Hospital Stories/Rude People Stories


New member
rideronthewhitehorse, i think its great that you have your faith and everything, but not everyone shares that faith and posting about it on threads not related to religion is kind of uncalled for. this isnt trying to incite a religious debate or anything, i was enjoying this thread as it was. rideronthewhitehorse, dont take this personally either-- everyone has a right to their faith and beliefs
Er uh, is that a joke? Because your name is Anonymous. What should I do? And by the way, I'm not using this username to offend someone. Of course not. I just figured it would be fun to have a little contest. Matter of fact, I'm going to make a whole topic for contests!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
In Christ,(and no, I won't stop saying In Christ!)


New member
Ruude people: (not hospital related) I have a travel pass that allows me to travel for free. My friend asked me yesterday why I got it. I said i duno, if you have astma or cf or something you get it. She said oh what so if you have astma it automatically means you can't afford a 2EURO bus fair?? -snigger- I was really annoyed/embarresed. Thats my story!


New member
This Thursday at my school band concert, I was coughing while I was putting my flute away and this weird kid goes "You should really quit smoking". I didn't have the breath to tell him about CF and stuff, so I just rudely shook my inhaler very obviously in his face. Stuff like that bothers me.

Oh and rideronthewhitehorse, I don't think that poster had any problem with signing In Christ, I think they meant to keep posts on certain threads relevent.
I know, no one told me to stop saying In Christ(and it wouldn't acomplish anything if they did). I'm just saying that because Anonymous seems to imply that it's wrong that I have my "religion"(it's really a relationship) in my usernames or posts. And I figured that somebody might also not want me to post In Christ.
In Christ,


New member
No one was/is criticizng you or your faith. Your "contest" didn't have anything to do with this thread, that's why people were complaining. You can say whatever you want to say, just start your own thread instead of randomly putting something irrelevant in another thread. Thank you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.


New member
and since your only 11 why dont you hop on your white horse and ride it to the young people section where you can play your childish "contests",since this is supposed to be the "ADULTS"section.i believe thats why there is different sections.duhhh!! also i dont think any of the sections are about religion,i think they are all for cf issues.


New member
I love your signature!!!
Keep up the positive attitude!!!
Healthcare workers should always treat their patients as if they were their own family member...
from the heart...kat<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Text</a>


New member
I don't see anything wrong with your signature (in christ) or even the posting of the bible verse. But everything you respond to on this website seems to be diverted away from the topic at hand and becomes something you post about religion. This is a site about CF and daily lives and such, and although I understand that religion can be part of that "CF and daily life" please tone it down a bit. I don't come to this site to be preached to about religion. If I was interested in a christianity website, I could find one online just fine. But I am not, and I (as well as many others that come here) seem to be offended by the repetativeness of God on your posts and feel like I am having religion shoved down my throat.
Also, the issue of the "adult" posting area, I certainly visit the young adult and teenage sections, so it would be hypocritical for me to say you shouldn't visit here. And many younger people who post on this adult site have a lot of good things to say, and I don't get too caught up in what age group is posting where. But, that being said, you ought to be at a certain maturity level to be posting here, and evidenced by your responses to when others asked you to take it easy other religion-you aren't there yet.

so please, if you want to talk religion create your own posts and let it go on from there, but dont' rant and rave on someone elses post about things most of us don't come here to hear.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
OK, that being said, Coll this one's for you, I finally signed in.

My hubbie told me a story about his library visit the other day and it seemed a perfect thing to post on this topic.

He was sitting at a table in the library studing his school work and he was a little sniffly and doing the constant "clearing of the throat". This hoity toity sitting across the table from him looked up and said "You know there is tissue at the front desk" (in a very snotty, better than you, disgusted tone) and my husband (who is usually very reserve, quiet and sweet) said, "well thank you so much, you have cleared up the mystery of my sinusitius that my doctors haven't been able to solve my whole life" Needless to say, she got up and left.

Some people are so dense and judgmental. My husband hasn't been in the hospital since we have been together thankfully (other than studies when we were initially dating) but I am a nurse and have worked with some nurses who aren't so good. I fear for the nurse that ever has to care for my husband and does a substandard job, because she won't have one (a job) for long.

I must say I have very much enjoyed all the stories on this post!

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)
Julie, I was just wondering if when your husband has to go into the hospital if he would go to the one you work at. If I recall correctly, you said you work on a CF floor. Would you get to be your husbands nurse? or are there rules against that? If you could I'm sure that would keep both of your minds at ease. That would be really cool!!


