How many people have been told or are tired of......



How many people with CF have gone to their hospital for a regular check up and have been told by their doctors that they will not live but possibly to their late thirties, if that lucky. I use to go see my doctors at UNM, at the pediatriciens just to be told when I go in and see my doctors over and over again like a broken record that I wont make it to my forties, hell maybe not even my twenties. Finally I got tired of it and wanted a transfer to the adult doctor, but they told me that I had to be nineteen to be transferd, but if I would've been born here in New Mexico then yeah if I was sixteen I would've been able to go to the adults. But finally after bickering with them they released me. And now don't ever here any of this BS about not making it to my forties.
This letter was probably longer than need be, but now I would like to now how many of you have ever heard that from doctors before?


How many people with CF have gone to their hospital for a regular check up and have been told by their doctors that they will not live but possibly to their late thirties, if that lucky. I use to go see my doctors at UNM, at the pediatriciens just to be told when I go in and see my doctors over and over again like a broken record that I wont make it to my forties, hell maybe not even my twenties. Finally I got tired of it and wanted a transfer to the adult doctor, but they told me that I had to be nineteen to be transferd, but if I would've been born here in New Mexico then yeah if I was sixteen I would've been able to go to the adults. But finally after bickering with them they released me. And now don't ever here any of this BS about not making it to my forties.
This letter was probably longer than need be, but now I would like to now how many of you have ever heard that from doctors before?


How many people with CF have gone to their hospital for a regular check up and have been told by their doctors that they will not live but possibly to their late thirties, if that lucky. I use to go see my doctors at UNM, at the pediatriciens just to be told when I go in and see my doctors over and over again like a broken record that I wont make it to my forties, hell maybe not even my twenties. Finally I got tired of it and wanted a transfer to the adult doctor, but they told me that I had to be nineteen to be transferd, but if I would've been born here in New Mexico then yeah if I was sixteen I would've been able to go to the adults. But finally after bickering with them they released me. And now don't ever here any of this BS about not making it to my forties.
This letter was probably longer than need be, but now I would like to now how many of you have ever heard that from doctors before?


How many people with CF have gone to their hospital for a regular check up and have been told by their doctors that they will not live but possibly to their late thirties, if that lucky. I use to go see my doctors at UNM, at the pediatriciens just to be told when I go in and see my doctors over and over again like a broken record that I wont make it to my forties, hell maybe not even my twenties. Finally I got tired of it and wanted a transfer to the adult doctor, but they told me that I had to be nineteen to be transferd, but if I would've been born here in New Mexico then yeah if I was sixteen I would've been able to go to the adults. But finally after bickering with them they released me. And now don't ever here any of this BS about not making it to my forties.
This letter was probably longer than need be, but now I would like to now how many of you have ever heard that from doctors before?


How many people with CF have gone to their hospital for a regular check up and have been told by their doctors that they will not live but possibly to their late thirties, if that lucky. I use to go see my doctors at UNM, at the pediatriciens just to be told when I go in and see my doctors over and over again like a broken record that I wont make it to my forties, hell maybe not even my twenties. Finally I got tired of it and wanted a transfer to the adult doctor, but they told me that I had to be nineteen to be transferd, but if I would've been born here in New Mexico then yeah if I was sixteen I would've been able to go to the adults. But finally after bickering with them they released me. And now don't ever here any of this BS about not making it to my forties.
<br />This letter was probably longer than need be, but now I would like to now how many of you have ever heard that from doctors before?


I haven't been told that more than once or twice, but I find that rude of your Dr's to say more than the once.


I haven't been told that more than once or twice, but I find that rude of your Dr's to say more than the once.


I haven't been told that more than once or twice, but I find that rude of your Dr's to say more than the once.


I haven't been told that more than once or twice, but I find that rude of your Dr's to say more than the once.


