hospital stay vs. home iv's


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>markinohio</b></i>

My biggest negative about about being in the hospital is that the RT's have to stay in the room and make sure I'm doing my treatments properly. I get umcomfortable coughing and bringing up stuff when people are watching me. I know it's thier job, but I would still rather be by myself. I like to read and watch TV, so passing the time isn't so bad.

Mark</end quote>

This would be weird for me to, and it seems odd that they stay and watch you. I would ask your doc to write an order that they stop doing that.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>markinohio</b></i>
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<br />My biggest negative about about being in the hospital is that the RT's have to stay in the room and make sure I'm doing my treatments properly. I get umcomfortable coughing and bringing up stuff when people are watching me. I know it's thier job, but I would still rather be by myself. I like to read and watch TV, so passing the time isn't so bad.
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<br />Mark</end quote>
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<br />This would be weird for me to, and it seems odd that they stay and watch you. I would ask your doc to write an order that they stop doing that.


New member
cf4life, the RT's staying in the room is an order that came from our docs. It's my understanding that some the CFers weren't doing thier treatments properly or didn't want to do them at all. It didn't make sense to me. If I'm sick enough to be in the hospital, then I'll do whatever it takes to get better. Although, I try to do my treatments correctly whether I'm at home or in the hospital.


New member
cf4life, the RT's staying in the room is an order that came from our docs. It's my understanding that some the CFers weren't doing thier treatments properly or didn't want to do them at all. It didn't make sense to me. If I'm sick enough to be in the hospital, then I'll do whatever it takes to get better. Although, I try to do my treatments correctly whether I'm at home or in the hospital.


New member
cf4life, the RT's staying in the room is an order that came from our docs. It's my understanding that some the CFers weren't doing thier treatments properly or didn't want to do them at all. It didn't make sense to me. If I'm sick enough to be in the hospital, then I'll do whatever it takes to get better. Although, I try to do my treatments correctly whether I'm at home or in the hospital.


New member
I always do the 2 weeks in hospital. If I'm sick enough to require iv's, I want the 4x per day manual cpt. It works the best.


New member
I always do the 2 weeks in hospital. If I'm sick enough to require iv's, I want the 4x per day manual cpt. It works the best.


New member
I always do the 2 weeks in hospital. If I'm sick enough to require iv's, I want the 4x per day manual cpt. It works the best.


New member
i've had about 8 - 10 rounds of home antibiotics in my life. whether it was a mid line or a picc line. my old doc never hospitalized me, it was all done out patient. since going to my new doc i have a feeling i will be having my first hospital stay in may or june. the only time i've ever stayed the night in a hospital is when i had my daughter and when i was staying with my grandma. nervous, but excited at the same time. when i've done home iv's i get worn down with doing them 3x a day. falling asleep with it hooked up then having to set an alarm to wake and unhook. i will miss my little morgan and dustin dearly, but i'm looking forward to the rest and chest pt. the only chest pt i've done is the vest. i've never had someone manually do it and i think it will help. my new doc said that my numbers would probably be higher if i would have spent time in the hospital.


New member
i've had about 8 - 10 rounds of home antibiotics in my life. whether it was a mid line or a picc line. my old doc never hospitalized me, it was all done out patient. since going to my new doc i have a feeling i will be having my first hospital stay in may or june. the only time i've ever stayed the night in a hospital is when i had my daughter and when i was staying with my grandma. nervous, but excited at the same time. when i've done home iv's i get worn down with doing them 3x a day. falling asleep with it hooked up then having to set an alarm to wake and unhook. i will miss my little morgan and dustin dearly, but i'm looking forward to the rest and chest pt. the only chest pt i've done is the vest. i've never had someone manually do it and i think it will help. my new doc said that my numbers would probably be higher if i would have spent time in the hospital.


New member
i've had about 8 - 10 rounds of home antibiotics in my life. whether it was a mid line or a picc line. my old doc never hospitalized me, it was all done out patient. since going to my new doc i have a feeling i will be having my first hospital stay in may or june. the only time i've ever stayed the night in a hospital is when i had my daughter and when i was staying with my grandma. nervous, but excited at the same time. when i've done home iv's i get worn down with doing them 3x a day. falling asleep with it hooked up then having to set an alarm to wake and unhook. i will miss my little morgan and dustin dearly, but i'm looking forward to the rest and chest pt. the only chest pt i've done is the vest. i've never had someone manually do it and i think it will help. my new doc said that my numbers would probably be higher if i would have spent time in the hospital.


