Hypertonic Saline


New member
Here's an article on it from CFF
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/treatments/Therapies/Respiratory/HypertonicSaline/">Hypertonic Saline Therapy</a>
I'd guess you could do it as often as you have the time and energy for. I liken it to breathing in the air at the beach... and I could do that all day!


New member
Here's an article on it from CFF
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/treatments/Therapies/Respiratory/HypertonicSaline/">Hypertonic Saline Therapy</a>
I'd guess you could do it as often as you have the time and energy for. I liken it to breathing in the air at the beach... and I could do that all day!


New member
Here's an article on it from CFF
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/treatments/Therapies/Respiratory/HypertonicSaline/">Hypertonic Saline Therapy</a>
I'd guess you could do it as often as you have the time and energy for. I liken it to breathing in the air at the beach... and I could do that all day!


New member
Here's an article on it from CFF
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/treatments/Therapies/Respiratory/HypertonicSaline/">Hypertonic Saline Therapy</a>
I'd guess you could do it as often as you have the time and energy for. I liken it to breathing in the air at the beach... and I could do that all day!


New member
Here's an article on it from CFF
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/treatments/Therapies/Respiratory/HypertonicSaline/">Hypertonic Saline Therapy</a>
<br />I'd guess you could do it as often as you have the time and energy for. I liken it to breathing in the air at the beach... and I could do that all day!


New member
We've just started Hypertonic Saline and are trying to work it into our exercise schedule. Would you go running right after a treatment or right before a treatment? Any suggestions appreciated! Dad to 10 yr old girl Myfanwy with CF


New member
We've just started Hypertonic Saline and are trying to work it into our exercise schedule. Would you go running right after a treatment or right before a treatment? Any suggestions appreciated! Dad to 10 yr old girl Myfanwy with CF


New member
We've just started Hypertonic Saline and are trying to work it into our exercise schedule. Would you go running right after a treatment or right before a treatment? Any suggestions appreciated! Dad to 10 yr old girl Myfanwy with CF


New member
We've just started Hypertonic Saline and are trying to work it into our exercise schedule. Would you go running right after a treatment or right before a treatment? Any suggestions appreciated! Dad to 10 yr old girl Myfanwy with CF


New member
We've just started Hypertonic Saline and are trying to work it into our exercise schedule. Would you go running right after a treatment or right before a treatment? Any suggestions appreciated! Dad to 10 yr old girl Myfanwy with CF


New member
Hi myfanwy - I would think going running after a treatment would be better, because the HS thins your secretions, so they'd be easier to cough up when you go for a run. That's what I do anyway.


New member
Hi myfanwy - I would think going running after a treatment would be better, because the HS thins your secretions, so they'd be easier to cough up when you go for a run. That's what I do anyway.


New member
Hi myfanwy - I would think going running after a treatment would be better, because the HS thins your secretions, so they'd be easier to cough up when you go for a run. That's what I do anyway.


New member
Hi myfanwy - I would think going running after a treatment would be better, because the HS thins your secretions, so they'd be easier to cough up when you go for a run. That's what I do anyway.


New member
Hi myfanwy - I would think going running after a treatment would be better, because the HS thins your secretions, so they'd be easier to cough up when you go for a run. That's what I do anyway.