How old was u wen u was diagnosed?


New member
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">I was born w/cf and luckily I started w/intestinal problems.

Emily Fritz 12 years old
the lord has blessed me and you!
emily w/cf,sarah w/out cf,addison w/out cf.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
i was dx at 14, stupid dr. said i was lactose intolerant, had asthma, food alergies, airborne alergies, just about everything else then we finally got sick of it and got a refferal to a pulmonologist and was dx in about 10 minutes, really ticked me off that it took 14 years to realize something that was that pronounced, i had the symptoms and at one time was doing a reserch paper on diseases for science and was doing over cf (before i was dx) and had decided that was what was wrong with me but kept reading and decided that the symptoms weren't right, wish i had gone with my gut and gotten tested.... its all water under the bridge now though


New member
i was dx at 14, stupid dr. said i was lactose intolerant, had asthma, food alergies, airborne alergies, just about everything else then we finally got sick of it and got a refferal to a pulmonologist and was dx in about 10 minutes, really ticked me off that it took 14 years to realize something that was that pronounced, i had the symptoms and at one time was doing a reserch paper on diseases for science and was doing over cf (before i was dx) and had decided that was what was wrong with me but kept reading and decided that the symptoms weren't right, wish i had gone with my gut and gotten tested.... its all water under the bridge now though


New member
i was dx at 14, stupid dr. said i was lactose intolerant, had asthma, food alergies, airborne alergies, just about everything else then we finally got sick of it and got a refferal to a pulmonologist and was dx in about 10 minutes, really ticked me off that it took 14 years to realize something that was that pronounced, i had the symptoms and at one time was doing a reserch paper on diseases for science and was doing over cf (before i was dx) and had decided that was what was wrong with me but kept reading and decided that the symptoms weren't right, wish i had gone with my gut and gotten tested.... its all water under the bridge now though


New member
my son was diagnosised at 6months of age, he was failure to thrive and the doctors kept telling me to stop worrying so much, he weight was 12lbs, after being diagnosised he weight went to 25lbs in 2 months, he is now 18yrs. old and we are truly blessed, yes he is currently on iv theraphy for mycrobacterium abscesses, but we pray each and everyday for him to get better where he can try and lead as normal life as possible. does anyone know much about mycrobacterium abscesses, I really would like to hear from any of you who could tell me about this terrible bug.


New member
my son was diagnosised at 6months of age, he was failure to thrive and the doctors kept telling me to stop worrying so much, he weight was 12lbs, after being diagnosised he weight went to 25lbs in 2 months, he is now 18yrs. old and we are truly blessed, yes he is currently on iv theraphy for mycrobacterium abscesses, but we pray each and everyday for him to get better where he can try and lead as normal life as possible. does anyone know much about mycrobacterium abscesses, I really would like to hear from any of you who could tell me about this terrible bug.


New member
my son was diagnosised at 6months of age, he was failure to thrive and the doctors kept telling me to stop worrying so much, he weight was 12lbs, after being diagnosised he weight went to 25lbs in 2 months, he is now 18yrs. old and we are truly blessed, yes he is currently on iv theraphy for mycrobacterium abscesses, but we pray each and everyday for him to get better where he can try and lead as normal life as possible. does anyone know much about mycrobacterium abscesses, I really would like to hear from any of you who could tell me about this terrible bug.


New member
I can relate to Maddi & Robert. My son was dx at 15 and only by chance. He was scheduled to have an 8 hour spine surgery to correct Sherman's Kyphosis (he was hunching over) and since we had been told he had asthma etc just like Robert, the surgeon wanted him to see a pulmonologist before the surgery.

It turns out that this particular pulm is one of the leading CF docs in our area and he immediately did sweats and genetic tests. Jordan's CF has been mild, but has gotten worse as he ages. He is now almost 17. The diagnosis certainly explained a lot of things we have gone thru over the years.

Note: Billie, I'm sure you were a beautiful baby in your mom's eyes.


New member
I can relate to Maddi & Robert. My son was dx at 15 and only by chance. He was scheduled to have an 8 hour spine surgery to correct Sherman's Kyphosis (he was hunching over) and since we had been told he had asthma etc just like Robert, the surgeon wanted him to see a pulmonologist before the surgery.

It turns out that this particular pulm is one of the leading CF docs in our area and he immediately did sweats and genetic tests. Jordan's CF has been mild, but has gotten worse as he ages. He is now almost 17. The diagnosis certainly explained a lot of things we have gone thru over the years.

Note: Billie, I'm sure you were a beautiful baby in your mom's eyes.


New member
I can relate to Maddi & Robert. My son was dx at 15 and only by chance. He was scheduled to have an 8 hour spine surgery to correct Sherman's Kyphosis (he was hunching over) and since we had been told he had asthma etc just like Robert, the surgeon wanted him to see a pulmonologist before the surgery.

It turns out that this particular pulm is one of the leading CF docs in our area and he immediately did sweats and genetic tests. Jordan's CF has been mild, but has gotten worse as he ages. He is now almost 17. The diagnosis certainly explained a lot of things we have gone thru over the years.

Note: Billie, I'm sure you were a beautiful baby in your mom's eyes.


New member
I can relate to Maddi & Robert. My son was dx at 15 and only by chance. He was scheduled to have an 8 hour spine surgery to correct Sherman's Kyphosis (he was hunching over) and since we had been told he had asthma etc just like Robert, the surgeon wanted him to see a pulmonologist before the surgery.

It turns out that this particular pulm is one of the leading CF docs in our area and he immediately did sweats and genetic tests. Jordan's CF has been mild, but has gotten worse as he ages. He is now almost 17. The diagnosis certainly explained a lot of things we have gone thru over the years.

Note: Billie, I'm sure you were a beautiful baby in your mom's eyes.
