs or anything.

Most of my friends helped me and were supportive if I was sick, and thats a great thing, but I did notice that I always felt left out. I felt like I was missing out on something that I should be doing. It kind of sucks, but I guess thats life. I dont regret anything, but it does make me wonder.


<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>it seems to be the moment i cant keep up im old news, not fun anymore, uncool. coffee, movies and girly nights dont cut it for them. they want to party hard and thats all. </end quote></div>

I totally agree with this statement. I found that alot of times in college, i was feeling left out because of that. My CF is also somewhat mild, but I still get tired very easily and am not able to keep up with my friends. I wish it was not like that and there was something I could do, but thats just the way it happened.

Some of my social problems also may have to do with me personally. I was always very timid, always...esp when I first went away to college. I was always afraid that something would happen if I went out and partied. I wanted to experiment with some things, but found it was very hard because I was afraid of things interacting with my meds and whatnot. I was never pressured by friends to do drugs or anything.

Most of my friends helped me and were supportive if I was sick, and thats a great thing, but I did notice that I always felt left out. I felt like I was missing out on something that I should be doing. It kind of sucks, but I guess thats life. I dont regret anything, but it does make me wonder.
right now I am trying to get back into my friends life. I have been sick alot since last july. i had fever many times and had to go to the doc 4 out of 5 months. I went to the hospital in december.
I have been busy with other things like teaching since January and seeing a guy. now I am tryin to connect to a few people at a time so they can start remember me when they make plans.
right now I am trying to get back into my friends life. I have been sick alot since last july. i had fever many times and had to go to the doc 4 out of 5 months. I went to the hospital in december.
I have been busy with other things like teaching since January and seeing a guy. now I am tryin to connect to a few people at a time so they can start remember me when they make plans.
right now I am trying to get back into my friends life. I have been sick alot since last july. i had fever many times and had to go to the doc 4 out of 5 months. I went to the hospital in december.
I have been busy with other things like teaching since January and seeing a guy. now I am tryin to connect to a few people at a time so they can start remember me when they make plans.


New member
Yo thxmuch Amy [?]
Humour is what we aim for lol.
Anyway. To everyone else:
I'm young and stupid. First and foremost a cra-zee teenager.
When I can no longer spend Saturday nights making [foggy] memories of insane/illegal vodka fuelled activities, then CF has won.
If you've still got it, flaunt it!
The end is inevitable.
Carpe Diem, Sugah.


New member
Yo thxmuch Amy [?]
Humour is what we aim for lol.
Anyway. To everyone else:
I'm young and stupid. First and foremost a cra-zee teenager.
When I can no longer spend Saturday nights making [foggy] memories of insane/illegal vodka fuelled activities, then CF has won.
If you've still got it, flaunt it!
The end is inevitable.
Carpe Diem, Sugah.


New member
Yo thxmuch Amy [?]
Humour is what we aim for lol.
Anyway. To everyone else:
I'm young and stupid. First and foremost a cra-zee teenager.
When I can no longer spend Saturday nights making [foggy] memories of insane/illegal vodka fuelled activities, then CF has won.
If you've still got it, flaunt it!
The end is inevitable.
Carpe Diem, Sugah.


New member
Ok so my Cf is not mild at all and I still think that it is me that has made my social life suffer not my CF. I am always in constant pain, FEV1 is in the 40s, and I am not able to go out to bars often at all. But if I didn't have friends because of this it would still be my fault.

Because I am away sick so much I have to call my friends to check up all the time. It is tiring but worth it. They are used to me being sick all the time so they don't check in with me as much because they are used to me not being there.

I think if someone is sick a lot it is up to them to keep their friends. Their friends are only going to be there for so long before they do get used to you not being there. They have their own life and that is not their fault. I think that we have to try harder because of it and I am ok with that.


New member
Ok so my Cf is not mild at all and I still think that it is me that has made my social life suffer not my CF. I am always in constant pain, FEV1 is in the 40s, and I am not able to go out to bars often at all. But if I didn't have friends because of this it would still be my fault.

Because I am away sick so much I have to call my friends to check up all the time. It is tiring but worth it. They are used to me being sick all the time so they don't check in with me as much because they are used to me not being there.

I think if someone is sick a lot it is up to them to keep their friends. Their friends are only going to be there for so long before they do get used to you not being there. They have their own life and that is not their fault. I think that we have to try harder because of it and I am ok with that.


New member
Ok so my Cf is not mild at all and I still think that it is me that has made my social life suffer not my CF. I am always in constant pain, FEV1 is in the 40s, and I am not able to go out to bars often at all. But if I didn't have friends because of this it would still be my fault.

Because I am away sick so much I have to call my friends to check up all the time. It is tiring but worth it. They are used to me being sick all the time so they don't check in with me as much because they are used to me not being there.

I think if someone is sick a lot it is up to them to keep their friends. Their friends are only going to be there for so long before they do get used to you not being there. They have their own life and that is not their fault. I think that we have to try harder because of it and I am ok with that.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>If you've still got it, flaunt it!
The end is inevitable.
Carpe Diem, Sugah.

</end quote></div>

I really like this sentiment, so much so that I wrote it in my notenook. It sounds like something Ry would have said, and it was definitely the way he lived. Keep on being yourself, Phoebe.

Oh, and what I actually emant to add, before that distracted me...I think some of it is personality. I don't have much of a social life either. I can blame a lot of things, but what ti all comes down to is I'm naturally a shyer, quieter person in my life, and with my touch of social anxiety...I dislike doing things sometimes. It's not that my friends don't care about me, it's just that it isn't their job to make sure I'm entertained. I am much more low key. They aren't. If I want someone to hang around and watch movies with, I have to find a friend who wants to do that. I just haven't made that effort. So I think it is with a lot of people, CF and non.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>If you've still got it, flaunt it!
The end is inevitable.
Carpe Diem, Sugah.

</end quote></div>

I really like this sentiment, so much so that I wrote it in my notenook. It sounds like something Ry would have said, and it was definitely the way he lived. Keep on being yourself, Phoebe.

Oh, and what I actually emant to add, before that distracted me...I think some of it is personality. I don't have much of a social life either. I can blame a lot of things, but what ti all comes down to is I'm naturally a shyer, quieter person in my life, and with my touch of social anxiety...I dislike doing things sometimes. It's not that my friends don't care about me, it's just that it isn't their job to make sure I'm entertained. I am much more low key. They aren't. If I want someone to hang around and watch movies with, I have to find a friend who wants to do that. I just haven't made that effort. So I think it is with a lot of people, CF and non.