Have you ever refused a med student?


New member

So, I'm going in to be put on IV meds tomorrow. Last time I went in, it took the "student" at the University Hospital 4 times and two blown veins before she finally allowed her "teacher" to try to start my IV. I always get an IV the night before I'm knocked out to place the PICC. This IV trauma is starting to be almost WORSE than the PICC trauma... At least PICC people aren't students!

Anyway, I'm wondering if it is out of line to request (i.e. require) that someone NOT a student put in my IV tomorrow? Has anyone ever done this for procedures? Do they have a right to refuse and MAKE you get stuck by a student/i.e. newbie? I have veins that disapper because I become so anxious, so even when they think they're going to have an easy time at it, they never do. Usually, the experienced IV placer gets in right away.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? When I go to my doc tomorrow and he is writing my orders, is THAT the time to have him write in my orders that a student is unacceptable OR do I just mention it when they come into my room tomorrow to start the IV? Do I ask for credentials? Ask if they're a student or what?

The last student I had said she'd done TONS of IVs on the most "tough" patients and veins, so I didn't realize she was a student until she gave up and asked her teacher to do it instead. Urgh.

I'm so nervous about this... I've been having panic attacks all day....

Thanks guys,


New member

So, I'm going in to be put on IV meds tomorrow. Last time I went in, it took the "student" at the University Hospital 4 times and two blown veins before she finally allowed her "teacher" to try to start my IV. I always get an IV the night before I'm knocked out to place the PICC. This IV trauma is starting to be almost WORSE than the PICC trauma... At least PICC people aren't students!

Anyway, I'm wondering if it is out of line to request (i.e. require) that someone NOT a student put in my IV tomorrow? Has anyone ever done this for procedures? Do they have a right to refuse and MAKE you get stuck by a student/i.e. newbie? I have veins that disapper because I become so anxious, so even when they think they're going to have an easy time at it, they never do. Usually, the experienced IV placer gets in right away.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? When I go to my doc tomorrow and he is writing my orders, is THAT the time to have him write in my orders that a student is unacceptable OR do I just mention it when they come into my room tomorrow to start the IV? Do I ask for credentials? Ask if they're a student or what?

The last student I had said she'd done TONS of IVs on the most "tough" patients and veins, so I didn't realize she was a student until she gave up and asked her teacher to do it instead. Urgh.

I'm so nervous about this... I've been having panic attacks all day....

Thanks guys,


New member

So, I'm going in to be put on IV meds tomorrow. Last time I went in, it took the "student" at the University Hospital 4 times and two blown veins before she finally allowed her "teacher" to try to start my IV. I always get an IV the night before I'm knocked out to place the PICC. This IV trauma is starting to be almost WORSE than the PICC trauma... At least PICC people aren't students!

Anyway, I'm wondering if it is out of line to request (i.e. require) that someone NOT a student put in my IV tomorrow? Has anyone ever done this for procedures? Do they have a right to refuse and MAKE you get stuck by a student/i.e. newbie? I have veins that disapper because I become so anxious, so even when they think they're going to have an easy time at it, they never do. Usually, the experienced IV placer gets in right away.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? When I go to my doc tomorrow and he is writing my orders, is THAT the time to have him write in my orders that a student is unacceptable OR do I just mention it when they come into my room tomorrow to start the IV? Do I ask for credentials? Ask if they're a student or what?

The last student I had said she'd done TONS of IVs on the most "tough" patients and veins, so I didn't realize she was a student until she gave up and asked her teacher to do it instead. Urgh.

I'm so nervous about this... I've been having panic attacks all day....

Thanks guys,


New member

So, I'm going in to be put on IV meds tomorrow. Last time I went in, it took the "student" at the University Hospital 4 times and two blown veins before she finally allowed her "teacher" to try to start my IV. I always get an IV the night before I'm knocked out to place the PICC. This IV trauma is starting to be almost WORSE than the PICC trauma... At least PICC people aren't students!

Anyway, I'm wondering if it is out of line to request (i.e. require) that someone NOT a student put in my IV tomorrow? Has anyone ever done this for procedures? Do they have a right to refuse and MAKE you get stuck by a student/i.e. newbie? I have veins that disapper because I become so anxious, so even when they think they're going to have an easy time at it, they never do. Usually, the experienced IV placer gets in right away.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? When I go to my doc tomorrow and he is writing my orders, is THAT the time to have him write in my orders that a student is unacceptable OR do I just mention it when they come into my room tomorrow to start the IV? Do I ask for credentials? Ask if they're a student or what?

The last student I had said she'd done TONS of IVs on the most "tough" patients and veins, so I didn't realize she was a student until she gave up and asked her teacher to do it instead. Urgh.

I'm so nervous about this... I've been having panic attacks all day....

Thanks guys,


New member
<br />
<br />So, I'm going in to be put on IV meds tomorrow. Last time I went in, it took the "student" at the University Hospital 4 times and two blown veins before she finally allowed her "teacher" to try to start my IV. I always get an IV the night before I'm knocked out to place the PICC. This IV trauma is starting to be almost WORSE than the PICC trauma... At least PICC people aren't students!
<br />
<br />Anyway, I'm wondering if it is out of line to request (i.e. require) that someone NOT a student put in my IV tomorrow? Has anyone ever done this for procedures? Do they have a right to refuse and MAKE you get stuck by a student/i.e. newbie? I have veins that disapper because I become so anxious, so even when they think they're going to have an easy time at it, they never do. Usually, the experienced IV placer gets in right away.
<br />
<br />Anyway, what are your thoughts? When I go to my doc tomorrow and he is writing my orders, is THAT the time to have him write in my orders that a student is unacceptable OR do I just mention it when they come into my room tomorrow to start the IV? Do I ask for credentials? Ask if they're a student or what?
<br />
<br />The last student I had said she'd done TONS of IVs on the most "tough" patients and veins, so I didn't realize she was a student until she gave up and asked her teacher to do it instead. Urgh.
<br />
<br />I'm so nervous about this... I've been having panic attacks all day....
<br />
<br />Thanks guys,


I def think it is ok for you to say that. I have never done it myself, but it is DEF not out of line to ask. You have a right to your own body and you should be able to have a say. If the person is a student, then yes they need practice, but they usually come with a teacher. My doctor always says if it is going to cause you that much anxiety, then we work around you. You are the number one priority, so they need to accomodate you.

