How old were you "SUPPOSED" to be?


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How old were you "SUPPOSED

God I love you old farts.

Well I was diagnosed the day I was born, the docs told my parents not to get used to me because I wouldn't live through the night, the next morning they said "Well we don't know how he lived through the night, but he'll be dead by tonight." then that night they repeated themselves. This happened daily and nightly for the three weeks I was in intensive care. Finally they sent me home saying "Don't get attatched, we're only sending him home because it's pointless keeping him here, he won't live long though."
And now almost 21 years later I'm still kickin'.
That was the only time I was TOLD by doctors how long I had to live, but when I was about 13 somehow I got hold of some articles and for some reason was convinced that I'de die between 18 and 25. Now I know that's way off, and honestly I expect my time'll come in the mid thirties. And that doesn't scare me.


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How old were you "SUPPOSED

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>
I was simply saying that I didn't have a good outlook on my life b/c a dr said something I didn't appreciate and I had to do a lot of work on myself to get over that. </end quote></div>

but again, you are blaiming your doc for your outlook.

how do you explain others with the same information that you have that don't have the same outlook that you do?

the constant is a life expectancy of 18. the variable is the patient's outlook.

so we look at all the people who were told life expectancy of 18 and we look at each one of their outlooks. why do people with the same information have different outlooks?

it's the patient! you blame the doc which is convenient and makes you remove responsibility of your actions from yourself. it's fun to say that i have a sucky outlook one life because it's my doctor! he did it to me! it's his fault!

it's much harder to face the truth. others went through the same situation that you did with the same information - and they don't have the same outlook as you.

the outlook is on you. nothing to do with the doc. otherwise, every single person with the same info from a doc would have the same outlook as you.


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How old were you "SUPPOSED

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>
I was simply saying that I didn't have a good outlook on my life b/c a dr said something I didn't appreciate and I had to do a lot of work on myself to get over that. </end quote></div>

but again, you are blaiming your doc for your outlook.

how do you explain others with the same information that you have that don't have the same outlook that you do?

the constant is a life expectancy of 18. the variable is the patient's outlook.

so we look at all the people who were told life expectancy of 18 and we look at each one of their outlooks. why do people with the same information have different outlooks?

it's the patient! you blame the doc which is convenient and makes you remove responsibility of your actions from yourself. it's fun to say that i have a sucky outlook one life because it's my doctor! he did it to me! it's his fault!

it's much harder to face the truth. others went through the same situation that you did with the same information - and they don't have the same outlook as you.

the outlook is on you. nothing to do with the doc. otherwise, every single person with the same info from a doc would have the same outlook as you.


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How old were you "SUPPOSED

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>
I was simply saying that I didn't have a good outlook on my life b/c a dr said something I didn't appreciate and I had to do a lot of work on myself to get over that. </end quote></div>

but again, you are blaiming your doc for your outlook.

how do you explain others with the same information that you have that don't have the same outlook that you do?

the constant is a life expectancy of 18. the variable is the patient's outlook.

so we look at all the people who were told life expectancy of 18 and we look at each one of their outlooks. why do people with the same information have different outlooks?

it's the patient! you blame the doc which is convenient and makes you remove responsibility of your actions from yourself. it's fun to say that i have a sucky outlook one life because it's my doctor! he did it to me! it's his fault!

it's much harder to face the truth. others went through the same situation that you did with the same information - and they don't have the same outlook as you.

the outlook is on you. nothing to do with the doc. otherwise, every single person with the same info from a doc would have the same outlook as you.


New member
How old were you "SUPPOSED

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>
I was simply saying that I didn't have a good outlook on my life b/c a dr said something I didn't appreciate and I had to do a lot of work on myself to get over that. </end quote></div>

but again, you are blaiming your doc for your outlook.

how do you explain others with the same information that you have that don't have the same outlook that you do?

the constant is a life expectancy of 18. the variable is the patient's outlook.

so we look at all the people who were told life expectancy of 18 and we look at each one of their outlooks. why do people with the same information have different outlooks?

it's the patient! you blame the doc which is convenient and makes you remove responsibility of your actions from yourself. it's fun to say that i have a sucky outlook one life because it's my doctor! he did it to me! it's his fault!

it's much harder to face the truth. others went through the same situation that you did with the same information - and they don't have the same outlook as you.

the outlook is on you. nothing to do with the doc. otherwise, every single person with the same info from a doc would have the same outlook as you.


