hospital stay vs. home iv's


New member
I watch over the nurses very closely and question everything. I also let it be known that I want my antibiotics on time. Nothing annoys me more. Once the nurses know you they are really pretty good at meeting your needs. They know to leave me alone and get me my meds ontime or as close as possible. It is all about the personal relationship. It also helps to have them put in your chart what your preferences are. Now occationaly I get a nurse that erks me, and I have no problem telling someone I don't want them again.
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<br />Picking up a secondary sickness is always a concern for sure. I struggle with this possibility most.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>giantsfan91</b></i>

@LouLou, I felt that the hospital was messing up left and right when I was in that's another reason why i hated it. It made me feel like if i wasn't monitoring what they were giving me, no one was going to. Prior to me being admitted, i had blood drawn, a chest xray, and sputum culture all done as an outpatient the day before being admitted. While i was in, they took blood 3 more times (2 not from the picc), and another unnecessary chest xray at 5 in the morning. They also continued to give me the 3 oral antibiotics i was taking in addition to the tobra and zosyn i was getting via IV until my cf doc visited me and told them to stop. My cf team is great, its just the doctors who don't know anything about it need to learn that we need an altered protocol if were staying in the hospital.</end quote></div>

Don't be afraid to question everything. You know your care and what drugs you should be on. If something does not make sense have them call your doctor. You are the consumer and are ultimately in charge of your care. If you don't like something or something does not make sense or does not match what the doctor told you then refuse it until you can verify it with your doctor. Ultimately, this all comes with experience with being in the hospital. Next time should you need to be hospitalized you will know better how to look out for yourself. I am much more proactive now than I was when I was younger.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>giantsfan91</b></i>

@LouLou, I felt that the hospital was messing up left and right when I was in that's another reason why i hated it. It made me feel like if i wasn't monitoring what they were giving me, no one was going to. Prior to me being admitted, i had blood drawn, a chest xray, and sputum culture all done as an outpatient the day before being admitted. While i was in, they took blood 3 more times (2 not from the picc), and another unnecessary chest xray at 5 in the morning. They also continued to give me the 3 oral antibiotics i was taking in addition to the tobra and zosyn i was getting via IV until my cf doc visited me and told them to stop. My cf team is great, its just the doctors who don't know anything about it need to learn that we need an altered protocol if were staying in the hospital.</end quote>

Don't be afraid to question everything. You know your care and what drugs you should be on. If something does not make sense have them call your doctor. You are the consumer and are ultimately in charge of your care. If you don't like something or something does not make sense or does not match what the doctor told you then refuse it until you can verify it with your doctor. Ultimately, this all comes with experience with being in the hospital. Next time should you need to be hospitalized you will know better how to look out for yourself. I am much more proactive now than I was when I was younger.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>giantsfan91</b></i>
<br />
<br />@LouLou, I felt that the hospital was messing up left and right when I was in that's another reason why i hated it. It made me feel like if i wasn't monitoring what they were giving me, no one was going to. Prior to me being admitted, i had blood drawn, a chest xray, and sputum culture all done as an outpatient the day before being admitted. While i was in, they took blood 3 more times (2 not from the picc), and another unnecessary chest xray at 5 in the morning. They also continued to give me the 3 oral antibiotics i was taking in addition to the tobra and zosyn i was getting via IV until my cf doc visited me and told them to stop. My cf team is great, its just the doctors who don't know anything about it need to learn that we need an altered protocol if were staying in the hospital.</end quote>
<br />
<br />Don't be afraid to question everything. You know your care and what drugs you should be on. If something does not make sense have them call your doctor. You are the consumer and are ultimately in charge of your care. If you don't like something or something does not make sense or does not match what the doctor told you then refuse it until you can verify it with your doctor. Ultimately, this all comes with experience with being in the hospital. Next time should you need to be hospitalized you will know better how to look out for yourself. I am much more proactive now than I was when I was younger.


@cf4life, i definitely will need to be more outspoken next time. I was very submissive this time because i've never stayed more than 1 night in a hospital before and since i recently switched to the adult cf clinic my parents weren't always there to question things for me. I guess i just had the attitude that they know better than i do so i'll just let them do what they want. If there's a next time it won't be the same.


@cf4life, i definitely will need to be more outspoken next time. I was very submissive this time because i've never stayed more than 1 night in a hospital before and since i recently switched to the adult cf clinic my parents weren't always there to question things for me. I guess i just had the attitude that they know better than i do so i'll just let them do what they want. If there's a next time it won't be the same.


@cf4life, i definitely will need to be more outspoken next time. I was very submissive this time because i've never stayed more than 1 night in a hospital before and since i recently switched to the adult cf clinic my parents weren't always there to question things for me. I guess i just had the attitude that they know better than i do so i'll just let them do what they want. If there's a next time it won't be the same.


New member
I echo the 'be your own advocate' idea that everyone is presenting here. There have been so many times I can't even count that the hospital made some major errors (like almost pulling out the wrong chest tube during my lobectomy! forgetting to turn on my oxygen right out of surgery! Forgetting to schedule Chest PT!) and the only thing that kept me safe was questioning everything! They DON'T know better than you. Question, question, question!!!

Back to your original question though...I like to spend a few days in the hospital to get acquainted to side effects of medication and get some really good manual Chest PT in, as I certainly do NOT find the vest as effective. (and yes, I request only specific therapists to work on me and if I don't like you, you won't be back.) I just bring my own snacks, plenty of books, comfy pj's, my computer and some movies (netflix on demand!) to keep my occupied! After about 5 days, I'm ready to finish the drugs, 4 treatments a day and good nutrition at home while on STD from work.


