Hypertonic Saline


New member
HTS is a technological marvel. It's amazing at how much sputum I can bring up using this. I only nebulize it once a day and keep bringing sputum up for hours afterwards, then I am totally quiet. I just started HTS, I didn't know what I was missing.


New member
HTS is a technological marvel. It's amazing at how much sputum I can bring up using this. I only nebulize it once a day and keep bringing sputum up for hours afterwards, then I am totally quiet. I just started HTS, I didn't know what I was missing.


New member
HTS is a technological marvel. It's amazing at how much sputum I can bring up using this. I only nebulize it once a day and keep bringing sputum up for hours afterwards, then I am totally quiet. I just started HTS, I didn't know what I was missing.


New member
HTS is a technological marvel. It's amazing at how much sputum I can bring up using this. I only nebulize it once a day and keep bringing sputum up for hours afterwards, then I am totally quiet. I just started HTS, I didn't know what I was missing.


New member
HTS is a technological marvel. It's amazing at how much sputum I can bring up using this. I only nebulize it once a day and keep bringing sputum up for hours afterwards, then I am totally quiet. I just started HTS, I didn't know what I was missing.


New member
When I was doing my trial treatment, my RT joked that I was bringing up more junk than I've seen in my whole life. This made me assume that I was coughing up mucus from way down that had been in there for a while. He also said that I may clear parts of my lungs that I have never used before. So I don't know but I thought it was old stuff the first few times I did it.


New member
When I was doing my trial treatment, my RT joked that I was bringing up more junk than I've seen in my whole life. This made me assume that I was coughing up mucus from way down that had been in there for a while. He also said that I may clear parts of my lungs that I have never used before. So I don't know but I thought it was old stuff the first few times I did it.


New member
When I was doing my trial treatment, my RT joked that I was bringing up more junk than I've seen in my whole life. This made me assume that I was coughing up mucus from way down that had been in there for a while. He also said that I may clear parts of my lungs that I have never used before. So I don't know but I thought it was old stuff the first few times I did it.


New member
When I was doing my trial treatment, my RT joked that I was bringing up more junk than I've seen in my whole life. This made me assume that I was coughing up mucus from way down that had been in there for a while. He also said that I may clear parts of my lungs that I have never used before. So I don't know but I thought it was old stuff the first few times I did it.


New member
When I was doing my trial treatment, my RT joked that I was bringing up more junk than I've seen in my whole life. This made me assume that I was coughing up mucus from way down that had been in there for a while. He also said that I may clear parts of my lungs that I have never used before. So I don't know but I thought it was old stuff the first few times I did it.


New member
Jaelyn took HTS only for the two weeks that she was in for her tune up last summer. I wanted to keep her on it but the Denufosol study required that we not continue. Our study will be over in about 3-4 mos, and I want to transition her back to HTS. I think we combo'd two different strengths but I am not 100% sure which. Also, from what I can remember it made her nose itchy and she sneezed alot.

What would be a good dose for a child going forward? At her next clinic visit, I do want to get a rx for it so as soon as the Denufosol is done we can just pick up on the HTS.


New member
Jaelyn took HTS only for the two weeks that she was in for her tune up last summer. I wanted to keep her on it but the Denufosol study required that we not continue. Our study will be over in about 3-4 mos, and I want to transition her back to HTS. I think we combo'd two different strengths but I am not 100% sure which. Also, from what I can remember it made her nose itchy and she sneezed alot.

What would be a good dose for a child going forward? At her next clinic visit, I do want to get a rx for it so as soon as the Denufosol is done we can just pick up on the HTS.


New member
Jaelyn took HTS only for the two weeks that she was in for her tune up last summer. I wanted to keep her on it but the Denufosol study required that we not continue. Our study will be over in about 3-4 mos, and I want to transition her back to HTS. I think we combo'd two different strengths but I am not 100% sure which. Also, from what I can remember it made her nose itchy and she sneezed alot.

What would be a good dose for a child going forward? At her next clinic visit, I do want to get a rx for it so as soon as the Denufosol is done we can just pick up on the HTS.


New member
Jaelyn took HTS only for the two weeks that she was in for her tune up last summer. I wanted to keep her on it but the Denufosol study required that we not continue. Our study will be over in about 3-4 mos, and I want to transition her back to HTS. I think we combo'd two different strengths but I am not 100% sure which. Also, from what I can remember it made her nose itchy and she sneezed alot.

What would be a good dose for a child going forward? At her next clinic visit, I do want to get a rx for it so as soon as the Denufosol is done we can just pick up on the HTS.


New member
Jaelyn took HTS only for the two weeks that she was in for her tune up last summer. I wanted to keep her on it but the Denufosol study required that we not continue. Our study will be over in about 3-4 mos, and I want to transition her back to HTS. I think we combo'd two different strengths but I am not 100% sure which. Also, from what I can remember it made her nose itchy and she sneezed alot.
<br />
<br />What would be a good dose for a child going forward? At her next clinic visit, I do want to get a rx for it so as soon as the Denufosol is done we can just pick up on the HTS.


New member
When I started HS it made me very short of breath. I stopped and started several times since 2003 or so. But now that it is part of my comprehensive program that is much more aggressive with clearance and exercise, it is invaluable to me. I can't imagine life without it!


New member
When I started HS it made me very short of breath. I stopped and started several times since 2003 or so. But now that it is part of my comprehensive program that is much more aggressive with clearance and exercise, it is invaluable to me. I can't imagine life without it!


New member
When I started HS it made me very short of breath. I stopped and started several times since 2003 or so. But now that it is part of my comprehensive program that is much more aggressive with clearance and exercise, it is invaluable to me. I can't imagine life without it!


New member
When I started HS it made me very short of breath. I stopped and started several times since 2003 or so. But now that it is part of my comprehensive program that is much more aggressive with clearance and exercise, it is invaluable to me. I can't imagine life without it!


New member
When I started HS it made me very short of breath. I stopped and started several times since 2003 or so. But now that it is part of my comprehensive program that is much more aggressive with clearance and exercise, it is invaluable to me. I can't imagine life without it!