has cf affected your social life



During my childhood years, I had problems due to being constantly teased, as well as missing school from being sick so often.
As I got into high school, I still had occasional teasing, but also was able to find a few people to call friends because they didn't "attack" my differences due to my health problems that were obvious. The less obvious was how many pills I took. The principal's office always carried the medication (because they were prescription, they felt better having that kind of control), so I would take it there before going to the lunch room.
It wasn't until after graduation, when I was having my graduation party in which no one that I invited had come over. Sad day, but helped me realize that I really needed to work harder at building friendships.
I still had a few 'social oddities', even during my first marriage, but had 'help' in that area as well!
I think those problems were related to my CF, because with having four siblings, I really think things would have been different if I wasn't sick so often as a child.
I'd also add that I started into the martial arts to help me deal with the self confidence and health problem, seems to have worked so far for me.


New member
Like others have mentioned, since I told my friends about my CF, I think some of them just assume that I won't be up to doing certain things so they don't ask anymore.


New member
Like others have mentioned, since I told my friends about my CF, I think some of them just assume that I won't be up to doing certain things so they don't ask anymore.


New member
Like others have mentioned, since I told my friends about my CF, I think some of them just assume that I won't be up to doing certain things so they don't ask anymore.


New member
It has affected my social life some, more in elementary/junior high than now (the whole digestive problems thing). Now it's just that if my friend(s) or sister's kids are sick, or they are sick themselves, we have to reschedule getting together (just happened last week<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> )and I don't get to see them as often as I like. However, my best friend has a daughter with asthma who gets flare ups with colds, etc. so she is very understanding, and we both try to keep each others families healthy as much as possible.


New member
It has affected my social life some, more in elementary/junior high than now (the whole digestive problems thing). Now it's just that if my friend(s) or sister's kids are sick, or they are sick themselves, we have to reschedule getting together (just happened last week<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> )and I don't get to see them as often as I like. However, my best friend has a daughter with asthma who gets flare ups with colds, etc. so she is very understanding, and we both try to keep each others families healthy as much as possible.


New member
It has affected my social life some, more in elementary/junior high than now (the whole digestive problems thing). Now it's just that if my friend(s) or sister's kids are sick, or they are sick themselves, we have to reschedule getting together (just happened last week<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> )and I don't get to see them as often as I like. However, my best friend has a daughter with asthma who gets flare ups with colds, etc. so she is very understanding, and we both try to keep each others families healthy as much as possible.


New member
I'm the odd one - I've always had a completely normal social life.

I'm sure a lot has to do with my CF being so mild.

But a lot had to do with how my parents raised me as well - I never felt different, I was never treated differently, etc. I'm short, so what? I'm skinny, so what? I also have a cool shaking Vest and an electric cigarette called a neb.

I think CF can affect you socially if you let it. It's your choice.


New member
I'm the odd one - I've always had a completely normal social life.

I'm sure a lot has to do with my CF being so mild.

But a lot had to do with how my parents raised me as well - I never felt different, I was never treated differently, etc. I'm short, so what? I'm skinny, so what? I also have a cool shaking Vest and an electric cigarette called a neb.

I think CF can affect you socially if you let it. It's your choice.


New member
I'm the odd one - I've always had a completely normal social life.

I'm sure a lot has to do with my CF being so mild.

But a lot had to do with how my parents raised me as well - I never felt different, I was never treated differently, etc. I'm short, so what? I'm skinny, so what? I also have a cool shaking Vest and an electric cigarette called a neb.

I think CF can affect you socially if you let it. It's your choice.


New member
Word on the street is my social life is one of the most notorious and raging.
Girl likes to get onnnn it.
And there's no time to think about CF when you're busy being flyy.


New member
Word on the street is my social life is one of the most notorious and raging.
Girl likes to get onnnn it.
And there's no time to think about CF when you're busy being flyy.


New member
Word on the street is my social life is one of the most notorious and raging.
Girl likes to get onnnn it.
And there's no time to think about CF when you're busy being flyy.


New member
its affected my social life a lot. i just cant keep up with people my age. no offence to my generation but i find the majority are quite selfish. it seems to be the moment i cant keep up im old news, not fun anymore, uncool. coffee, movies and girly nights dont cut it for them. they want to party hard and thats all. i only have 1 friend who takes it easy like i do. another friend is like superwoman and is always on the go and invites me along to places but most of the time i just have to turn her down and ask if we can do something quiet instead. i hate doing it but she understands, unlike some.


New member
its affected my social life a lot. i just cant keep up with people my age. no offence to my generation but i find the majority are quite selfish. it seems to be the moment i cant keep up im old news, not fun anymore, uncool. coffee, movies and girly nights dont cut it for them. they want to party hard and thats all. i only have 1 friend who takes it easy like i do. another friend is like superwoman and is always on the go and invites me along to places but most of the time i just have to turn her down and ask if we can do something quiet instead. i hate doing it but she understands, unlike some.


