Here's what I've got to say for myself


New member
I will not recant what I said in the thread that is now locked and I can no longer post on. No I didn't post and run, I posted and ran some errands, came back and can no longer post on it.

I didn't suggest to any moderator that anyone get banned, not my place. What I suggested that if the same people want to get into it over and over and over again with people, especially what seems to be new people to this site, maybe they ought to take their behavior somewhere else. This site never use to be like that. And for the record, I've never said that my SH*T don't stink because I've been involved in a number of fiascos on this board myself. I am the first to admit that and always have admitted it. I am not perfect, nobody is. And I've considered taking it somewhere else because sometimes I just can't stand the things that go on in this forum/board. But then I stop and realize that I do have friends here, people who care, people who want to share with me and want to hear what I have to share.

Emily said it better than I could have. She's been on this site for over 2 years, and this drama didn't start with her... I agree there. But it sure did pick up nastily over the last 6 months or so and in my mind, I pinpointed when/where/who I THOUGH it started with.

I don't hate anybody, there's no need for that. But I really do feel that if you are always taking away from a post, making new members and posters feel like crap (see the post from Charolette if you wnat to know what I am talking about) and don't really seem to have a purpose on here aside from tearing apart what somebody has to say... then maybe you shouldn't be here.

As for what week this is for Allie, I can never understand what she is feeling, and I know someday I'll be in her shoes. THat's why in spite of all the frustrating feelings I've had towards the way she's been treating people lately, I try to see through it. But I've just had enough and sometimes you need to be treated the way you treat others, and clearly that goes for me too and was evidenced on the last thread with comments to me. That being said, Allie is one who says that you should be able to handle the truth and blah blah blah. So if she can't hear the truth from someone else, or an opinion of someone else, she's a walking contradiction. And what I told was the truth about what I was feeling. I have every right to that.
Also, it doesn't mean I don't value some of the insight she has about life and what she's shared about her and her Ry.

So, that's what I've got to say for myself. I still feel the same way as when I posted. I am not sorry for it, I do not regret it. I am sorry for those who took offense, especially for those who it was not directed at, but I had to say what I felt (while NOT taking away from someone elses post) and the reactions were what I expected but I didn't do it to create drama. I just had to get these feelings off my chest and I remember a time when you didn't need a blog to do that on this forum.

Say what you will, I'm open to feedback and always have been about the way I act on this forum. Although it doesn't change the way I feel.


New member
LOL, you aren't sorry for those of us who took offense. Don't insult our intelligence.

I still say there's a big difference between offering advice, knowledge, information on CF itself (whether it be of the nature people want or not), and telling people what to do. You aren't the Forum Queen. And you aren't the Behavior Monitor. If you were, we'd need to hire someone else.


New member
Em, I never proclaimed to be. But I did express what I've been feeling for a long time now about particular people on this forum. I figured if I didn't name names, people would ask and I'd say it anyways so why not come out with it.

I've offered advice and taken it. I've offered knowledge and taken it, and today I suggested what some people might want to do with themselves if they can't offer a purpose of being on this site, because to me all they seem to do is tear people down lately. And it's not just one comment, it's repetative over and over to different people.

And don't try to tell me how I'm feeling. I am sorry for those who took offense to WHOM THE TOPIC WAS NOT directed at (might want to re-read it). I am human, I still have feelings, albeit I feel like being honest about how I feel right now, but it doesn't mean that I don't understand what I said was harsh. I know it was harsh, and maybe I could have said it better, but I didn't and I got across what I was feeling and what I meant so there it is. THe ugly honest truth.
I am speechless that you would openly come on here and openly disrespect Allie and everything that she has been through. If you had one ounce of compassion and tried to see through her eyes for one minute you would understand that life isn't peaches and cream for her. As you said you do not know what she has gone through and continues to go through day after day. For her to share with us what she has been through helps me so much to understand better the beast that CF is. Is it hard to hear at times, it is nobody wants that to be their reality, but that is what it is a CFers reality. If you don't think that it is then you are dilusional. I am glad that Mark is so healthy and you haven't had to sit and watch him suffer with nothing that you could do to help him, but that won't always be the case and you may just learn something from Allies experience. Allie has never been anything but exceptional to me. She is so loving, caring, and helpful. She will listen to me whine when I know she is going through so much pain. I truly wish that you coudl understand the amazing person that she is. You have been too judgemental for that though. And as for them stirring things up so you say, you have done quite a doosy. You seem to like drama. Just as things start to get quiet again, here comes Julie with her holier than though attittude telling people where they should go as if she has that right.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>
But I did express what I've been feeling for a long time now about particular people on this forum.</end quote></div>
I'll repeat what I said about this in the other thread. A lot of us has been sick of you for a long time, but we were keeping it to ourselves. How come we were able (we who are the rude ones, by the way) to be polite and you weren't?

