How many people have been told or are tired of......


New member
I hear it..a lot. But no, they don't like using 30's...they say 25, every single time.
I know it's reality...they remind me everytime I'm there...but with them using this method, honestly (and I know its bad to say), part of me is just like "F*** it then, why am I spending time on treatments if I am going to pass at 25?"


New member
I hear it..a lot. But no, they don't like using 30's...they say 25, every single time.
I know it's reality...they remind me everytime I'm there...but with them using this method, honestly (and I know its bad to say), part of me is just like "F*** it then, why am I spending time on treatments if I am going to pass at 25?"


New member
I hear it..a lot. But no, they don't like using 30's...they say 25, every single time.
I know it's reality...they remind me everytime I'm there...but with them using this method, honestly (and I know its bad to say), part of me is just like "F*** it then, why am I spending time on treatments if I am going to pass at 25?"


New member
I hear it..a lot. But no, they don't like using 30's...they say 25, every single time.
I know it's reality...they remind me everytime I'm there...but with them using this method, honestly (and I know its bad to say), part of me is just like "F*** it then, why am I spending time on treatments if I am going to pass at 25?"


New member
I hear it..a lot. But no, they don't like using 30's...they say 25, every single time.
<br />I know it's reality...they remind me everytime I'm there...but with them using this method, honestly (and I know its bad to say), part of me is just like "F*** it then, why am I spending time on treatments if I am going to pass at 25?"


New member
O my goodness, I am surprised to hear that ANY Dr. would say that. When i was diagnosed with cf at age 3 in 1968 there wasnt a lot known about cf back then and the Dr. told my parents i wouldnt live past 5. I have no idea why they would say that since i had very healthy lungs and only slight pancreatic problemsw.
Then a few years down the road since i was doing so well the Dr. then said i would outgrow cf.... OUTGROW A GENETIC DISEASE? WHAT ??????
When i was younger i read all the medical books i could find ( my mom was a nurse) and they also had an age limit of teens , which scared the crap out of me. As time went on the surviving age went up. It is true that some will not make it out of adolesence, or even childhood age, while others will make it to their 50's -60's or longer. BUT that also goes for the whole entire population, healthy or not. NO ONE is guaranteed longevity . Many of my absolutely healthy friends have passed away at young ages for all kinds of various reasons.
Its possible your Dr. is trying to use a reality scare tactic to get you to stick to doing treatments. i dont agree with doing that but sometimes it does work to make the patient work harder.


New member
O my goodness, I am surprised to hear that ANY Dr. would say that. When i was diagnosed with cf at age 3 in 1968 there wasnt a lot known about cf back then and the Dr. told my parents i wouldnt live past 5. I have no idea why they would say that since i had very healthy lungs and only slight pancreatic problemsw.
Then a few years down the road since i was doing so well the Dr. then said i would outgrow cf.... OUTGROW A GENETIC DISEASE? WHAT ??????
When i was younger i read all the medical books i could find ( my mom was a nurse) and they also had an age limit of teens , which scared the crap out of me. As time went on the surviving age went up. It is true that some will not make it out of adolesence, or even childhood age, while others will make it to their 50's -60's or longer. BUT that also goes for the whole entire population, healthy or not. NO ONE is guaranteed longevity . Many of my absolutely healthy friends have passed away at young ages for all kinds of various reasons.
Its possible your Dr. is trying to use a reality scare tactic to get you to stick to doing treatments. i dont agree with doing that but sometimes it does work to make the patient work harder.


New member
O my goodness, I am surprised to hear that ANY Dr. would say that. When i was diagnosed with cf at age 3 in 1968 there wasnt a lot known about cf back then and the Dr. told my parents i wouldnt live past 5. I have no idea why they would say that since i had very healthy lungs and only slight pancreatic problemsw.
Then a few years down the road since i was doing so well the Dr. then said i would outgrow cf.... OUTGROW A GENETIC DISEASE? WHAT ??????
When i was younger i read all the medical books i could find ( my mom was a nurse) and they also had an age limit of teens , which scared the crap out of me. As time went on the surviving age went up. It is true that some will not make it out of adolesence, or even childhood age, while others will make it to their 50's -60's or longer. BUT that also goes for the whole entire population, healthy or not. NO ONE is guaranteed longevity . Many of my absolutely healthy friends have passed away at young ages for all kinds of various reasons.
Its possible your Dr. is trying to use a reality scare tactic to get you to stick to doing treatments. i dont agree with doing that but sometimes it does work to make the patient work harder.


