It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with her post for it's base content that has made so many roll their eyes. It's that she supposedly hates squabling and drama and bickering, and then turns around and creates the mother of all drama spawners. I've known she has disliked me for a while now, and i've known others have disliked me, it means absolutely zero to me. I'm a guy, and I have thick skin and realize tons of people won't get along. I come here to mellow out, see what's up, offer some advice where i should, and for the rest of the time I just have my feet in the pool and i'm drinking a beer amusing myself. Not everyone is going to spend their time on here the same way. But if you have CF, a child with CF, a loved one with CF, or a mate with CF, you have the right to be here just like anyone else. As long as you don't break any of the common sense rules (posting pornography, extreme real life threats, and other no brainers), you have no reason to feel like you don't belong here.
She is entitled to her opinion, but just like everything else, all opinions when given, have repurcushions. Her opinion within this context means absolutely squat to me, but apparently others care. The sun will set tonight, i'll have to work, and never think about Julie unless someone asks me something about her. Then the sun will rise, i'll be home, and i'll go to bed and sleep like a rock.
Others were hurt, one or two apparently pretty bad. Instead of bringing back whatever state of the forum she wanted to bring back (no drama, no bickering, whatever), she did the direct opposite. Signs of a real brain surgeon there.