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>THe ugly honest truth.</end quote></div>
If you want to say you're sick of it, that's telling us the ugly truth. While we'd argue that too, you'd have a right to say that. Suggesting we leave is trying to be the Behavior Monitor. Notice the difference?


New member
You have made it quite clear how you feel about a few people for a long time. Trust one was wondering. We know where you stand. I sincerely hope this is the last time you feel moved to share your opinion on the topic of "who should leave the forum". I know you have your corner here, how much of the site do you think should be yours to run exactly?
Please the next time you feel moved to share with us who you don't like, go for a walk or PM someone who cares.



New member
I'm seriously asking here, where have I been so mean to people that you demand my resignation from the board? If you are referring to me saying "The end resut being the same" And honestly trying to compare that to what you are doing now, I think you are a bit off.

I'm really upset by this Julie, that you think I have so little to offer.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>lovingBenandCambree</b></i>

I am glad that Mark is so healthy and you haven't had to sit and watch him suffer with nothing that you could do to help him, but that won't always be the case and you may just learn something from Allies experience. Allie has never been anything but exceptional to me. She is so loving, caring, and helpful. She will listen to me whine when I know she is going through so much pain. I truly wish that you coudl understand the amazing person that she is. You have been too judgemental for that though. And as for them stirring things up so you say, you have done quite a doosy. You seem to like drama. Just as things start to get quiet again, here comes Julie with her holier than though attittude telling people where they should go as if she has that right.

Emilee</end quote></div>

Absolutely, beautifully put Emilee.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>

....What I suggested that if the same people want to get into it over and over and over again with people, especially what seems to be new people to this site, maybe they ought to take their behavior somewhere else. This site never use to be like that...
</end quote></div>

There you go again -- blaming the new members. Gee, no wonder some of us lurk and don't feel comfortable joining. Because then we'd be new members -- we'd be the ones causing all the trouble -- the discord on this site.


New member
I would say suggesting you get kicked off, or contacting the moderator and requesting that wuld be as you say, "the behavior moderator".

what I said is how I feel about what is gong on, and the people I feel involved in all the crap lately. And I'm not the only one who feels that way.

I'm sorry I had to involve Allie at such a sensitive time. For that I am, I do have a heart, although I don't care right now whether people agree or disagree. But there are some who do understand where I am coming from.

And don't say I've never helped you Emily, I've you've been sick of me for such a long time, why bother wasting your time to email be about very personal things, of which I have spent hours researching information for you. Just wanted to point that out.

And why is everyone making this about Allie? I named others you know. I just don't get that. It's like there's a flock around here and it's just hillarious. I understand this is a hard time for her, but it dosen't mean I am going to refrain from saying what I feel. Additionally, FOR THE RECORD I never stated anywhere that I hated her. But I sure don't like the way she's been treating others for the past few months and I made it clear that I feel that way. There are a number of things (boy I feel like a broken record) that allie has said in the past that I have taken to heart, especially since it is someting I will some day have to face, and it's a family situation of which I can partially relate to right now. But it doesn't mean I always have to like or agree with what she says.


New member

I really don't want to add any fuel to this fire- and I have never had a real problem with anything I've ever read from you since I've been here. In fact its been the opposite-I've usually respected everything about you I know and looked up to you alot. I still do despite this-but you should think about what you're saying, really. I know you think you probably did think about it-but you should re-think it.

You don't want to make enemies-you don't want to alienate people that have come to this site for the same purpose that you did originally. Do you? Listen-I've gotten pissed at some of the same people that you've gotten mad at. I know what you're talking about here-at least the principle behind it. I've gotten shocked at some replies to posts-at some unneccesary comments, at stupid jokes, immaturity, at plain old mean-ness. But today it kinda seems like you've stooped to a level that you yourself have gotten annoyed at.

I'm trying to approach this in a peaceful way here-this is just my opinion. People piss me off too...alot sometimes. You know what I do-I press the "BACK" button at the top left corner of my screen and I stop reading the post. That's all you can do.

I already said how I feel about the other comments you made towards allie so I'm not getting into that again. This is more of a general statement.

Whatever-and I don't want to do the whole 'I've had enough, I'm leaving thing', cause I'm so sick of that everytime there's a problem-and I'm not saying that....but so many times things are said here that annoy people and then they say-I'm leaving. Well today, I kinda got that feeling after reading your post. Not that I seriously would b/c of this, I just can relate to how people get when they say that.

But that kinda defeats the whole purpose of your original argument, doesn't it? This causes the same exact problem in a different way.