New member
O my goodness, I am surprised to hear that ANY Dr. would say that. When i was diagnosed with cf at age 3 in 1968 there wasnt a lot known about cf back then and the Dr. told my parents i wouldnt live past 5. I have no idea why they would say that since i had very healthy lungs and only slight pancreatic problemsw.
Then a few years down the road since i was doing so well the Dr. then said i would outgrow cf.... OUTGROW A GENETIC DISEASE? WHAT ??????
When i was younger i read all the medical books i could find ( my mom was a nurse) and they also had an age limit of teens , which scared the crap out of me. As time went on the surviving age went up. It is true that some will not make it out of adolesence, or even childhood age, while others will make it to their 50's -60's or longer. BUT that also goes for the whole entire population, healthy or not. NO ONE is guaranteed longevity . Many of my absolutely healthy friends have passed away at young ages for all kinds of various reasons.
Its possible your Dr. is trying to use a reality scare tactic to get you to stick to doing treatments. i dont agree with doing that but sometimes it does work to make the patient work harder.


New member
O my goodness, I am surprised to hear that ANY Dr. would say that. When i was diagnosed with cf at age 3 in 1968 there wasnt a lot known about cf back then and the Dr. told my parents i wouldnt live past 5. I have no idea why they would say that since i had very healthy lungs and only slight pancreatic problemsw.
<br />Then a few years down the road since i was doing so well the Dr. then said i would outgrow cf.... OUTGROW A GENETIC DISEASE? WHAT ??????
<br />When i was younger i read all the medical books i could find ( my mom was a nurse) and they also had an age limit of teens , which scared the crap out of me. As time went on the surviving age went up. It is true that some will not make it out of adolesence, or even childhood age, while others will make it to their 50's -60's or longer. BUT that also goes for the whole entire population, healthy or not. NO ONE is guaranteed longevity . Many of my absolutely healthy friends have passed away at young ages for all kinds of various reasons.
<br />Its possible your Dr. is trying to use a reality scare tactic to get you to stick to doing treatments. i dont agree with doing that but sometimes it does work to make the patient work harder.


New member
My parents heard it while I was growing up - first it was 5, then 10, then 18 .... and now I guess its not mentioned b/c as an adult they know I know what the life expectancy is. Honestly I know though that if I don't get healthier now then yeah 37 aint happening for me.

Honestly though its just a bit of rough love...


New member
My parents heard it while I was growing up - first it was 5, then 10, then 18 .... and now I guess its not mentioned b/c as an adult they know I know what the life expectancy is. Honestly I know though that if I don't get healthier now then yeah 37 aint happening for me.

Honestly though its just a bit of rough love...


New member
My parents heard it while I was growing up - first it was 5, then 10, then 18 .... and now I guess its not mentioned b/c as an adult they know I know what the life expectancy is. Honestly I know though that if I don't get healthier now then yeah 37 aint happening for me.

Honestly though its just a bit of rough love...


New member
My parents heard it while I was growing up - first it was 5, then 10, then 18 .... and now I guess its not mentioned b/c as an adult they know I know what the life expectancy is. Honestly I know though that if I don't get healthier now then yeah 37 aint happening for me.

Honestly though its just a bit of rough love...


New member
My parents heard it while I was growing up - first it was 5, then 10, then 18 .... and now I guess its not mentioned b/c as an adult they know I know what the life expectancy is. Honestly I know though that if I don't get healthier now then yeah 37 aint happening for me.
<br />
<br />Honestly though its just a bit of rough love...


New member
A lot of times doctors will bring up those numbers if you're not being compliant with your treatments. Don't know if that describes you, but if it doesn't, tell your doc's to go pound sand!



New member
A lot of times doctors will bring up those numbers if you're not being compliant with your treatments. Don't know if that describes you, but if it doesn't, tell your doc's to go pound sand!



New member
A lot of times doctors will bring up those numbers if you're not being compliant with your treatments. Don't know if that describes you, but if it doesn't, tell your doc's to go pound sand!



New member
A lot of times doctors will bring up those numbers if you're not being compliant with your treatments. Don't know if that describes you, but if it doesn't, tell your doc's to go pound sand!



New member
A lot of times doctors will bring up those numbers if you're not being compliant with your treatments. Don't know if that describes you, but if it doesn't, tell your doc's to go pound sand!
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<br />Ronnie