How much do you cough?


New member
I have always coughed. Or at least I can't remember a time without coughing. What is interesting is how it has changed. As a kid I alwasy just had an annoying sort of dry cough (cough). I really never noticed things change, until I went on IVs a few weeks ago (cough). Now, my cough is dryer, quicker and easier to get things up. I used to cough like a car trying to start - and it took a lot of revving to get anyting up. A cough could last a few minutes. I also had a lot more coughing attacks. I still have coughing attacks every morning, and if I am exercising I will always cough a ton at first, but then it usually diminished (cough). As for how often - well I typed (cough) in parenthese how many times I coughed while typing this.


New member
I have always coughed. Or at least I can't remember a time without coughing. What is interesting is how it has changed. As a kid I alwasy just had an annoying sort of dry cough (cough). I really never noticed things change, until I went on IVs a few weeks ago (cough). Now, my cough is dryer, quicker and easier to get things up. I used to cough like a car trying to start - and it took a lot of revving to get anyting up. A cough could last a few minutes. I also had a lot more coughing attacks. I still have coughing attacks every morning, and if I am exercising I will always cough a ton at first, but then it usually diminished (cough). As for how often - well I typed (cough) in parenthese how many times I coughed while typing this.


New member
I have always coughed. Or at least I can't remember a time without coughing. What is interesting is how it has changed. As a kid I alwasy just had an annoying sort of dry cough (cough). I really never noticed things change, until I went on IVs a few weeks ago (cough). Now, my cough is dryer, quicker and easier to get things up. I used to cough like a car trying to start - and it took a lot of revving to get anyting up. A cough could last a few minutes. I also had a lot more coughing attacks. I still have coughing attacks every morning, and if I am exercising I will always cough a ton at first, but then it usually diminished (cough). As for how often - well I typed (cough) in parenthese how many times I coughed while typing this.


New member
I have always coughed. Or at least I can't remember a time without coughing. What is interesting is how it has changed. As a kid I alwasy just had an annoying sort of dry cough (cough). I really never noticed things change, until I went on IVs a few weeks ago (cough). Now, my cough is dryer, quicker and easier to get things up. I used to cough like a car trying to start - and it took a lot of revving to get anyting up. A cough could last a few minutes. I also had a lot more coughing attacks. I still have coughing attacks every morning, and if I am exercising I will always cough a ton at first, but then it usually diminished (cough). As for how often - well I typed (cough) in parenthese how many times I coughed while typing this.


New member
I have always coughed. Or at least I can't remember a time without coughing. What is interesting is how it has changed. As a kid I alwasy just had an annoying sort of dry cough (cough). I really never noticed things change, until I went on IVs a few weeks ago (cough). Now, my cough is dryer, quicker and easier to get things up. I used to cough like a car trying to start - and it took a lot of revving to get anyting up. A cough could last a few minutes. I also had a lot more coughing attacks. I still have coughing attacks every morning, and if I am exercising I will always cough a ton at first, but then it usually diminished (cough). As for how often - well I typed (cough) in parenthese how many times I coughed while typing this.


New member
My boyfriend coughs once every hour in the morning, the first three or four hours after waking up. It´s more like a clearing your throat thing that a real cough. He doesn´t cough at all the rest of the day. He never has coughing fits unless he has a flare up.(3-4 times/year).
After beeing on antibiotics he will be completly cough -free for two months, and then he will start with his morning cough.
He sais he started coughing in his late twenties -early thirties.

R. Boyfriend 35 with cf. Diagnosed last year at 35.


New member
My boyfriend coughs once every hour in the morning, the first three or four hours after waking up. It´s more like a clearing your throat thing that a real cough. He doesn´t cough at all the rest of the day. He never has coughing fits unless he has a flare up.(3-4 times/year).
After beeing on antibiotics he will be completly cough -free for two months, and then he will start with his morning cough.
He sais he started coughing in his late twenties -early thirties.

R. Boyfriend 35 with cf. Diagnosed last year at 35.


New member
My boyfriend coughs once every hour in the morning, the first three or four hours after waking up. It´s more like a clearing your throat thing that a real cough. He doesn´t cough at all the rest of the day. He never has coughing fits unless he has a flare up.(3-4 times/year).
After beeing on antibiotics he will be completly cough -free for two months, and then he will start with his morning cough.
He sais he started coughing in his late twenties -early thirties.

R. Boyfriend 35 with cf. Diagnosed last year at 35.


New member
My boyfriend coughs once every hour in the morning, the first three or four hours after waking up. It´s more like a clearing your throat thing that a real cough. He doesn´t cough at all the rest of the day. He never has coughing fits unless he has a flare up.(3-4 times/year).
After beeing on antibiotics he will be completly cough -free for two months, and then he will start with his morning cough.
He sais he started coughing in his late twenties -early thirties.

R. Boyfriend 35 with cf. Diagnosed last year at 35.


New member
My boyfriend coughs once every hour in the morning, the first three or four hours after waking up. It´s more like a clearing your throat thing that a real cough. He doesn´t cough at all the rest of the day. He never has coughing fits unless he has a flare up.(3-4 times/year).
After beeing on antibiotics he will be completly cough -free for two months, and then he will start with his morning cough.
He sais he started coughing in his late twenties -early thirties.

R. Boyfriend 35 with cf. Diagnosed last year at 35.


I'm definitely a morning cougher. I have a gnarly post nasal drip that i try to knock out w/ Sinus Rinse. It usually clears up by late morning, though. At night I never cough, unless I have a cold <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


I'm definitely a morning cougher. I have a gnarly post nasal drip that i try to knock out w/ Sinus Rinse. It usually clears up by late morning, though. At night I never cough, unless I have a cold <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


I'm definitely a morning cougher. I have a gnarly post nasal drip that i try to knock out w/ Sinus Rinse. It usually clears up by late morning, though. At night I never cough, unless I have a cold <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


I'm definitely a morning cougher. I have a gnarly post nasal drip that i try to knock out w/ Sinus Rinse. It usually clears up by late morning, though. At night I never cough, unless I have a cold <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


I'm definitely a morning cougher. I have a gnarly post nasal drip that i try to knock out w/ Sinus Rinse. It usually clears up by late morning, though. At night I never cough, unless I have a cold <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Warwick told me to cough more. So I try to cough ever few minutes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Warwick told me to cough more. So I try to cough ever few minutes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Warwick told me to cough more. So I try to cough ever few minutes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Warwick told me to cough more. So I try to cough ever few minutes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Warwick told me to cough more. So I try to cough ever few minutes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">