New member
How old were you "SUPPOSED

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>
I was simply saying that I didn't have a good outlook on my life b/c a dr said something I didn't appreciate and I had to do a lot of work on myself to get over that. </end quote></div>

but again, you are blaiming your doc for your outlook.

how do you explain others with the same information that you have that don't have the same outlook that you do?

the constant is a life expectancy of 18. the variable is the patient's outlook.

so we look at all the people who were told life expectancy of 18 and we look at each one of their outlooks. why do people with the same information have different outlooks?

it's the patient! you blame the doc which is convenient and makes you remove responsibility of your actions from yourself. it's fun to say that i have a sucky outlook one life because it's my doctor! he did it to me! it's his fault!

it's much harder to face the truth. others went through the same situation that you did with the same information - and they don't have the same outlook as you.

the outlook is on you. nothing to do with the doc. otherwise, every single person with the same info from a doc would have the same outlook as you.


New member
How old were you "SUPPOSED

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Kelli</b></i>
I was simply saying that I didn't have a good outlook on my life b/c a dr said something I didn't appreciate and I had to do a lot of work on myself to get over that. </end quote></div>

but again, you are blaiming your doc for your outlook.

how do you explain others with the same information that you have that don't have the same outlook that you do?

the constant is a life expectancy of 18. the variable is the patient's outlook.

so we look at all the people who were told life expectancy of 18 and we look at each one of their outlooks. why do people with the same information have different outlooks?

it's the patient! you blame the doc which is convenient and makes you remove responsibility of your actions from yourself. it's fun to say that i have a sucky outlook one life because it's my doctor! he did it to me! it's his fault!

it's much harder to face the truth. others went through the same situation that you did with the same information - and they don't have the same outlook as you.

the outlook is on you. nothing to do with the doc. otherwise, every single person with the same info from a doc would have the same outlook as you.


New member
How old were you "SUPPOSED

Everyone is manufactured uniquely and that applies to the emotional wiring as well.

Some people will take the constant (RE: Life expectancy data) and roll with it. Others will take it as well, roll with it, but carry it on their backs. Responses are different be/c people are different. So what is the point in discussing or assessing others' responses?

If that person wants to blame or be frustrated with their dr. be/c it tore them up inside then why do others care that they do it? The person's anger is not directed at those of use posting so why is it not okay for the initial poster to be frustrated with their doc?

Just curious.....


New member
How old were you "SUPPOSED

Everyone is manufactured uniquely and that applies to the emotional wiring as well.

Some people will take the constant (RE: Life expectancy data) and roll with it. Others will take it as well, roll with it, but carry it on their backs. Responses are different be/c people are different. So what is the point in discussing or assessing others' responses?

If that person wants to blame or be frustrated with their dr. be/c it tore them up inside then why do others care that they do it? The person's anger is not directed at those of use posting so why is it not okay for the initial poster to be frustrated with their doc?

Just curious.....


New member
How old were you "SUPPOSED

Everyone is manufactured uniquely and that applies to the emotional wiring as well.

Some people will take the constant (RE: Life expectancy data) and roll with it. Others will take it as well, roll with it, but carry it on their backs. Responses are different be/c people are different. So what is the point in discussing or assessing others' responses?

If that person wants to blame or be frustrated with their dr. be/c it tore them up inside then why do others care that they do it? The person's anger is not directed at those of use posting so why is it not okay for the initial poster to be frustrated with their doc?

Just curious.....


New member
How old were you

I don't understand why it seems people are so quick to judge. Point made a good point (haha!). Everyone is different, so there's no need to criticize other people's feelings.

What Kelli and others on that side of the issue are trying to say is that illustrated in a quotation by Mary Kay Ash (which you may have seen on my blog): "Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." Metaphorically speaking, for some people, it would be easier to be the bumble bee. Some people analyze things more than others. For some people, ignorance is bliss and having a prognosis somehow tainted that bliss.

Nobody ever told me an age, so I can see this from both sides. I just don't understand why there are so many personal attacks in the forums. We're here to support each other and learn from each other; we're not here to be knock each other down.

I just thought I'd put my two cents in because I get aggravated when people are criticizing each other's actions--you'll never know where another person is coming from.

Hope everyone is doing well! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
How old were you

I don't understand why it seems people are so quick to judge. Point made a good point (haha!). Everyone is different, so there's no need to criticize other people's feelings.

What Kelli and others on that side of the issue are trying to say is that illustrated in a quotation by Mary Kay Ash (which you may have seen on my blog): "Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." Metaphorically speaking, for some people, it would be easier to be the bumble bee. Some people analyze things more than others. For some people, ignorance is bliss and having a prognosis somehow tainted that bliss.

