How Were You / Your Loved One Diagnosed?


I was diagnosed at the age of 3-4. I was actually going to the bathroom and in the process, I got a prolapsed rectum. Needless to say, being a child, I was terrified. I started screaming for my mom. I think she phoned the doctor or hospital and was told how to "fix" it. That incident made the doctor want to test me for CF. They did the sweat test on me, my sister, and my brother. Both my sister and I were positive. My brother was negative. I don't really remember being tested. I know that my mom said I always cried a lot when I was a baby because I was hungry all the time. I'm assuming that I must have been gaining some weight. I also don't really remember how my breathing was at that age. I hope you find the answers that you're looking for.


I was diagnosed at the age of 3-4. I was actually going to the bathroom and in the process, I got a prolapsed rectum. Needless to say, being a child, I was terrified. I started screaming for my mom. I think she phoned the doctor or hospital and was told how to "fix" it. That incident made the doctor want to test me for CF. They did the sweat test on me, my sister, and my brother. Both my sister and I were positive. My brother was negative. I don't really remember being tested. I know that my mom said I always cried a lot when I was a baby because I was hungry all the time. I'm assuming that I must have been gaining some weight. I also don't really remember how my breathing was at that age. I hope you find the answers that you're looking for.


I was diagnosed at the age of 3-4. I was actually going to the bathroom and in the process, I got a prolapsed rectum. Needless to say, being a child, I was terrified. I started screaming for my mom. I think she phoned the doctor or hospital and was told how to "fix" it. That incident made the doctor want to test me for CF. They did the sweat test on me, my sister, and my brother. Both my sister and I were positive. My brother was negative. I don't really remember being tested. I know that my mom said I always cried a lot when I was a baby because I was hungry all the time. I'm assuming that I must have been gaining some weight. I also don't really remember how my breathing was at that age. I hope you find the answers that you're looking for.


New member
I was 3 years old, and my poops smelled horrible...other then that I was pretty normal and healthy, my moms friends son was diagnosed with CF so she took me to get checked as well, sure enough it was positive, my mom was devestated, but I could of cared less cuz it was haloween and I wanted to trick or treat.


New member
I was 3 years old, and my poops smelled horrible...other then that I was pretty normal and healthy, my moms friends son was diagnosed with CF so she took me to get checked as well, sure enough it was positive, my mom was devestated, but I could of cared less cuz it was haloween and I wanted to trick or treat.


New member
I was 3 years old, and my poops smelled horrible...other then that I was pretty normal and healthy, my moms friends son was diagnosed with CF so she took me to get checked as well, sure enough it was positive, my mom was devestated, but I could of cared less cuz it was haloween and I wanted to trick or treat.


New member
My daughter was dx just 2 months ago, We went for her 4month check up and she had lost weight and we couldn't get her to gain weight. She also tasted very salty (from birth) but I never said anything because I didn't know that it really meant anything, until I was in the ER with her and the dr asked me if she tasted salty and he explained why. So he said why dont we set her up to have a sweat test. Her numbers were 102 the first time and 101 the second time. We havent gotten the genetic testing done yet because every time we try they can not get enough blood. So we are waiting a few months before we try again. But she is now up to 14lbs!!!!! And Im a very happy mommy.....
<img src="">


New member
My daughter was dx just 2 months ago, We went for her 4month check up and she had lost weight and we couldn't get her to gain weight. She also tasted very salty (from birth) but I never said anything because I didn't know that it really meant anything, until I was in the ER with her and the dr asked me if she tasted salty and he explained why. So he said why dont we set her up to have a sweat test. Her numbers were 102 the first time and 101 the second time. We havent gotten the genetic testing done yet because every time we try they can not get enough blood. So we are waiting a few months before we try again. But she is now up to 14lbs!!!!! And Im a very happy mommy.....
<img src="">


New member
My daughter was dx just 2 months ago, We went for her 4month check up and she had lost weight and we couldn't get her to gain weight. She also tasted very salty (from birth) but I never said anything because I didn't know that it really meant anything, until I was in the ER with her and the dr asked me if she tasted salty and he explained why. So he said why dont we set her up to have a sweat test. Her numbers were 102 the first time and 101 the second time. We havent gotten the genetic testing done yet because every time we try they can not get enough blood. So we are waiting a few months before we try again. But she is now up to 14lbs!!!!! And Im a very happy mommy.....
<img src="">


New member
I was dx when i was 5 yrs old i was having stomach troubles so they decided to take out my appendix nothing wrong with them. So for one reason or another they decided to do a sweat test.


New member
I was dx when i was 5 yrs old i was having stomach troubles so they decided to take out my appendix nothing wrong with them. So for one reason or another they decided to do a sweat test.


New member
I was dx when i was 5 yrs old i was having stomach troubles so they decided to take out my appendix nothing wrong with them. So for one reason or another they decided to do a sweat test.


New member
I was diagnosed eleven years ago, i was 44 at that time. The drs. had missed many simptoms throughout the years, both w me and my sister (she was 50 at the time of our diagnosis. She also died that year of breast cancer, almost went her whole life not knowing what was wrong with her). She had two lung operations and i had 4 stomach operations. Dr. Joyce Honaroff diagnosed me, God bless her, she did process of elemination, didn't think it was cf but wanted to rule it out. I then went to stony brook univ. L.I. N. Y. Under the care of Dr. Kier and Dr Kanu and the wonder theresa carney.


New member
I was diagnosed eleven years ago, i was 44 at that time. The drs. had missed many simptoms throughout the years, both w me and my sister (she was 50 at the time of our diagnosis. She also died that year of breast cancer, almost went her whole life not knowing what was wrong with her). She had two lung operations and i had 4 stomach operations. Dr. Joyce Honaroff diagnosed me, God bless her, she did process of elemination, didn't think it was cf but wanted to rule it out. I then went to stony brook univ. L.I. N. Y. Under the care of Dr. Kier and Dr Kanu and the wonder theresa carney.


New member
I was diagnosed eleven years ago, i was 44 at that time. The drs. had missed many simptoms throughout the years, both w me and my sister (she was 50 at the time of our diagnosis. She also died that year of breast cancer, almost went her whole life not knowing what was wrong with her). She had two lung operations and i had 4 stomach operations. Dr. Joyce Honaroff diagnosed me, God bless her, she did process of elemination, didn't think it was cf but wanted to rule it out. I then went to stony brook univ. L.I. N. Y. Under the care of Dr. Kier and Dr Kanu and the wonder theresa carney.


I went into the hospital with an intestinal obstruction when I was 8 years old. They did a salt test when they were trying to find out what caused the obstruction et voila!

Adrienne - 24/f/CF


I went into the hospital with an intestinal obstruction when I was 8 years old. They did a salt test when they were trying to find out what caused the obstruction et voila!

Adrienne - 24/f/CF


I went into the hospital with an intestinal obstruction when I was 8 years old. They did a salt test when they were trying to find out what caused the obstruction et voila!

Adrienne - 24/f/CF


New member
My son was diagnosed at 3 1/2 months after very little weight gain, vitamin K deficiency and protein and zinc deficiencies. He also had reflux and a rash on his thighs which eventually spread elsewhere. Our full story is located at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> as well as other moms if you're interested. If our state had at birth screening at the time this would have all be mute. Ohio finally added it a couple months ago -- hurray!

Best of luck...we all hope it is not CF of course ;-)
