How many people have been told or are tired of......


New member
My parents were told 16 when I was diagnosed (as a baby). I remember my CF doc telling me 55 about 10 years ago. Now, as more and more "mild" CFers are being diagnosed later in life and living longer, I get the impression my doctors really aren't sure, but think I still have a long way to go.


New member
My parents were told 16 when I was diagnosed (as a baby). I remember my CF doc telling me 55 about 10 years ago. Now, as more and more "mild" CFers are being diagnosed later in life and living longer, I get the impression my doctors really aren't sure, but think I still have a long way to go.


New member
My parents were told 16 when I was diagnosed (as a baby). I remember my CF doc telling me 55 about 10 years ago. Now, as more and more "mild" CFers are being diagnosed later in life and living longer, I get the impression my doctors really aren't sure, but think I still have a long way to go.


New member
My parents were told 16 when I was diagnosed (as a baby). I remember my CF doc telling me 55 about 10 years ago. Now, as more and more "mild" CFers are being diagnosed later in life and living longer, I get the impression my doctors really aren't sure, but think I still have a long way to go.


New member
My parents were told 16 when I was diagnosed (as a baby). I remember my CF doc telling me 55 about 10 years ago. Now, as more and more "mild" CFers are being diagnosed later in life and living longer, I get the impression my doctors really aren't sure, but think I still have a long way to go.


New member
My childrens doctor never told me age but some of the staff did. They used milestones as opposed to age. I was told my son would not see kindergarden, then 6th grade then graduate. My response used to always be well I can walk out of here and get it by a bus and not make it to the market, after a while they did not like my response so basically stopped with the deadlines so to speak. My son is 28. I was told my daughter would not have children she is 24 and a single mom of a 4 year old. That was a surprise she was about 5 mos before we knew cause we never thought that was a possiblity and she really had no symptoms. She is having rough time health wise now and on her last hospital stay one doctor kept wanting to venilate her, he had her pretty fed up , finally her normal CF doctor stepped in and I basically told her whenever the other doctor spoke look at him but tune him out or tell him to please leave your room.


New member
My childrens doctor never told me age but some of the staff did. They used milestones as opposed to age. I was told my son would not see kindergarden, then 6th grade then graduate. My response used to always be well I can walk out of here and get it by a bus and not make it to the market, after a while they did not like my response so basically stopped with the deadlines so to speak. My son is 28. I was told my daughter would not have children she is 24 and a single mom of a 4 year old. That was a surprise she was about 5 mos before we knew cause we never thought that was a possiblity and she really had no symptoms. She is having rough time health wise now and on her last hospital stay one doctor kept wanting to venilate her, he had her pretty fed up , finally her normal CF doctor stepped in and I basically told her whenever the other doctor spoke look at him but tune him out or tell him to please leave your room.


New member
My childrens doctor never told me age but some of the staff did. They used milestones as opposed to age. I was told my son would not see kindergarden, then 6th grade then graduate. My response used to always be well I can walk out of here and get it by a bus and not make it to the market, after a while they did not like my response so basically stopped with the deadlines so to speak. My son is 28. I was told my daughter would not have children she is 24 and a single mom of a 4 year old. That was a surprise she was about 5 mos before we knew cause we never thought that was a possiblity and she really had no symptoms. She is having rough time health wise now and on her last hospital stay one doctor kept wanting to venilate her, he had her pretty fed up , finally her normal CF doctor stepped in and I basically told her whenever the other doctor spoke look at him but tune him out or tell him to please leave your room.


New member
My childrens doctor never told me age but some of the staff did. They used milestones as opposed to age. I was told my son would not see kindergarden, then 6th grade then graduate. My response used to always be well I can walk out of here and get it by a bus and not make it to the market, after a while they did not like my response so basically stopped with the deadlines so to speak. My son is 28. I was told my daughter would not have children she is 24 and a single mom of a 4 year old. That was a surprise she was about 5 mos before we knew cause we never thought that was a possiblity and she really had no symptoms. She is having rough time health wise now and on her last hospital stay one doctor kept wanting to venilate her, he had her pretty fed up , finally her normal CF doctor stepped in and I basically told her whenever the other doctor spoke look at him but tune him out or tell him to please leave your room.


New member
My childrens doctor never told me age but some of the staff did. They used milestones as opposed to age. I was told my son would not see kindergarden, then 6th grade then graduate. My response used to always be well I can walk out of here and get it by a bus and not make it to the market, after a while they did not like my response so basically stopped with the deadlines so to speak. My son is 28. I was told my daughter would not have children she is 24 and a single mom of a 4 year old. That was a surprise she was about 5 mos before we knew cause we never thought that was a possiblity and she really had no symptoms. She is having rough time health wise now and on her last hospital stay one doctor kept wanting to venilate her, he had her pretty fed up , finally her normal CF doctor stepped in and I basically told her whenever the other doctor spoke look at him but tune him out or tell him to please leave your room.