Nobody ever told me an age, so I can see this from both sides. I just don't understand why there are so many personal attacks in the forums. We're here to support each other and learn from each other; we're not here to be knock each other down.

I just thought I'd put my two cents in because I get aggravated when people are criticizing each other's actions--you'll never know where another person is coming from.

Hope everyone is doing well! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
How old were you

I don't understand why it seems people are so quick to judge. Point made a good point (haha!). Everyone is different, so there's no need to criticize other people's feelings.

What Kelli and others on that side of the issue are trying to say is that illustrated in a quotation by Mary Kay Ash (which you may have seen on my blog): "Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." Metaphorically speaking, for some people, it would be easier to be the bumble bee. Some people analyze things more than others. For some people, ignorance is bliss and having a prognosis somehow tainted that bliss.

Nobody ever told me an age, so I can see this from both sides. I just don't understand why there are so many personal attacks in the forums. We're here to support each other and learn from each other; we're not here to be knock each other down.

I just thought I'd put my two cents in because I get aggravated when people are criticizing each other's actions--you'll never know where another person is coming from.

Hope everyone is doing well! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


How old were you "SUPPOSED

Amy---ever hear of 'Dale Carnegie'?

Before my diagnosis at 7 and a half, I was being treated by a quack, because of my parents health insurance, and the fact that they couldn't find a doctor who was familiar with CF, until after my little sister was born with complications. The nurse and doctor who came for a follow-up was asked by my mom about my situation, and by luck, they had a suspicion that it was CF, and was able to direct us to proper treatment.

When I was diagnosed, I was told the average age was 8, then later, I heard 18, but as the age kept going up, so did mine.

During my years, there were a lot of things I wished I going to school even if I had a stomach ache so bad I couldn't stand up...or start thinking about my future at the age of, say maybe 14, not 18. However, sometimes, the way a doctor, or even parents, present the prognosis, it's going to affect your life, and your decision making. And, No one can change a person's decisions, but certainly some people can influence it, good or bad.

And, yea, ignorance is bliss--but only once you find out the truth, and don't happen to like it! For example, I was in 'bliss heaven' till I found out how evil my ex wife, and the MIL was!


How old were you "SUPPOSED

Amy---ever hear of 'Dale Carnegie'?

Before my diagnosis at 7 and a half, I was being treated by a quack, because of my parents health insurance, and the fact that they couldn't find a doctor who was familiar with CF, until after my little sister was born with complications. The nurse and doctor who came for a follow-up was asked by my mom about my situation, and by luck, they had a suspicion that it was CF, and was able to direct us to proper treatment.

When I was diagnosed, I was told the average age was 8, then later, I heard 18, but as the age kept going up, so did mine.

During my years, there were a lot of things I wished I going to school even if I had a stomach ache so bad I couldn't stand up...or start thinking about my future at the age of, say maybe 14, not 18. However, sometimes, the way a doctor, or even parents, present the prognosis, it's going to affect your life, and your decision making. And, No one can change a person's decisions, but certainly some people can influence it, good or bad.

And, yea, ignorance is bliss--but only once you find out the truth, and don't happen to like it! For example, I was in 'bliss heaven' till I found out how evil my ex wife, and the MIL was!


How old were you "SUPPOSED

Amy---ever hear of 'Dale Carnegie'?

Before my diagnosis at 7 and a half, I was being treated by a quack, because of my parents health insurance, and the fact that they couldn't find a doctor who was familiar with CF, until after my little sister was born with complications. The nurse and doctor who came for a follow-up was asked by my mom about my situation, and by luck, they had a suspicion that it was CF, and was able to direct us to proper treatment.

When I was diagnosed, I was told the average age was 8, then later, I heard 18, but as the age kept going up, so did mine.

During my years, there were a lot of things I wished I going to school even if I had a stomach ache so bad I couldn't stand up...or start thinking about my future at the age of, say maybe 14, not 18. However, sometimes, the way a doctor, or even parents, present the prognosis, it's going to affect your life, and your decision making. And, No one can change a person's decisions, but certainly some people can influence it, good or bad.

And, yea, ignorance is bliss--but only once you find out the truth, and don't happen to like it! For example, I was in 'bliss heaven' till I found out how evil my ex wife, and the MIL was!


New member
How old were you "SUPPOSED

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>point</b></i>

Everyone is manufactured uniquely and that applies to the emotional wiring as well.

Some people will take the constant (RE: Life expectancy data) and roll with it. Others will take it as well, roll with it, but carry it on their backs. Responses are different be/c people are different.
</end quote></div>

You are correct!

it's the person, as you said, not the doctor.