New member
I echo the 'be your own advocate' idea that everyone is presenting here. There have been so many times I can't even count that the hospital made some major errors (like almost pulling out the wrong chest tube during my lobectomy! forgetting to turn on my oxygen right out of surgery! Forgetting to schedule Chest PT!) and the only thing that kept me safe was questioning everything! They DON'T know better than you. Question, question, question!!!

Back to your original question though...I like to spend a few days in the hospital to get acquainted to side effects of medication and get some really good manual Chest PT in, as I certainly do NOT find the vest as effective. (and yes, I request only specific therapists to work on me and if I don't like you, you won't be back.) I just bring my own snacks, plenty of books, comfy pj's, my computer and some movies (netflix on demand!) to keep my occupied! After about 5 days, I'm ready to finish the drugs, 4 treatments a day and good nutrition at home while on STD from work.


New member
I echo the 'be your own advocate' idea that everyone is presenting here. There have been so many times I can't even count that the hospital made some major errors (like almost pulling out the wrong chest tube during my lobectomy! forgetting to turn on my oxygen right out of surgery! Forgetting to schedule Chest PT!) and the only thing that kept me safe was questioning everything! They DON'T know better than you. Question, question, question!!!
<br />
<br />Back to your original question though...I like to spend a few days in the hospital to get acquainted to side effects of medication and get some really good manual Chest PT in, as I certainly do NOT find the vest as effective. (and yes, I request only specific therapists to work on me and if I don't like you, you won't be back.) I just bring my own snacks, plenty of books, comfy pj's, my computer and some movies (netflix on demand!) to keep my occupied! After about 5 days, I'm ready to finish the drugs, 4 treatments a day and good nutrition at home while on STD from work.


New member
For me, it depends on how I feel when I'm admitted. There have been times when I have felt as sick as my PFTs showed, and those times I prefer to stay the entire two weeks. But when I feel good, even though my PFTs are down, I like doing the treatment at home.

I know many of the nurses, docs and RT staff very well, so it's not too hard for me to pass the time while I'm there. I bring my computer and a ton of DVDs and often just invite the nurses in to watch when they are busy. I also bring my own food from home, snack type things, so I always having something I like to eat.


New member
For me, it depends on how I feel when I'm admitted. There have been times when I have felt as sick as my PFTs showed, and those times I prefer to stay the entire two weeks. But when I feel good, even though my PFTs are down, I like doing the treatment at home.

I know many of the nurses, docs and RT staff very well, so it's not too hard for me to pass the time while I'm there. I bring my computer and a ton of DVDs and often just invite the nurses in to watch when they are busy. I also bring my own food from home, snack type things, so I always having something I like to eat.


New member
For me, it depends on how I feel when I'm admitted. There have been times when I have felt as sick as my PFTs showed, and those times I prefer to stay the entire two weeks. But when I feel good, even though my PFTs are down, I like doing the treatment at home.
<br />
<br />I know many of the nurses, docs and RT staff very well, so it's not too hard for me to pass the time while I'm there. I bring my computer and a ton of DVDs and often just invite the nurses in to watch when they are busy. I also bring my own food from home, snack type things, so I always having something I like to eat.


New member
I would prefer to do the IV's at home, but my docs would rather have me in the hospital for 10-14 days. Their reasoning is that I will be too active at home and not get enough rest, which is probably true. My biggest negative about about being in the hospital is that the RT's have to stay in the room and make sure I'm doing my treatments properly. I get umcomfortable coughing and bringing up stuff when people are watching me. I know it's thier job, but I would still rather be by myself. I like to read and watch TV, so passing the time isn't so bad.



New member
I would prefer to do the IV's at home, but my docs would rather have me in the hospital for 10-14 days. Their reasoning is that I will be too active at home and not get enough rest, which is probably true. My biggest negative about about being in the hospital is that the RT's have to stay in the room and make sure I'm doing my treatments properly. I get umcomfortable coughing and bringing up stuff when people are watching me. I know it's thier job, but I would still rather be by myself. I like to read and watch TV, so passing the time isn't so bad.



New member
I would prefer to do the IV's at home, but my docs would rather have me in the hospital for 10-14 days. Their reasoning is that I will be too active at home and not get enough rest, which is probably true. My biggest negative about about being in the hospital is that the RT's have to stay in the room and make sure I'm doing my treatments properly. I get umcomfortable coughing and bringing up stuff when people are watching me. I know it's thier job, but I would still rather be by myself. I like to read and watch TV, so passing the time isn't so bad.
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<br />Mark


New member
hospital stay vs. home iv'

Home without a doubt. I can NOT stand the hospital mentally, physically, spriritually etc. Gotta be home!


New member
hospital stay vs. home iv'

Home without a doubt. I can NOT stand the hospital mentally, physically, spriritually etc. Gotta be home!


New member
hospital stay vs. home iv'

Home without a doubt. I can NOT stand the hospital mentally, physically, spriritually etc. Gotta be home!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>markinohio</b></i>

My biggest negative about about being in the hospital is that the RT's have to stay in the room and make sure I'm doing my treatments properly. I get umcomfortable coughing and bringing up stuff when people are watching me. I know it's thier job, but I would still rather be by myself. I like to read and watch TV, so passing the time isn't so bad.

Mark</end quote></div>

This would be weird for me to, and it seems odd that they stay and watch you. I would ask your doc to write an order that they stop doing that.