How many times has your child been in the hospital?



Sophia - almost 7 yrs
1 month of age - diagnosis
4 months of age - pneumonia
5 yrs old-overnight stay for dehydration after stomach virus
5.5 yrs old - g-tube placement/nissan fundoplication
6 yrs old - tune-up

Jack - almost 5 yrs
birth - for meconium illeus (10 days)
4 months of age - pneumonia
4.5 yrs old - pneumonia



Sophia - almost 7 yrs
1 month of age - diagnosis
4 months of age - pneumonia
5 yrs old-overnight stay for dehydration after stomach virus
5.5 yrs old - g-tube placement/nissan fundoplication
6 yrs old - tune-up

Jack - almost 5 yrs
birth - for meconium illeus (10 days)
4 months of age - pneumonia
4.5 yrs old - pneumonia



Sophia - almost 7 yrs
1 month of age - diagnosis
4 months of age - pneumonia
5 yrs old-overnight stay for dehydration after stomach virus
5.5 yrs old - g-tube placement/nissan fundoplication
6 yrs old - tune-up

Jack - almost 5 yrs
birth - for meconium illeus (10 days)
4 months of age - pneumonia
4.5 yrs old - pneumonia



Sophia - almost 7 yrs
1 month of age - diagnosis
4 months of age - pneumonia
5 yrs old-overnight stay for dehydration after stomach virus
5.5 yrs old - g-tube placement/nissan fundoplication
6 yrs old - tune-up

Jack - almost 5 yrs
birth - for meconium illeus (10 days)
4 months of age - pneumonia
4.5 yrs old - pneumonia



Sophia - almost 7 yrs
<br />1 month of age - diagnosis
<br />4 months of age - pneumonia
<br />5 yrs old-overnight stay for dehydration after stomach virus
<br />5.5 yrs old - g-tube placement/nissan fundoplication
<br />6 yrs old - tune-up
<br />
<br />Jack - almost 5 yrs
<br />birth - for meconium illeus (10 days)
<br />4 months of age - pneumonia
<br />4.5 yrs old - pneumonia
<br />
<br />Sharon
<br />
<br />


Alyssa was diagnosed shortly after birth.

She was in the NICU for Meconium Illeus for 6 days.

She was hospitalized for 5 days and 3 weeks IV abx at just past a year. It started as dehydration, but they kept her for an exacerbation.

She had both a bronchoscopy and endoscopy as outpatient surgeries.

She's been doing very very well lately. I'm hoping she'll be like so many of the kids on here and go years and years without any more hospitalizations.


Alyssa was diagnosed shortly after birth.

She was in the NICU for Meconium Illeus for 6 days.

She was hospitalized for 5 days and 3 weeks IV abx at just past a year. It started as dehydration, but they kept her for an exacerbation.

She had both a bronchoscopy and endoscopy as outpatient surgeries.

She's been doing very very well lately. I'm hoping she'll be like so many of the kids on here and go years and years without any more hospitalizations.


Alyssa was diagnosed shortly after birth.

She was in the NICU for Meconium Illeus for 6 days.

She was hospitalized for 5 days and 3 weeks IV abx at just past a year. It started as dehydration, but they kept her for an exacerbation.

She had both a bronchoscopy and endoscopy as outpatient surgeries.

She's been doing very very well lately. I'm hoping she'll be like so many of the kids on here and go years and years without any more hospitalizations.


Alyssa was diagnosed shortly after birth.

She was in the NICU for Meconium Illeus for 6 days.

She was hospitalized for 5 days and 3 weeks IV abx at just past a year. It started as dehydration, but they kept her for an exacerbation.

She had both a bronchoscopy and endoscopy as outpatient surgeries.

She's been doing very very well lately. I'm hoping she'll be like so many of the kids on here and go years and years without any more hospitalizations.


Alyssa was diagnosed shortly after birth.
<br />
<br />She was in the NICU for Meconium Illeus for 6 days.
<br />
<br />She was hospitalized for 5 days and 3 weeks IV abx at just past a year. It started as dehydration, but they kept her for an exacerbation.
<br />
<br />She had both a bronchoscopy and endoscopy as outpatient surgeries.
<br />
<br />She's been doing very very well lately. I'm hoping she'll be like so many of the kids on here and go years and years without any more hospitalizations.
<br />
<br />


New member
I empathize with that desire to find a crystal ball so you can see the future, but we've been finding out that CF is just so darn variable that nothing has much predictive value. My boy, who is 5, has been admitted 4 times and 2 of them were 6 months apart in 2007 probably because the 1st round of IVS was stopped too soon. He's currently under threat of another admission if he can't clear some junk that arrived a couple weeks ago.