I haven't been told that more than once or twice, but I find that rude of your Dr's to say more than the once.
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New member
I have actually never been told this that I remember. I have read it in books, but the doctors that I have never given me a "dead line", if that is what you want to call it. I think that all they can really do is give some of the statistics of life expectancy, and as we all know, those don't apply to everyone. The thing is that they really don't know. Keep your head up and my advice is to try not to focus on living here and now and not focus as much on how long you have. I know that this is difficult when you are trying to plan what you want to do with your life and what you can expect to be able to do, and I know that this is a total cliche, but my motto is "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow." Good luck.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
I have actually never been told this that I remember. I have read it in books, but the doctors that I have never given me a "dead line", if that is what you want to call it. I think that all they can really do is give some of the statistics of life expectancy, and as we all know, those don't apply to everyone. The thing is that they really don't know. Keep your head up and my advice is to try not to focus on living here and now and not focus as much on how long you have. I know that this is difficult when you are trying to plan what you want to do with your life and what you can expect to be able to do, and I know that this is a total cliche, but my motto is "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow." Good luck.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
I have actually never been told this that I remember. I have read it in books, but the doctors that I have never given me a "dead line", if that is what you want to call it. I think that all they can really do is give some of the statistics of life expectancy, and as we all know, those don't apply to everyone. The thing is that they really don't know. Keep your head up and my advice is to try not to focus on living here and now and not focus as much on how long you have. I know that this is difficult when you are trying to plan what you want to do with your life and what you can expect to be able to do, and I know that this is a total cliche, but my motto is "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow." Good luck.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
I have actually never been told this that I remember. I have read it in books, but the doctors that I have never given me a "dead line", if that is what you want to call it. I think that all they can really do is give some of the statistics of life expectancy, and as we all know, those don't apply to everyone. The thing is that they really don't know. Keep your head up and my advice is to try not to focus on living here and now and not focus as much on how long you have. I know that this is difficult when you are trying to plan what you want to do with your life and what you can expect to be able to do, and I know that this is a total cliche, but my motto is "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow." Good luck.

Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
I have actually never been told this that I remember. I have read it in books, but the doctors that I have never given me a "dead line", if that is what you want to call it. I think that all they can really do is give some of the statistics of life expectancy, and as we all know, those don't apply to everyone. The thing is that they really don't know. Keep your head up and my advice is to try not to focus on living here and now and not focus as much on how long you have. I know that this is difficult when you are trying to plan what you want to do with your life and what you can expect to be able to do, and I know that this is a total cliche, but my motto is "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorrow." Good luck.
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<br />Marisa RN, 21 w/CF


New member
I think what the doctors are saying is reality. You have a 50% chance of living to 37 and a 50% of dying before 37. Not what I call great odds. Yeah there are some people living in their 40s and 50s, but still this year there are plenty of people w/ CF that die at 7, 14, and 20s. So u have to know you may not live much more than 30s, but hope with strict complaince, luck and/or promising new drugs that could be developed, you may live to your 70s or 80s.


New member
I think what the doctors are saying is reality. You have a 50% chance of living to 37 and a 50% of dying before 37. Not what I call great odds. Yeah there are some people living in their 40s and 50s, but still this year there are plenty of people w/ CF that die at 7, 14, and 20s. So u have to know you may not live much more than 30s, but hope with strict complaince, luck and/or promising new drugs that could be developed, you may live to your 70s or 80s.


New member
I think what the doctors are saying is reality. You have a 50% chance of living to 37 and a 50% of dying before 37. Not what I call great odds. Yeah there are some people living in their 40s and 50s, but still this year there are plenty of people w/ CF that die at 7, 14, and 20s. So u have to know you may not live much more than 30s, but hope with strict complaince, luck and/or promising new drugs that could be developed, you may live to your 70s or 80s.


New member
I think what the doctors are saying is reality. You have a 50% chance of living to 37 and a 50% of dying before 37. Not what I call great odds. Yeah there are some people living in their 40s and 50s, but still this year there are plenty of people w/ CF that die at 7, 14, and 20s. So u have to know you may not live much more than 30s, but hope with strict complaince, luck and/or promising new drugs that could be developed, you may live to your 70s or 80s.


New member
I think what the doctors are saying is reality. You have a 50% chance of living to 37 and a 50% of dying before 37. Not what I call great odds. Yeah there are some people living in their 40s and 50s, but still this year there are plenty of people w/ CF that die at 7, 14, and 20s. So u have to know you may not live much more than 30s, but hope with strict complaince, luck and/or promising new drugs that could be developed, you may live to your 70s or 80s.
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