Hospital Stories/Rude People Stories


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LOL i just rememered the breakfast people ARGH ! its like 7 in the morning i am alsleep i think they are secreatly jealous cos they wish they were still asleep lol . i rememeber when i ad to saty on a ward cos there were no side rooms and the lady next to me used to scream out in her sleep and when i say screamed she really did screait was horrible i know it werent her fault but it used to make me cry cos iw as tired and cos i felt sorry for her . in the end they moved her cos she caught mrsa .


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When Emily used to have hot lunch in elementary school, she was given permission to carry her own salt shaker by the school principal and one of the lunch aides (one time...and one time only....TRUST ME!) tried to take it away telling her she was using way too much salt. Telling her it wasn't good for her and when Emily tried to explain, the nasty lady was rude to her just because she was a child, she figured she knew better than Emily did. People need to just shut up sometimes and listen. It doesn't always matter if it's a child or a young adult doing the talking...sometimes they actually know what they are talking about!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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That same lunch aide gave me a hard time when you packed candy bars in my school lunches too, mom. I hated that wench, everyone did. Hahaha.
eh i dont have to many stories/past problems..i havent gone to the hospital too much <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> i dont mean to make it sound like "haha you have it worse and i have it better" cause honestly...i sorta wish i did have it people dont think im fakeing it all the time..but ok i just know the principal and stuff wont lemme take my meds at school cause people will be like OoOoOo CANDY!!!! and ill get thats the only big problem i have...i have to get my food (so im in the front of the line), go to the nurse and get my meds (usually wait 10 minutes for her to get to me), then go back into the Cafe' lol
oh! well i lied..there was once..i remember clear as day...i was really sick and in the hospital and stuff and they kept coming in to wake me up like...every 3 hours or something to gimme my neb id get so mad id start crying but my cute little face and tears didnt stop them! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

god..i dont mean to edit so in a bad sorta outa it lol
omg emily i love your mom!!!!!

I LOVE YOU EMILY'S MOMMY!!!! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Lindsey- that's bizarre that they woke you up then to be weighed! Sometimes I don't get why they do vitals in the middle of the night.
Brandi- Once I got to high school, they let me take my enzymes on my own, since our lunch is 22 minutes long (including time to get to class from lunch!), I'd spend half my lunch at the nurse!

My first hospitalization, my roommate, my mom and I were watching a movie during infusion. Well, I have a high pain tolerance, and didn't realize that my IV had infiltrated until the pump beeped that the med was finished infusing. My little arm (I was 5 years old) was the size of a cantaloupe. My older, wiser roommate (a fellow CFer who really taught me the ropes of hospitalizations <3) said the IV had infiltrated, but it was still scary for her too. After we beeped, the nurse didn't come for 10-plus minutes, so my mom went in the hall to get her. When the nurse finally came in, both my roommate and I were crying, and the nurse yelled at both of us to stop being 'babies' but especially at my roommate, who was 12 or 13 at the time-- yes older, but it was still an upsetting experience for her. Well, my mom had nothing of that rudeness, and gave that nurse (politely) a piece of her mind about yelling at her little girls (me... and my roommate, whose family we stayed close with for a long time). Some people are just RUDE.
aweee wanna know something? i honestly think id love to go into a hospital (visit or reasons) and just talk to people who have CF and interact with love it so much...emily will be the FIRST person ive ever meet with CF hehe if she drives up here to see me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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when I was in junior high, the health aide at my school was "busy" one afternoon. She didn't give me my enzymes until 20min after I had eaten...despite my nagging to her that I needed them that moment. Then my mom called and the lady still said that she gets too busy and I need to "be patient..."

some ppl are just stupid...especially when it comes to young ages. I've had numerous field trips where parent chaparones were convinced I needed enzymes b/c I was lactose intolerant <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"> Once in high school, I acidentally left some enzymes in my band uniform pocket and the uniform lady told my director that I was using drugs (give me a freakin break). Luckily, my band director knew about my cf and wasn't too concerned. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



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the early breakfast thing used to bug me to. but now we get like restaurant style menus and anytime we get hungry we dial 45362on our phone then someone takes our order and you recieve it in about 40 minutes. whatever you want.from 6:30 am till 8pm. even if you just want a milkshake or something. i usually eat alot of chickenstrips and frenchfries when im there.


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I KNOW! It is so annoying when people wake you up early, and then you can't go to sleep until 11:00! Usually, at my first hospitalazation, they woke me up at 7:30. But one time, made me SO MAD(!), because a guy came in at SIX THIRTY! He came in, and shook me awake and said my name like three times. Then he asked me some questions about how I slept. ARGH!


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Last poster (9:56am), that is RIDICULOUS! I would've said "Fine. UNTIL YOU CAME IN AND WOKE ME UP!!!" AHHHHHHHHH!!!! I hate when people are just plain stupid, or do things without thinking first.


