Okay, so by now I am probably marked as a negative poster which is kind of funny becasue I'm actually very up and positive, I like to think that sometimes I'm even funny (you should see my monkey dance). i just also think I'm realistic. I don't like fluff. I can know what lays ahead and I am still a happy individual *gasp of shock*.
I apologize if sometimes I get too enthusiastic about some topics but when they are kind of criticizing other people I do tend to get mad. And while some people might be intending to spread an upbeat message it can feel like a criticism if you mention other peoples depressing posts. I think it does take some courage to loggin to a site and say "dang I'm so sad and scared right now", people need space to do that. I can only do that with my very close family and I try not to do it often, because truthfully I do try not to dwell and I don't want my family to either, so for me this site is an oasis of understanding. I think people can have good intentions by saying that everyone should brighten up and hope for the best and we should all quit dwelling, but if the result of your post is that you made someone feel uncomfortable here talking about the heavy things that can weigh them down or make them feel alone then I think your well intended comment really stunk. I can still appreciate the intent though and I don't write off the poster as a bad apple whom i will never agree with on anything.
Also, like others have said you learn people loggins and if you don't like their comments/outlook don't read them...skim skim skim, that's why annon it would be nice if you got a name. I think when we start a thread too it's important to keep in mind that chances are someone is going to disagree or take offense, if you don't think you can handle it, maybe you should rethink posting your thought.