New member
He would go to the hospital where I work because I am active duty military and work at a military hospital. As far as being able to be his nurse, I have never really looked into it or asked about it, but it is a thought. I am sure it would make it easier for the both of us. I will let you know if that ever happens and what becomes of it. My only fear is that I would spend too much time caring for him, and not intentionally but unconsiously kind of not pay enough attention to my other patients.

<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>and since your only 11 why dont you hop on your white horse and ride it to the young people section where you can play your childish "contests",since this is supposed to be the "ADULTS"section.i believe thats why there is different sections.duhhh!! also i dont think any of the sections are about religion,i think they are all for cf issues.<hr></blockquote>

I admit I was wrong to post that little contest on this topic. However, I think the vehement striking out of all of you people is uncalled for. If you don't want the post there, just tell me, instead of mocking me. I'll try to take it off. And by the way, my response to the person who I quoted, is that I am NOT the Rider, as it says in my signature, Jesus is the Rider, and let me inform you that while there are different age levels for this forum, I've seen just about everybody post all over all of them. This contest is not childish. To avoid any further arguement, I will not post here anymore, and I will try to delete my post.
In Christ,


New member
MAYBE WE SHOULD ALL TRY AND CALM DOWN.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree, but this is what the kid wants, a response he doesnt care if it is good or bad. As a kid i was told to respect my elders, thats what rider needs to do , respect the adult forums, you are not an adult so look, listen, and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I remember another story from my hysterectomy. It was, I think, less than a day after it was done. And this wench nurse tried to force me to shower. First of all, I'm not 5, I know when I need a shower. Second of all, I had MAJOR SURGERY YESTERDAY, LEAVE ME ALONE! lol When I told her I didn't feel like showering, she told me I had no choice. I told her I wanted to wait for my mom so she could help me, because I didn't want some stranger helping me shower. She waited maybe half an hour, and then started badgering me again. Finally, I just went into the bathroom and made "water noises." I turned on the faucet and stood in there for a while. I just really hate that because it's so completely unnecessary. I had major surgery less than 24 hours ago, if I don't feel like showering, I WON'T! The nurse bought that I had showered because of the "water noises." lol And then she continued to be so wenchy... Less than 3 days after the surgery, when I requested to go home ASAP (they had nothing big against it, as I had just done what they asked, finally passed some gas, haha), even though I easily could've stayed a few extra days, she got the paperwork started immediately. She wanted to get rid of me just as much as I wanted to get away from her. Hahaa.


New member
Oh Emily, I know how that feels...
This summer when my lung collapsed, I had to have a second surgery b/c the first didn't work. The 2nd one worked alright and was the most excruciating pain ever. (Basically they gave me a chemical burn all over the inside of my chest wall) and I had a g.i. tube placed at the same time and two chest tubes! I actually thought I was dying SEVERAL hours after surgery because of the pain. Any way after my second surgery, all these people from occupational therapy and rehab and a bunch of other stuff started showing up the next day an wanting me to move around and do stuff. I know that you do have to do that stuff to get better, but I was so pissed b/c NO BODY did any of this after my 1st surgery, so why were they so about it now? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">
"no I DON'T want to wash my hair! My tissues are on fire on the inside!"
23 w/ CF


New member
I've been forcibly told to bathe as well. I was maybe 2 days after getting my G-Tube placed, and aside from having the recuperation from that, I was on IVs AND oxygen. In a nutshell, I was surrounded by tubes and had trouble manuevering myself. One morning, my mom had to step out for a little while, which was fine by me- I didn't need her to watch me sleep <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">, but we very carefully arranged the room so I could reach everything with ease (the room was also very small, so manevuering my pole around was also a pain).
Well this overzealous nurse's aide comes in and has a little basin and stuff for me to take a sponge bath. I said, "Can you leave it over there for my mom to help me with later?" and the aide goes "No No No, You need to clean up now!". I told her again to just leave it on the side, but she INSISTED and rearranged the whole set-up my mom and I had meticiously set up in order to faciliate the sponge bath I didn't even want at the time- I wanted to sleep. She then told me my spit cup was "revolting" and I should use tissues, even though I know a spit cup is fine by my doctors and preferred by me. When she finally let me be, I had to struggle to reach my nurse buzzer and ask her to rearrange my stuff, which made me feel stupid/annoying. Ugh that nurse's aide bothered me!