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How many of you have expierienced "digging around"(shudder) for a vein? I'm eleven, and at the time of my first hospitalazation(I know I'm not spelling that right!) the nurse had to dig around ALL UNDER THE BACK OF MY HAND(!!!!) and I was literally yellling. Then for the rest of the time the nurse who had given it was all snippy and haughty. I mean, ya'll are grown adults and cry(and I don't blame you) and I'm a kid and the nurse thinks I should just be quiet??


New member
Even if you are eleven, they still don't have the right to treat you that way. You can stand up for yourself within being rude. Just tell them you want them to stop or ask for another nurse. It's your right to do so! (and you can always report them) Although I would wait until after I left the
I have a fan club?? LilStrawberryShortness??


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At my hospital, most of the staff on the respritory floor knows that the CFers know what's up and they pretty much let us dictate what's going on. HOWEVER, it is a teaching hospital and so there are always a few interns who are clueless that someone who has a chronic illness and has spent more time in hospitals than they ever will knows what they're talking about.
This summer, when my lung collapsed, I was transfered from Ft. Collins to Denver ( about 1.5 hrs) so I could have a pleural diesis. I was in a lot of pain due to my chest tube and the fact that this was the second time my lung dropped in two weeks. when I got to the hospital, these two idiot girl interns tried to change my dressing, a kindergartener could have done a better job! I'm serious, I've never seen such a botched up bandage in my life! They had tape goinig up and down my whole side! It was the thick tape that I didn't want, I asked for paper tape, and they said "that doesn't hold as well", I know it will, it's not like I'm going to be mud wresterling or anything.

Then they wouldn't give me anything for my pain! I was getting so mad. I was like, page my doc and talk to them, do it now! and they farted around about that too. I was like, "I had a chest tube placed this morning, I'm in pain, and I know what I'm talking about." Eventually they called my doc and came rushing in with an IV of fetanol.
23 w/ CF


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ONe more thing, I ended up staying in the hospital for 31 DAYS. And I didn't ever get a picc b/c they kept thinking I would get out in a dya or two. So I had a new perphial placed about every other day, urrrghhhh! It's amazing how some nurses are really good at their job, and others suck so bad at it. I have HUGE veins that you can practically see in the dark, and yet some would dig aroung and say they rolled and need to try another one. I was a freakin' pin coushin.
My dad (an interventional cardiologist) and his old med school pal ( an anethesiologist, sp?) began starting my IVs and drawing my blood whenever they were there. I remember one nurse gave me some attitude when I said " I don't want you to do it. I'll have my dad" She was like, "he's not going to do it any better, it'll still hurt!" You could tell she was pissed.
My dad said "I've been a cardiologist for 30 years. This is how I make my living. Give me that needle!" Thanks Daddy!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
23 w/ CF


Ohhhh, I could definitely add some to this post. Like many other hospitals mine is a teaching hospital. I've been woken up anytime from 12:00-6:30 a.m. (not that I went to sleep until 2 or so) I've had stupid nurses, and nurses that couldn't see a vein in the dark if they had a bright orange arrow pointing to it.

Usually after giving many new nurses the chance to practice on me, not my choice... I finally started to tell them.. "one shot and you're out." If they couldn't get an i.v. started after that then I had my grandmother do it. She's a nurse. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Worked pretty well.

I've had one resident come in my room and look at me breathing, when I'm asleep my breathing comes irregular and my o2 goes down (or it did before Tx) Anyway I had this resident who came in there and was concerned about my breathing.. didn't wake me up, didn't try to talk to me, AND didn't consult the other nurses/staff. He ordered blood gases to be done on my (if you've ever had it done you know it hurts like heck) I was woken up with the guy came in and started inspecting my wrist. Boy was I ticked off... I told them not so politely to get out of my room. I then demanded that the resident come in, I talked to him, decided he was an incompetant twit, and told him to talk to my doctor the next day. I mean, that was in my chart "looks like she has difficulty breathing at night" in plain sight, I've seen it. >_<

I like to be informed about my meds so I ask what each one does, why it was prescribed and all that, my nurses didn't have a problem with it, and my doctors like the fact that I knew why I was on the meds that I was on. So of course new residents would come on, make a decision and then I'd be put on a brand new med... without me being informed. That was fun. I had one resident actually put me on Cipro or something like that after a culture came back as being resistant to it. And another tried to put me on a med that I'm allergic too. Needless to say my doctors weren't pleased with that resident. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0"> After that little lesson I informed each resident of my "expectations" keep me informed and do not prescribe something that hasn't been run by the doctor, not the onsite doctor but MY doctor.

I have tons more... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0"> but I have class...


New member
Candice, you know it is your choice. Teaching hospital or not, you can request that someone more experienced does your IVs. They're your arms, your veins.


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I need to bring some of y'all to the hospital with me, lol. I'm SUCH a wimp when it comes to confrontation. My parents were really big on politeness, and I still sometimes am waaaaay more polite than people deserve. I've gotten a lot better in the last few years, but I still need to learn to really stand up for myself sometimes!!!

Jenny, 21w/cf