I guess no one wants to hear a peace maker-sorry all, that's just my personality or at least I try.



I don't post that often but I do read every day and feel compelled to reply to your original post. I've always enjoyed your posts and check in on your progress on the other link from time to time and have been enjoying reading about your pregnancy ( might I add with some degree of jealousy as I will probably never get to experience what you are experiencing) and I am genuinely delighted for you and Mark. BUT , I am totally shocked at your post naming other members of this forum who contribute a lot to this site. I have read some of the arguing posts but not all so hands up I defininitely don't know all the details of who said what .

To the people named in Julies post - I enjoy reading your posts and blogs - Liz and Emily. Also I really like Sean Davis' posts. So I for one don't want anyone to leave.



New member
I am dropping your opinion off in the suggestion box julie (dusts off 9 inches of dust on the box). I'm sure it will get directly to our bosses and be acted upon immediately.

Sorry Julie, if you had an ounce of brains, you would realize the very thing you are supposedly openly trying to stop, would only increase tensions to a much higher level with your post. It has the direct opposite effect. I know this, even my 7 year old niece knows this.

You are in the Air Force and simple things like "The end result is the same for everyone", and me making a silly comment here and there thats harmless has you up in arms and all huffy? What Air Force did you go to? The care bear air force? Myself, Kiel, and others have been 1/10 what we could have been response wise to some extremely dumb questions/comments on here, and I can't ever recall those who you pointed out being purposely mean in their comments.

Bottom line is, the world is not made of nerf to protect us all, and that world also includes the internet. If you ask for advice and answers to questions, the results will run the gauntlet of all type of responses. Pretty much everyone on here is nice. I know I have not ever been very venomous unless I was provoked (usually by anon trolls), and if I am, I can throw a mean smack down because I have been involved with internet forums way before many here were born, but I don't do it because it's pointless.

You got the attention you wanted, you showed your capacity for logical thought, but you had to make another thread to get double the dose of something you claim you want to be removed from the site. I thought it was a given that certain people knew other certain people on here didn't like them and vice versa, and it sure as hell didn't deserve two different threads on the matter.


New member
I can appreciate your help and not appreciate your attitude. A lot of people here do that with me. I know a lot of people here don't like me. A lot of those people that don't like me are the same ones that appreciate when I help. That doesn't bother me. No one is going to get everyone to like them. As long as you appreciate the help that I offer, you can dislike me all you wish.

I only asked you specifically because you seem to be the best person to go to with IVF questions of that nature. If you don't want to help me next time, don't. Very simple, really. Certainly I won't ask again, so it won't be a problem in the future.


Super Moderator
My opinion, and you know what they say about those...opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one and they all stink....but here it goes anyway...

For some reason you, Julie, have a chip on your shoulder regarding the people you mentioned. Maybe it has been other posts that offended you and you just can't get past it. So whenever you read a post by one of these people it stirs up old feelings that you have not been able to let go. For goodness sake, let it go. Stop reading your own bitterness into their posts.


New member
I think that she ment the people she named start things with the new people and make them feel uncomfortable. I have noticed a change to this site recently and I no longer feel comfortable posting here not because of particular people. It's more like drifting apart from friends. I don't have as much in common any more. There is still a lot to learn from everyone on here and I will continue to read but I don't feel like voicing my opinion any more.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>

And why is everyone making this about Allie? I named others you know. I just don't get that. It's like there's a flock around here and it's just hillarious.</end quote></div>

Trust me I didn't over look my name. But i know I am strong enough to take the uncalled for punch right now. Allie is in a more vulnerable state...did that really have to be explained to you?

And I really don't know why you named Liz? Because she agrees with us sometimes?

Ah well i don't really care who you like or why, as long as they don't feel compelled to leave becasue you have a bee in your bonnet.


New member
"And why is everyone making this about Allie? I named others you know"-Julie.

Good point there-I have no clue why Liz was mentioned! And I don't even want to hear whatever reason you or someone has. I just don't care. Sorry there's no other deeper reason. -I'm just getting tired of this topic. But for her sake-
I don't even remember who else you mentioned there, and I've gotten annoyed at some, sure.

But Liz?!!!! I thought she was like the most quiet docile, sweetest, little creature here. She's so nice, and kind to everyone. I can't imagine having a problem with her.
Julies quote:
And why is everyone making this about Allie? I named others you know. I just don't get that. It's like there's a flock around here and it's just hillarious.

As I said before if you had one ounce of compassion and understanding for what Allie could possibly be going through at this time you would understand why we are alll here to back her. She is hurting in ways that I hope I never have to. We all want her to know that she has support and love and that one persons comments don't mean a whole hell of a lot.
