
Same here..

We keep three neb cups for HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI and they are all clean and boiled after their morning use, and again after their evening use.

Sometimes when I'm on the phone with a friend and they hear the water boiling on the stove they will ask..."are you boiling nebulizers again?" I have to laugh!


Same here..

We keep three neb cups for HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI and they are all clean and boiled after their morning use, and again after their evening use.

Sometimes when I'm on the phone with a friend and they hear the water boiling on the stove they will ask..."are you boiling nebulizers again?" I have to laugh!


Same here..

We keep three neb cups for HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI and they are all clean and boiled after their morning use, and again after their evening use.

Sometimes when I'm on the phone with a friend and they hear the water boiling on the stove they will ask..."are you boiling nebulizers again?" I have to laugh!


Same here..

We keep three neb cups for HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI and they are all clean and boiled after their morning use, and again after their evening use.

Sometimes when I'm on the phone with a friend and they hear the water boiling on the stove they will ask..."are you boiling nebulizers again?" I have to laugh!


Same here..
<br />
<br />We keep three neb cups for HTS, Pulmozyme, and TOBI and they are all clean and boiled after their morning use, and again after their evening use.
<br />
<br />Sometimes when I'm on the phone with a friend and they hear the water boiling on the stove they will ask..."are you boiling nebulizers again?" I have to laugh!


I use a Pari LC Plus for my HTS - I am also using a different Pari LC Plus for my Tobi (Just started today for the first time ever-doing it as I type!). I use a different kind of cup (can't remember the name) for my Pulmozyme.

I also boil my nebs each time (in the microwave). Should I mark on the Pari LC plus which one is for HTS and which one is for Tobi? Does it matter if I mix them up, as long as I boil them each time?


I use a Pari LC Plus for my HTS - I am also using a different Pari LC Plus for my Tobi (Just started today for the first time ever-doing it as I type!). I use a different kind of cup (can't remember the name) for my Pulmozyme.

I also boil my nebs each time (in the microwave). Should I mark on the Pari LC plus which one is for HTS and which one is for Tobi? Does it matter if I mix them up, as long as I boil them each time?


I use a Pari LC Plus for my HTS - I am also using a different Pari LC Plus for my Tobi (Just started today for the first time ever-doing it as I type!). I use a different kind of cup (can't remember the name) for my Pulmozyme.

I also boil my nebs each time (in the microwave). Should I mark on the Pari LC plus which one is for HTS and which one is for Tobi? Does it matter if I mix them up, as long as I boil them each time?


I use a Pari LC Plus for my HTS - I am also using a different Pari LC Plus for my Tobi (Just started today for the first time ever-doing it as I type!). I use a different kind of cup (can't remember the name) for my Pulmozyme.

I also boil my nebs each time (in the microwave). Should I mark on the Pari LC plus which one is for HTS and which one is for Tobi? Does it matter if I mix them up, as long as I boil them each time?


I use a Pari LC Plus for my HTS - I am also using a different Pari LC Plus for my Tobi (Just started today for the first time ever-doing it as I type!). I use a different kind of cup (can't remember the name) for my Pulmozyme.
<br />
<br />I also boil my nebs each time (in the microwave). Should I mark on the Pari LC plus which one is for HTS and which one is for Tobi? Does it matter if I mix them up, as long as I boil them each time?


New member
I use the same neb cup for all meds. In a different thread I said this too. I only heard of the salt "deactivating" pulmozyme and not to tobi. When I asked my doctor they said it would be a good idea to use a different cup for tobi, but I was on iv tobi for most the time since that conversation so I have yet to use a different cup.

Also I use a bottle sterilzer after each treatment, first wash in warm soapy water then steam sterilize then rinse in rubbing alcohol and let dry, so water isnt sitting in and on the neb cups.

Oh I use the Pari sprint cups.


New member
I use the same neb cup for all meds. In a different thread I said this too. I only heard of the salt "deactivating" pulmozyme and not to tobi. When I asked my doctor they said it would be a good idea to use a different cup for tobi, but I was on iv tobi for most the time since that conversation so I have yet to use a different cup.

Also I use a bottle sterilzer after each treatment, first wash in warm soapy water then steam sterilize then rinse in rubbing alcohol and let dry, so water isnt sitting in and on the neb cups.

Oh I use the Pari sprint cups.


New member
I use the same neb cup for all meds. In a different thread I said this too. I only heard of the salt "deactivating" pulmozyme and not to tobi. When I asked my doctor they said it would be a good idea to use a different cup for tobi, but I was on iv tobi for most the time since that conversation so I have yet to use a different cup.

Also I use a bottle sterilzer after each treatment, first wash in warm soapy water then steam sterilize then rinse in rubbing alcohol and let dry, so water isnt sitting in and on the neb cups.

Oh I use the Pari sprint cups.


New member
I use the same neb cup for all meds. In a different thread I said this too. I only heard of the salt "deactivating" pulmozyme and not to tobi. When I asked my doctor they said it would be a good idea to use a different cup for tobi, but I was on iv tobi for most the time since that conversation so I have yet to use a different cup.

Also I use a bottle sterilzer after each treatment, first wash in warm soapy water then steam sterilize then rinse in rubbing alcohol and let dry, so water isnt sitting in and on the neb cups.

Oh I use the Pari sprint cups.


New member
I use the same neb cup for all meds. In a different thread I said this too. I only heard of the salt "deactivating" pulmozyme and not to tobi. When I asked my doctor they said it would be a good idea to use a different cup for tobi, but I was on iv tobi for most the time since that conversation so I have yet to use a different cup.
<br />
<br />Also I use a bottle sterilzer after each treatment, first wash in warm soapy water then steam sterilize then rinse in rubbing alcohol and let dry, so water isnt sitting in and on the neb cups.
<br />
<br />Oh I use the Pari sprint cups.


Hey Marci,
I used to use a sharpee and color code the different neb cups for each of the three nebs. But after thinking that the boiling is actually sterilizing them, I don't worry about it anymore. I do, however, change them all out at the same time so that I don't have 3 month old nebs mixed in with 5 month old nebs, etc. That way they are the same age, wear at the same rate, and are ready to be replaced at the same time every six months.


Hey Marci,
I used to use a sharpee and color code the different neb cups for each of the three nebs. But after thinking that the boiling is actually sterilizing them, I don't worry about it anymore. I do, however, change them all out at the same time so that I don't have 3 month old nebs mixed in with 5 month old nebs, etc. That way they are the same age, wear at the same rate, and are ready to be replaced at the same time every six months.


Hey Marci,
I used to use a sharpee and color code the different neb cups for each of the three nebs. But after thinking that the boiling is actually sterilizing them, I don't worry about it anymore. I do, however, change them all out at the same time so that I don't have 3 month old nebs mixed in with 5 month old nebs, etc. That way they are the same age, wear at the same rate, and are ready to be replaced at the same time every six months.


Hey Marci,
I used to use a sharpee and color code the different neb cups for each of the three nebs. But after thinking that the boiling is actually sterilizing them, I don't worry about it anymore. I do, however, change them all out at the same time so that I don't have 3 month old nebs mixed in with 5 month old nebs, etc. That way they are the same age, wear at the same rate, and are ready to be replaced at the same time every six months.


Hey Marci,
<br />I used to use a sharpee and color code the different neb cups for each of the three nebs. But after thinking that the boiling is actually sterilizing them, I don't worry about it anymore. I do, however, change them all out at the same time so that I don't have 3 month old nebs mixed in with 5 month old nebs, etc. That way they are the same age, wear at the same rate, and are ready to be replaced at the same time every six months.