New member
I have been hearing doctors telling me how long I will
live all my life.

I heard it when I was8, then 12 and 18 then 25..
In 1990 I was told I had maybe 3 years left...
I stopped letting them scare the hell out of me and stopping
me from living when I am Here !!!

I say ignore it and Live..
It was doctors like that , that kept me from going to
college and that pis*es me off every time I think about it.

Just Live !!!


New member
I have been hearing doctors telling me how long I will
live all my life.

I heard it when I was8, then 12 and 18 then 25..
In 1990 I was told I had maybe 3 years left...
I stopped letting them scare the hell out of me and stopping
me from living when I am Here !!!

I say ignore it and Live..
It was doctors like that , that kept me from going to
college and that pis*es me off every time I think about it.

Just Live !!!


New member
I have been hearing doctors telling me how long I will
live all my life.

I heard it when I was8, then 12 and 18 then 25..
In 1990 I was told I had maybe 3 years left...
I stopped letting them scare the hell out of me and stopping
me from living when I am Here !!!

I say ignore it and Live..
It was doctors like that , that kept me from going to
college and that pis*es me off every time I think about it.

Just Live !!!


New member
I have been hearing doctors telling me how long I will
live all my life.

I heard it when I was8, then 12 and 18 then 25..
In 1990 I was told I had maybe 3 years left...
I stopped letting them scare the hell out of me and stopping
me from living when I am Here !!!

I say ignore it and Live..
It was doctors like that , that kept me from going to
college and that pis*es me off every time I think about it.

Just Live !!!


New member
I have been hearing doctors telling me how long I will
<br /> live all my life.
<br />
<br /> I heard it when I was8, then 12 and 18 then 25..
<br /> In 1990 I was told I had maybe 3 years left...
<br /> I stopped letting them scare the hell out of me and stopping
<br /> me from living when I am Here !!!
<br />
<br /> I say ignore it and Live..
<br /> It was doctors like that , that kept me from going to
<br /> college and that pis*es me off every time I think about it.
<br />
<br /> Just Live !!!


New member
when I was born they told my mother i wouldn't live another week so to take me home and let me be comfortable (how I'd be comfortable dying at home from failed lungs, im not sure) but didn't hear it again until I was 25. In the past 2 years, the drs I had (at UNM, actually) told me if I didn't do things their way, Id basically be dead in 6 months. Its 2 years later... Im obviously not dead, nor am I any healthier.. but I am happy i didn't spend the last two years with a feeding tube, on ivs 24/7, and on dialysis like they told me I had to be or I'd die.


New member
when I was born they told my mother i wouldn't live another week so to take me home and let me be comfortable (how I'd be comfortable dying at home from failed lungs, im not sure) but didn't hear it again until I was 25. In the past 2 years, the drs I had (at UNM, actually) told me if I didn't do things their way, Id basically be dead in 6 months. Its 2 years later... Im obviously not dead, nor am I any healthier.. but I am happy i didn't spend the last two years with a feeding tube, on ivs 24/7, and on dialysis like they told me I had to be or I'd die.


New member
when I was born they told my mother i wouldn't live another week so to take me home and let me be comfortable (how I'd be comfortable dying at home from failed lungs, im not sure) but didn't hear it again until I was 25. In the past 2 years, the drs I had (at UNM, actually) told me if I didn't do things their way, Id basically be dead in 6 months. Its 2 years later... Im obviously not dead, nor am I any healthier.. but I am happy i didn't spend the last two years with a feeding tube, on ivs 24/7, and on dialysis like they told me I had to be or I'd die.


New member
when I was born they told my mother i wouldn't live another week so to take me home and let me be comfortable (how I'd be comfortable dying at home from failed lungs, im not sure) but didn't hear it again until I was 25. In the past 2 years, the drs I had (at UNM, actually) told me if I didn't do things their way, Id basically be dead in 6 months. Its 2 years later... Im obviously not dead, nor am I any healthier.. but I am happy i didn't spend the last two years with a feeding tube, on ivs 24/7, and on dialysis like they told me I had to be or I'd die.


New member
when I was born they told my mother i wouldn't live another week so to take me home and let me be comfortable (how I'd be comfortable dying at home from failed lungs, im not sure) but didn't hear it again until I was 25. In the past 2 years, the drs I had (at UNM, actually) told me if I didn't do things their way, Id basically be dead in 6 months. Its 2 years later... Im obviously not dead, nor am I any healthier.. but I am happy i didn't spend the last two years with a feeding tube, on ivs 24/7, and on dialysis like they told me I had to be or I'd die.