How many people have been told or are tired of......



When I was born my parents were told I would be lucky to live to be 3, then 5, then 8, then 13 and so on. When I was in my early 20's my doc said 35 was a reasonable expectation based on my health then. Now my doc talks about keeping me going until my kids graduate high school and hopefully even college(they were 7 and 11 at the time). He also pointed out that unless we did something my pft's were showing that in about 5-7yrs I would be in transplant range. I don't think it was a scare tactic as much as just trying to show how the progression was going.


When I was born my parents were told I would be lucky to live to be 3, then 5, then 8, then 13 and so on. When I was in my early 20's my doc said 35 was a reasonable expectation based on my health then. Now my doc talks about keeping me going until my kids graduate high school and hopefully even college(they were 7 and 11 at the time). He also pointed out that unless we did something my pft's were showing that in about 5-7yrs I would be in transplant range. I don't think it was a scare tactic as much as just trying to show how the progression was going.


When I was born my parents were told I would be lucky to live to be 3, then 5, then 8, then 13 and so on. When I was in my early 20's my doc said 35 was a reasonable expectation based on my health then. Now my doc talks about keeping me going until my kids graduate high school and hopefully even college(they were 7 and 11 at the time). He also pointed out that unless we did something my pft's were showing that in about 5-7yrs I would be in transplant range. I don't think it was a scare tactic as much as just trying to show how the progression was going.


When I was born my parents were told I would be lucky to live to be 3, then 5, then 8, then 13 and so on. When I was in my early 20's my doc said 35 was a reasonable expectation based on my health then. Now my doc talks about keeping me going until my kids graduate high school and hopefully even college(they were 7 and 11 at the time). He also pointed out that unless we did something my pft's were showing that in about 5-7yrs I would be in transplant range. I don't think it was a scare tactic as much as just trying to show how the progression was going.


When I was born my parents were told I would be lucky to live to be 3, then 5, then 8, then 13 and so on. When I was in my early 20's my doc said 35 was a reasonable expectation based on my health then. Now my doc talks about keeping me going until my kids graduate high school and hopefully even college(they were 7 and 11 at the time). He also pointed out that unless we did something my pft's were showing that in about 5-7yrs I would be in transplant range. I don't think it was a scare tactic as much as just trying to show how the progression was going.


New member
My docs have never given me estimates directly, but I have never asked. I assume they told my parents the numbers when I was first diagnosed. I remember 18 being the number as a kid. That number has doubled. I hope it doubles again.


New member
My docs have never given me estimates directly, but I have never asked. I assume they told my parents the numbers when I was first diagnosed. I remember 18 being the number as a kid. That number has doubled. I hope it doubles again.


New member
My docs have never given me estimates directly, but I have never asked. I assume they told my parents the numbers when I was first diagnosed. I remember 18 being the number as a kid. That number has doubled. I hope it doubles again.


New member
My docs have never given me estimates directly, but I have never asked. I assume they told my parents the numbers when I was first diagnosed. I remember 18 being the number as a kid. That number has doubled. I hope it doubles again.


New member
My docs have never given me estimates directly, but I have never asked. I assume they told my parents the numbers when I was first diagnosed. I remember 18 being the number as a kid. That number has doubled. I hope it doubles again.


New member
M's doctors refuse to quantify anything. His Heptalogist stated we have "a few years" but refused to clarify that further.

But, for us the liver disease makes everything more complicated. I don't believe he will see 30. I'm pretty positive he won't even see 25 but I still hope for 20. Because he is not a candidate for a new liver, he truly only has as long as this liver will give him. And, I don't think they really know how long that is.

I can say that our doctors are very gentle and considerate when we are discussing the terminal nature of M's disease progression. We're fully aware that M is running out of time daily. We fight to give him everything we can and to weather his demons with him in what life he has. But, I would be furious if his doctors rudely and persistently kept throwing his terminal status in our face.

Knowing it and having it thrown at me are two different things.


New member
M's doctors refuse to quantify anything. His Heptalogist stated we have "a few years" but refused to clarify that further.

But, for us the liver disease makes everything more complicated. I don't believe he will see 30. I'm pretty positive he won't even see 25 but I still hope for 20. Because he is not a candidate for a new liver, he truly only has as long as this liver will give him. And, I don't think they really know how long that is.

I can say that our doctors are very gentle and considerate when we are discussing the terminal nature of M's disease progression. We're fully aware that M is running out of time daily. We fight to give him everything we can and to weather his demons with him in what life he has. But, I would be furious if his doctors rudely and persistently kept throwing his terminal status in our face.

Knowing it and having it thrown at me are two different things.


New member
M's doctors refuse to quantify anything. His Heptalogist stated we have "a few years" but refused to clarify that further.

But, for us the liver disease makes everything more complicated. I don't believe he will see 30. I'm pretty positive he won't even see 25 but I still hope for 20. Because he is not a candidate for a new liver, he truly only has as long as this liver will give him. And, I don't think they really know how long that is.

I can say that our doctors are very gentle and considerate when we are discussing the terminal nature of M's disease progression. We're fully aware that M is running out of time daily. We fight to give him everything we can and to weather his demons with him in what life he has. But, I would be furious if his doctors rudely and persistently kept throwing his terminal status in our face.

Knowing it and having it thrown at me are two different things.


New member
M's doctors refuse to quantify anything. His Heptalogist stated we have "a few years" but refused to clarify that further.

But, for us the liver disease makes everything more complicated. I don't believe he will see 30. I'm pretty positive he won't even see 25 but I still hope for 20. Because he is not a candidate for a new liver, he truly only has as long as this liver will give him. And, I don't think they really know how long that is.

I can say that our doctors are very gentle and considerate when we are discussing the terminal nature of M's disease progression. We're fully aware that M is running out of time daily. We fight to give him everything we can and to weather his demons with him in what life he has. But, I would be furious if his doctors rudely and persistently kept throwing his terminal status in our face.

Knowing it and having it thrown at me are two different things.


New member
M's doctors refuse to quantify anything. His Heptalogist stated we have "a few years" but refused to clarify that further.
<br />
<br />But, for us the liver disease makes everything more complicated. I don't believe he will see 30. I'm pretty positive he won't even see 25 but I still hope for 20. Because he is not a candidate for a new liver, he truly only has as long as this liver will give him. And, I don't think they really know how long that is.
<br />
<br />I can say that our doctors are very gentle and considerate when we are discussing the terminal nature of M's disease progression. We're fully aware that M is running out of time daily. We fight to give him everything we can and to weather his demons with him in what life he has. But, I would be furious if his doctors rudely and persistently kept throwing his terminal status in our face.
<br />
<br />Knowing it and having it thrown at me are two different things.


Staff member
Never been given an age; however, when DS was in the NICU, a doctor told my MIL that there'd be a cure in 5 years. That was 6 years ago...


Staff member
Never been given an age; however, when DS was in the NICU, a doctor told my MIL that there'd be a cure in 5 years. That was 6 years ago...


Staff member
Never been given an age; however, when DS was in the NICU, a doctor told my MIL that there'd be a cure in 5 years. That was 6 years ago...


Staff member
Never been given an age; however, when DS was in the NICU, a doctor told my MIL that there'd be a cure in 5 years. That was 6 years ago...


Staff member
Never been given an age; however, when DS was in the NICU, a doctor told my MIL that there'd be a cure in 5 years. That was 6 years ago...