Have you ever refused a med student?


New member
I am a nurse and have often heard people/parents of the kids take care of to ask for someone with experience start their IV's, do procedures, or whatever. There is nothing wrong with you asking for this and the staff should have no problem finding someone with some experience to start your IV. BTW, I am never offended by someone asking if I have experience.

Good luck.


New member
I am a nurse and have often heard people/parents of the kids take care of to ask for someone with experience start their IV's, do procedures, or whatever. There is nothing wrong with you asking for this and the staff should have no problem finding someone with some experience to start your IV. BTW, I am never offended by someone asking if I have experience.

Good luck.


New member
I am a nurse and have often heard people/parents of the kids take care of to ask for someone with experience start their IV's, do procedures, or whatever. There is nothing wrong with you asking for this and the staff should have no problem finding someone with some experience to start your IV. BTW, I am never offended by someone asking if I have experience.

Good luck.


New member
I am a nurse and have often heard people/parents of the kids take care of to ask for someone with experience start their IV's, do procedures, or whatever. There is nothing wrong with you asking for this and the staff should have no problem finding someone with some experience to start your IV. BTW, I am never offended by someone asking if I have experience.

Good luck.


New member
I am a nurse and have often heard people/parents of the kids take care of to ask for someone with experience start their IV's, do procedures, or whatever. There is nothing wrong with you asking for this and the staff should have no problem finding someone with some experience to start your IV. BTW, I am never offended by someone asking if I have experience.
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<br />Good luck.


New member
Oh heck ya!!! I refuse them all the time!! Theres people that don't mind being stuck but thats not me. Having someone "learn" on me just adds to the stress. I refuse students in my hospital room and dr. appts. depending on if I don't want them around b/c of subject matter. Its totally YOUR choice not to have them around. Your paying for your visits.


New member
Oh heck ya!!! I refuse them all the time!! Theres people that don't mind being stuck but thats not me. Having someone "learn" on me just adds to the stress. I refuse students in my hospital room and dr. appts. depending on if I don't want them around b/c of subject matter. Its totally YOUR choice not to have them around. Your paying for your visits.


New member
Oh heck ya!!! I refuse them all the time!! Theres people that don't mind being stuck but thats not me. Having someone "learn" on me just adds to the stress. I refuse students in my hospital room and dr. appts. depending on if I don't want them around b/c of subject matter. Its totally YOUR choice not to have them around. Your paying for your visits.


New member
Oh heck ya!!! I refuse them all the time!! Theres people that don't mind being stuck but thats not me. Having someone "learn" on me just adds to the stress. I refuse students in my hospital room and dr. appts. depending on if I don't want them around b/c of subject matter. Its totally YOUR choice not to have them around. Your paying for your visits.


New member
Oh heck ya!!! I refuse them all the time!! Theres people that don't mind being stuck but thats not me. Having someone "learn" on me just adds to the stress. I refuse students in my hospital room and dr. appts. depending on if I don't want them around b/c of subject matter. Its totally YOUR choice not to have them around. Your paying for your visits.


New member
there have been multiple times where i was a guinea pig.. but last time i needed an IV was particularly bad.

long story short; i saw that a nurse in training was going to be putting in my IV and warned her she might want someone else to do it b/c my veins are horrible. she said oh no its fine and went for my bad arm. i told her to use the other one. but in her oh-so-professional opinion, the bad arm looked better than the other one. i was furious after she poked and prodeded around my vien for a good 5 minutes. i was liviidd

so YES.. it is totally okay to ask for someone else..
my advice: just do it before you get outraged at the student


New member
there have been multiple times where i was a guinea pig.. but last time i needed an IV was particularly bad.

long story short; i saw that a nurse in training was going to be putting in my IV and warned her she might want someone else to do it b/c my veins are horrible. she said oh no its fine and went for my bad arm. i told her to use the other one. but in her oh-so-professional opinion, the bad arm looked better than the other one. i was furious after she poked and prodeded around my vien for a good 5 minutes. i was liviidd

so YES.. it is totally okay to ask for someone else..
my advice: just do it before you get outraged at the student