New member
its affected my social life a lot. i just cant keep up with people my age. no offence to my generation but i find the majority are quite selfish. it seems to be the moment i cant keep up im old news, not fun anymore, uncool. coffee, movies and girly nights dont cut it for them. they want to party hard and thats all. i only have 1 friend who takes it easy like i do. another friend is like superwoman and is always on the go and invites me along to places but most of the time i just have to turn her down and ask if we can do something quiet instead. i hate doing it but she understands, unlike some.


New member
Yes CF has greatly affected my social life. Many friends became distant when I got sick. A few stayed and we all got together on Friday or Saturday night for Dinner and a Movie. Then a few of them started to become distant. I had one friend who was there for me through out it all. He saw me when I was healthy and strong in appearance and watched me deteriate. He would make sure I got out of the house once a week to keep me social and active. But resently he moved out of state to be with his son. I can't blame him, he has been wanting to watch him grow for sometime and he couldn't afford to bring him out here so he moved back home to his son. Now, my only social life is online. The rest of my friends have all become distant and no longer call.


New member
Yes CF has greatly affected my social life. Many friends became distant when I got sick. A few stayed and we all got together on Friday or Saturday night for Dinner and a Movie. Then a few of them started to become distant. I had one friend who was there for me through out it all. He saw me when I was healthy and strong in appearance and watched me deteriate. He would make sure I got out of the house once a week to keep me social and active. But resently he moved out of state to be with his son. I can't blame him, he has been wanting to watch him grow for sometime and he couldn't afford to bring him out here so he moved back home to his son. Now, my only social life is online. The rest of my friends have all become distant and no longer call.


New member
Yes CF has greatly affected my social life. Many friends became distant when I got sick. A few stayed and we all got together on Friday or Saturday night for Dinner and a Movie. Then a few of them started to become distant. I had one friend who was there for me through out it all. He saw me when I was healthy and strong in appearance and watched me deteriate. He would make sure I got out of the house once a week to keep me social and active. But resently he moved out of state to be with his son. I can't blame him, he has been wanting to watch him grow for sometime and he couldn't afford to bring him out here so he moved back home to his son. Now, my only social life is online. The rest of my friends have all become distant and no longer call.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>clinging2faith</b></i>

Hi Ricky123:

Yes it has for me too. CF does affect to a great extent.

HOw can we make many friends when we are hospitalized and in bed at home or trying to stay away from other's germs? It is difficult also because like you state, its not always possible to be in the greatest mood and relentlessly have energy for all the demands of having friends all the time and around.

It is tiring to try to keep up with friends. I lucked out because I have my set of very good friends since childhood and adolescence, I sitll have at least 5 of my highschool friends who are my constant supporters whenever they can get online because they are in Spain and Mexico and Italy and South America.

Talking takes energy, if one is clogged well it s more difficult to keep talking, joking, laughing and us )chocking!

I , like you, had or maybe have some sort of inferiority feeling too not from other but from the fact that cf does limit us in many ways even if one is encouraged to live a normal life, its not always normal is it?

To have a social life, one needs energy, stamina, lungs clear so one can talk for hours, no therapies so one does not interrupt others (or vice versa), one should be able to feel so good that one can go anywhere and smile. Eating problems? This was my biggest issue when I was growing up. HOW TO HIDE THE HORRIBLE GAS PROBLEM FROM DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS? back when I was a child I had to suffer so much from this and go to school and hide in the bathroom until all the kids were out so nobody would smell ... it was very hard I remember that and sometimes I still do.

I remember one time I had a Catholic retreat when i was 12yrs old. I had joined with my school 2 entire classrooms of girls in the retreat. For every two girls we had a small room to sleep in with the toilet in the middle of the room enclosed in 3 walls. HOW DOES A CF PERSON WITH SEVERE DIGESTIVE DISORDER HIDE THIS IN THS SITUATION?

I had to not go to the toilet for 3 days, i went back home with such a severe intestinal blockage from holding all in.


We can go up and down the list of problems which can be large.

People who have a great social life, have a greater body and illness not so bad or no illness at all. They can stand the daily and routine things in a social life which are very demanding on a cf person with breathing proble3ms, digesting probs, etc.

I cant think of having a social life whenIm in a lot of pain unable to get up from it, coughing, chocking, medication schedules, et c etc etc sometimes one has to make the friends online, get a few phone calls from others and leave the socializing till one feels good enough to walk out and talk for hours (to say the least).

Yes thereare CF people who do have a great social life I think, but those may be the ones with a milder form of cf that allows them to continue as if nothing was wrong and with not many complicaitons to have a social life.

I find that being so thin makes me feel so badly inferior now becayse I compare myself all the time looking at evrybody else being ok (those without cf) and me here like bones. ITS HARD IT IS.

Somethings we can overcome some we may not .

Mary</end quote></div>great post i think you have summed up perfectly how cf can affect you in a social environment