how tall are you?how much do you weigh?


New member
hi, my name is hanna and i'm 4'9" and I weigh 65 lbs. Some peoople think I am short and i don't weigh a lot for my age.

hanna 11 year old girl w/ cf/Or(state)


New member
hi tif*star, im 5,10 ish and 75kg thats about 170lbs. fink i eat 2much? but i only used 2 weight 10stone worked hard at my treatment finding wat works for me and wat dont! i do up2 2hrs physio each day that helps keep your weight up, keeping chest clear cj x


New member
My son is 4.5 yrs old w/cf. He is 40.2 pounds and 40.5 inches. His height is at the 25%ile and his weight is at the 70%ile. What are the scanda shakes that everyone is talking about? Right now he drinks the Carnation Instant Breakfast high calorie shakes and he loves them.


New member
I am 46. I am female weighing 146 and I am five foot eight inches. I am still on the slender side. Fleshy but slender. More muslce tone lol


New member
I'm 17, 5 foot 6 and struggling at 114. Weight has just become an issue for me, I cannot have wheat, potatoes, corn and sugars. So i'm basically having trouble with the amount of things I can eat, and my pancreas works just fine *knock on wood*
My docs are worried, but i'm not so much. My mom weighed less than me at my age, and she doesn't have CF. Same with my grandma. So *shrug* I've always worn clothing marked small/child, so i'm a tiny person anyway. Just recently, over the past year, i've lost 16 pounds. Thats why my docs freaked. But i'm holding.



17 w/cf, diagnosed at 14.


New member
I drink 3 cans of ensure+ everyday and I think its showed with me
now 16 years old, 6ft tall and weighing in at 73kg.