New member
there have been multiple times where i was a guinea pig.. but last time i needed an IV was particularly bad.

long story short; i saw that a nurse in training was going to be putting in my IV and warned her she might want someone else to do it b/c my veins are horrible. she said oh no its fine and went for my bad arm. i told her to use the other one. but in her oh-so-professional opinion, the bad arm looked better than the other one. i was furious after she poked and prodeded around my vien for a good 5 minutes. i was liviidd

so YES.. it is totally okay to ask for someone else..
my advice: just do it before you get outraged at the student


New member
there have been multiple times where i was a guinea pig.. but last time i needed an IV was particularly bad.

long story short; i saw that a nurse in training was going to be putting in my IV and warned her she might want someone else to do it b/c my veins are horrible. she said oh no its fine and went for my bad arm. i told her to use the other one. but in her oh-so-professional opinion, the bad arm looked better than the other one. i was furious after she poked and prodeded around my vien for a good 5 minutes. i was liviidd

so YES.. it is totally okay to ask for someone else..
my advice: just do it before you get outraged at the student


New member
there have been multiple times where i was a guinea pig.. but last time i needed an IV was particularly bad.
<br />
<br />long story short; i saw that a nurse in training was going to be putting in my IV and warned her she might want someone else to do it b/c my veins are horrible. she said oh no its fine and went for my bad arm. i told her to use the other one. but in her oh-so-professional opinion, the bad arm looked better than the other one. i was furious after she poked and prodeded around my vien for a good 5 minutes. i was liviidd
<br />
<br />so YES.. it is totally okay to ask for someone else..
<br />my advice: just do it before you get outraged at the student


New member
one time I had a ROOM FULL of med students looking at results of a stress test and a heart ultrasound. The cardiologist started explaining to them some anomalies in the pictures without talking to me!!! I told them ALL to get out and that she needed to be explaining, what seemed like very scarey stuff, directly to me. I was having an anxiety attack because of how the cardiologist handled things and I had to tell them how to do it the right way. Everything turned out fine...but, IT IS your nerves and your life. Never be afraid to ask for what is rightfully yours.


New member
one time I had a ROOM FULL of med students looking at results of a stress test and a heart ultrasound. The cardiologist started explaining to them some anomalies in the pictures without talking to me!!! I told them ALL to get out and that she needed to be explaining, what seemed like very scarey stuff, directly to me. I was having an anxiety attack because of how the cardiologist handled things and I had to tell them how to do it the right way. Everything turned out fine...but, IT IS your nerves and your life. Never be afraid to ask for what is rightfully yours.


New member
one time I had a ROOM FULL of med students looking at results of a stress test and a heart ultrasound. The cardiologist started explaining to them some anomalies in the pictures without talking to me!!! I told them ALL to get out and that she needed to be explaining, what seemed like very scarey stuff, directly to me. I was having an anxiety attack because of how the cardiologist handled things and I had to tell them how to do it the right way. Everything turned out fine...but, IT IS your nerves and your life. Never be afraid to ask for what is rightfully yours.


New member
one time I had a ROOM FULL of med students looking at results of a stress test and a heart ultrasound. The cardiologist started explaining to them some anomalies in the pictures without talking to me!!! I told them ALL to get out and that she needed to be explaining, what seemed like very scarey stuff, directly to me. I was having an anxiety attack because of how the cardiologist handled things and I had to tell them how to do it the right way. Everything turned out fine...but, IT IS your nerves and your life. Never be afraid to ask for what is rightfully yours.


New member
one time I had a ROOM FULL of med students looking at results of a stress test and a heart ultrasound. The cardiologist started explaining to them some anomalies in the pictures without talking to me!!! I told them ALL to get out and that she needed to be explaining, what seemed like very scarey stuff, directly to me. I was having an anxiety attack because of how the cardiologist handled things and I had to tell them how to do it the right way. Everything turned out fine...but, IT IS your nerves and your life. Never be afraid to ask for what is rightfully yours.