He has been able the past 3 admissions to get set up for doing IVs at home, which is less unpleasant than a hospital stay despite the tough schedule for medicines. He has had bronchoscopies twice but I'm not sure they've been all that useful since neither of them resulted in a specific germ being identified as the cause of troubles.

One important thing we've learned is to take control when the Dr. suggests an admission and be as assertive as it takes to make things work best for our boy (i.e. make them schedule things to suit us instead of the staff) but to also make friends with everybody at the same time so they know our assertiveness is nothing personal.


New member
I empathize with that desire to find a crystal ball so you can see the future, but we've been finding out that CF is just so darn variable that nothing has much predictive value. My boy, who is 5, has been admitted 4 times and 2 of them were 6 months apart in 2007 probably because the 1st round of IVS was stopped too soon. He's currently under threat of another admission if he can't clear some junk that arrived a couple weeks ago.

He has been able the past 3 admissions to get set up for doing IVs at home, which is less unpleasant than a hospital stay despite the tough schedule for medicines. He has had bronchoscopies twice but I'm not sure they've been all that useful since neither of them resulted in a specific germ being identified as the cause of troubles.

One important thing we've learned is to take control when the Dr. suggests an admission and be as assertive as it takes to make things work best for our boy (i.e. make them schedule things to suit us instead of the staff) but to also make friends with everybody at the same time so they know our assertiveness is nothing personal.


New member
I empathize with that desire to find a crystal ball so you can see the future, but we've been finding out that CF is just so darn variable that nothing has much predictive value. My boy, who is 5, has been admitted 4 times and 2 of them were 6 months apart in 2007 probably because the 1st round of IVS was stopped too soon. He's currently under threat of another admission if he can't clear some junk that arrived a couple weeks ago.

He has been able the past 3 admissions to get set up for doing IVs at home, which is less unpleasant than a hospital stay despite the tough schedule for medicines. He has had bronchoscopies twice but I'm not sure they've been all that useful since neither of them resulted in a specific germ being identified as the cause of troubles.

One important thing we've learned is to take control when the Dr. suggests an admission and be as assertive as it takes to make things work best for our boy (i.e. make them schedule things to suit us instead of the staff) but to also make friends with everybody at the same time so they know our assertiveness is nothing personal.


New member
I empathize with that desire to find a crystal ball so you can see the future, but we've been finding out that CF is just so darn variable that nothing has much predictive value. My boy, who is 5, has been admitted 4 times and 2 of them were 6 months apart in 2007 probably because the 1st round of IVS was stopped too soon. He's currently under threat of another admission if he can't clear some junk that arrived a couple weeks ago.

He has been able the past 3 admissions to get set up for doing IVs at home, which is less unpleasant than a hospital stay despite the tough schedule for medicines. He has had bronchoscopies twice but I'm not sure they've been all that useful since neither of them resulted in a specific germ being identified as the cause of troubles.

One important thing we've learned is to take control when the Dr. suggests an admission and be as assertive as it takes to make things work best for our boy (i.e. make them schedule things to suit us instead of the staff) but to also make friends with everybody at the same time so they know our assertiveness is nothing personal.


New member
I empathize with that desire to find a crystal ball so you can see the future, but we've been finding out that CF is just so darn variable that nothing has much predictive value. My boy, who is 5, has been admitted 4 times and 2 of them were 6 months apart in 2007 probably because the 1st round of IVS was stopped too soon. He's currently under threat of another admission if he can't clear some junk that arrived a couple weeks ago.
<br />
<br />He has been able the past 3 admissions to get set up for doing IVs at home, which is less unpleasant than a hospital stay despite the tough schedule for medicines. He has had bronchoscopies twice but I'm not sure they've been all that useful since neither of them resulted in a specific germ being identified as the cause of troubles.
<br />
<br />One important thing we've learned is to take control when the Dr. suggests an admission and be as assertive as it takes to make things work best for our boy (i.e. make them schedule things to suit us instead of the staff) but to also make friends with everybody at the same time so they know our assertiveness is nothing personal.


New member
Just thught I'd let you know that other than the pneumonia I got when I was 6 months old, I wasn't hospitalized until I was 18 or so and that was for a tune-up.


New member
Just thught I'd let you know that other than the pneumonia I got when I was 6 months old, I wasn't hospitalized until I was 18 or so and that was for a tune-up.


New member
Just thught I'd let you know that other than the pneumonia I got when I was 6 months old, I wasn't hospitalized until I was 18 or so and that was for a tune-up.


New member
Just thught I'd let you know that other than the pneumonia I got when I was 6 months old, I wasn't hospitalized until I was 18 or so and that was for a tune-up.


New member
Just thught I'd let you know that other than the pneumonia I got when I was 6 months old, I wasn't hospitalized until I was 18 or so and that was for a tune-up.