New member
as a mom to a cfer we havnt had to be admitted for more then over night after picc placement then we go home and have home nurse care do blood work and dressing change. and i give aidan his meds. but i will say even that over night stay is stressfull. heres what urks me a lot. CHEST PT coming to do his treatments. ugh the last time we were in they didnt show up till close till midnight. how is that ok. now i wuld just do the chest pt myself but they use the percussor on aidan and i think that thing is awesome. getting to our room takes a long time then everything after that just falls to sht. i go thru shift changes, it takes forever to get an answer on when my baby can eat cause i gota order it too then his first round of meds dont happen right away. however i think i learned that reason is cause were doing multiple meds and they have to be certain hours apart so i have them do it at times so when I get home im not giving meds at 3am. anyway, i totaly got shafted last time on aidan getting a sponge bath. and there are so many people coming in and out of his room that dont need to. i knw its a teaching hospital but i dont need every intern coming in asking the same questions. and other wierd people too. but thanks for this topic has really helped me as a mom
mama to Aidan 5 w/cf


New member
as a mom to a cfer we havnt had to be admitted for more then over night after picc placement then we go home and have home nurse care do blood work and dressing change. and i give aidan his meds. but i will say even that over night stay is stressfull. heres what urks me a lot. CHEST PT coming to do his treatments. ugh the last time we were in they didnt show up till close till midnight. how is that ok. now i wuld just do the chest pt myself but they use the percussor on aidan and i think that thing is awesome. getting to our room takes a long time then everything after that just falls to sht. i go thru shift changes, it takes forever to get an answer on when my baby can eat cause i gota order it too then his first round of meds dont happen right away. however i think i learned that reason is cause were doing multiple meds and they have to be certain hours apart so i have them do it at times so when I get home im not giving meds at 3am. anyway, i totaly got shafted last time on aidan getting a sponge bath. and there are so many people coming in and out of his room that dont need to. i knw its a teaching hospital but i dont need every intern coming in asking the same questions. and other wierd people too. but thanks for this topic has really helped me as a mom
mama to Aidan 5 w/cf


New member
as a mom to a cfer we havnt had to be admitted for more then over night after picc placement then we go home and have home nurse care do blood work and dressing change. and i give aidan his meds. but i will say even that over night stay is stressfull. heres what urks me a lot. CHEST PT coming to do his treatments. ugh the last time we were in they didnt show up till close till midnight. how is that ok. now i wuld just do the chest pt myself but they use the percussor on aidan and i think that thing is awesome. getting to our room takes a long time then everything after that just falls to sht. i go thru shift changes, it takes forever to get an answer on when my baby can eat cause i gota order it too then his first round of meds dont happen right away. however i think i learned that reason is cause were doing multiple meds and they have to be certain hours apart so i have them do it at times so when I get home im not giving meds at 3am. anyway, i totaly got shafted last time on aidan getting a sponge bath. and there are so many people coming in and out of his room that dont need to. i knw its a teaching hospital but i dont need every intern coming in asking the same questions. and other wierd people too. but thanks for this topic has really helped me as a mom
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<br />Elizabeth
<br />mama to Aidan 5 w/cf


New member
I vote for home as well. I do my tests as an outpatient and after they are over i go home for good. I HATE then hospital even for like 5 hours a day! I HATE everything about it. I hate it when i have to stay the night. I cannot sleep in those beds and all these people around me and of course i hate the bathrooms. So definitely better at home!


New member
I vote for home as well. I do my tests as an outpatient and after they are over i go home for good. I HATE then hospital even for like 5 hours a day! I HATE everything about it. I hate it when i have to stay the night. I cannot sleep in those beds and all these people around me and of course i hate the bathrooms. So definitely better at home!


New member
I vote for home as well. I do my tests as an outpatient and after they are over i go home for good. I HATE then hospital even for like 5 hours a day! I HATE everything about it. I hate it when i have to stay the night. I cannot sleep in those beds and all these people around me and of course i hate the bathrooms. So definitely better at home!


New member
Wow, you guys have made me feel so much better! I had to have my first picc line a couple of weeks ago...I wanted to still be able to go to work. Last time I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, I went crazy. Also, I was afraid I'd end up sicker than staying at home. For a little while, I had wondered if I had made the right choice with my picc line...but after reading all of your posts, I know I made the right choice.


New member
Wow, you guys have made me feel so much better! I had to have my first picc line a couple of weeks ago...I wanted to still be able to go to work. Last time I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, I went crazy. Also, I was afraid I'd end up sicker than staying at home. For a little while, I had wondered if I had made the right choice with my picc line...but after reading all of your posts, I know I made the right choice.


New member
Wow, you guys have made me feel so much better! I had to have my first picc line a couple of weeks ago...I wanted to still be able to go to work. Last time I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, I went crazy. Also, I was afraid I'd end up sicker than staying at home. For a little while, I had wondered if I had made the right choice with my picc line...but after reading all of your posts, I know I made the right choice.