As to when to ask, I am not sure of the time you would ask, but talk to your doctor and he/she will be able to help you.


I def think it is ok for you to say that. I have never done it myself, but it is DEF not out of line to ask. You have a right to your own body and you should be able to have a say. If the person is a student, then yes they need practice, but they usually come with a teacher. My doctor always says if it is going to cause you that much anxiety, then we work around you. You are the number one priority, so they need to accomodate you.

As to when to ask, I am not sure of the time you would ask, but talk to your doctor and he/she will be able to help you.


I def think it is ok for you to say that. I have never done it myself, but it is DEF not out of line to ask. You have a right to your own body and you should be able to have a say. If the person is a student, then yes they need practice, but they usually come with a teacher. My doctor always says if it is going to cause you that much anxiety, then we work around you. You are the number one priority, so they need to accomodate you.

As to when to ask, I am not sure of the time you would ask, but talk to your doctor and he/she will be able to help you.


I def think it is ok for you to say that. I have never done it myself, but it is DEF not out of line to ask. You have a right to your own body and you should be able to have a say. If the person is a student, then yes they need practice, but they usually come with a teacher. My doctor always says if it is going to cause you that much anxiety, then we work around you. You are the number one priority, so they need to accomodate you.

As to when to ask, I am not sure of the time you would ask, but talk to your doctor and he/she will be able to help you.


I def think it is ok for you to say that. I have never done it myself, but it is DEF not out of line to ask. You have a right to your own body and you should be able to have a say. If the person is a student, then yes they need practice, but they usually come with a teacher. My doctor always says if it is going to cause you that much anxiety, then we work around you. You are the number one priority, so they need to accomodate you.
<br />
<br />As to when to ask, I am not sure of the time you would ask, but talk to your doctor and he/she will be able to help you.


New member
I was a ginny pig for years with no problem, but I guess I grew tired of it. One time when I was really sick I had a student try a few times. I finally calmly told her she blew (literally) all her chances & to get someone else.

There is nothing wrong with it. Many of us are frequent flyers & get stuck enough so to ruin good veins or just be put through things unnecessarily seems silly to me!

Make sure your wishes are known otherwise it might hold up testing & results!


New member
I was a ginny pig for years with no problem, but I guess I grew tired of it. One time when I was really sick I had a student try a few times. I finally calmly told her she blew (literally) all her chances & to get someone else.

There is nothing wrong with it. Many of us are frequent flyers & get stuck enough so to ruin good veins or just be put through things unnecessarily seems silly to me!

Make sure your wishes are known otherwise it might hold up testing & results!


New member
I was a ginny pig for years with no problem, but I guess I grew tired of it. One time when I was really sick I had a student try a few times. I finally calmly told her she blew (literally) all her chances & to get someone else.

There is nothing wrong with it. Many of us are frequent flyers & get stuck enough so to ruin good veins or just be put through things unnecessarily seems silly to me!

Make sure your wishes are known otherwise it might hold up testing & results!


New member
I was a ginny pig for years with no problem, but I guess I grew tired of it. One time when I was really sick I had a student try a few times. I finally calmly told her she blew (literally) all her chances & to get someone else.

There is nothing wrong with it. Many of us are frequent flyers & get stuck enough so to ruin good veins or just be put through things unnecessarily seems silly to me!

Make sure your wishes are known otherwise it might hold up testing & results!


New member
I was a ginny pig for years with no problem, but I guess I grew tired of it. One time when I was really sick I had a student try a few times. I finally calmly told her she blew (literally) all her chances & to get someone else.
<br />
<br />There is nothing wrong with it. Many of us are frequent flyers & get stuck enough so to ruin good veins or just be put through things unnecessarily seems silly to me!
<br />
<br />Make sure your wishes are known otherwise it might hold up testing & results!


New member
I tell them all the time that I dont want them to play guinea pig on Garran. I ask for a nurse or Dr. that is completed with their training to come in and do the procedure. He has been through enough. You have that right as a patient. it is on the wall of every hospital in america.


New member
I tell them all the time that I dont want them to play guinea pig on Garran. I ask for a nurse or Dr. that is completed with their training to come in and do the procedure. He has been through enough. You have that right as a patient. it is on the wall of every hospital in america.


New member
I tell them all the time that I dont want them to play guinea pig on Garran. I ask for a nurse or Dr. that is completed with their training to come in and do the procedure. He has been through enough. You have that right as a patient. it is on the wall of every hospital in america.


New member
I tell them all the time that I dont want them to play guinea pig on Garran. I ask for a nurse or Dr. that is completed with their training to come in and do the procedure. He has been through enough. You have that right as a patient. it is on the wall of every hospital in america.


New member
I tell them all the time that I dont want them to play guinea pig on Garran. I ask for a nurse or Dr. that is completed with their training to come in and do the procedure. He has been through enough. You have that right as a patient. it is on the wall of every hospital in america.