I have a confession


New member
Your confessions on the heroin thread were true. And your favorite injection site is your "downstairs". Although when you're feeling lazy, into the cornea it goes!

Kelly, MyNewfy


You're the director and sole shareholder of the "North
American Herb & Spice" company (which manufactures the
famous Oreganol P73 Oil for those that aren't up to speed on their
OO) and you came on this board to infiltrate the ever so skeptical
CF community so as to distribute your OO amongst our community.<br>
You also failed to mention that you secretly laced the OO with
alien DNA that you got your hands on whilst on a
recent expedition into outer space (because you're extremely
rich from the already tremendous sales of your OO
products) with what the martians have termed as their
"fountain of youth". This "fountain of youth"
DNA is said to give all extra terrestrials longevity and super
intelligence but what the extra terrestrials really want is to be
good looking, which we all know they're not.<br>
So, because you're the director and shareholder of a major company,
you got one of your assistants (that goes by the name of Oreganola)
to do some research on good looking human populations and
naturally, you both came across the CF community!<br>
Then you struck the deal of a lifetime with the martians: lace the
OO with their "fountain of youth" DNA and infiltrate it
across the worldwide CF community, this means that the CF community
not only gets guaranteed longevity and super intelligence on top of
their good looks but the extra terrestrials (disguised as humans)
get to come to earth and mingle with CF community and because we'll
all be taking the OO laced with their DNA,  it will enable the
extra terrestrials to finally breed good looking extra terrestrials
.... and CFers live happily ever after....<br>
Oh yeh and you will soon become Super, Super rich! Ha ha ha
<img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0"><br>


New member
Howdy Sean!

Do you like the film Charlie & The Chocolate Factory by any chance? Also, do you like sport? Also, what kinda music do you like? Just wanna paint a picture b4 I start....

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Howdy Sean!

Do you like the film Charlie & The Chocolate Factory by any chance? Also, do you like sport? Also, what kinda music do you like? Just wanna paint a picture b4 I start....

Charlotte<img src=""></end quote></div>

I loved the original willy wonka flick, Johnny Depp can't hold a candle to Gene Wilder. I'm a big hockey geek, and i like football. As for music, i'm into classic rock, 80's, 90's, mellow stuff, etc.


You're an Alien, alright, but that's not how your 'confession' goes...

You arrived here in the early 50's, in ROSWELL, and had slowly traveled to Florida, to live near Cape Canavaral, where you will one day be a stowaway on a space shuttle and hijack it to get back to your mother-ship, cause that's your only means to return.

Meantime, you were sent to earth to do one of the following 3 missions:
Teach the world other energy alternatives.
Understand Women, then explain it to the male humans.
Teach the CF'rs about Oregano Oil and it's benefits.

During your experience on Earth, you have been exposed to America's movies and Sci-fi. You laugh at some of their stories, while gaw in disbelief about movies that some of your friends may have told the truth about.
For example, "My Favorite Martian" was actually one of your buddies co-writing the comedy made for tv! The Orson Welles movie "Invasion from Mars" was one of your other buddies, who was a practical joker, and must've told Orson while they were getting drunk and swapping stories.
"ID4" actually happened to your planet, and that gave you a shiver, when you saw how "real" those aliens looked to you. Of course, you didn't have a President giving a 'Cheesy Speech' before the 'last chance' attack on the aliens!
You find Superman entertaining, but true, because it was an adjacent planet to where you came from! The demise of Krypton was actually caused from someone who tried to drill too deep for natural resources, and hit a volcanic pocket that destroyed the entire planet!!
Some of your colleagues include Robin Williams, who portrayed his real self in "Mork and Mindy", and the only reason why it was cancelled, was because your guys's Emperor, Orson (named after Orson Wells when he was cloned in Orson's image!) got concerned about America and the world finding more about your secrets.
"Men in Black"--Real!! There is a secret part of the U.S. Government, who had discovered more aliens were coming to Earth, after those Aliens from "ID4" started to attack their worlds, too. Then, the word spread around in the universe that Earth was the "Party Planet' in the galaxy. However, other 'Bad' aliens also come for refuge (like Bin-Ladin, who is an evil doer from a planet plentiful in natural resources, til he wasted it all...). This brought on the need for "Alien Registrration" and policing. Your new job is actually going to be related to that, but they still don't know you were the first alien to land, but it suits your situation fine (Til you get on that space shuttle to head home!).
Oh, Will Smith is also an alien, that's why he was able to star in two alien movies, and be in the "Men in Black" sequel as well (Besides, it was also because he looks good in black!)
So, here you are, got your mission started with OO, but soon realized you had no way to find the CF community. You tried 'titty bars' (Why, don't know, maybe mistranslation brought you there, first!), but only found a different kind of 'party'! As the human's learned the technology from your fellow aliens on how to make the internet, you then pursued to search where CF'rs would most likely hang out. (Yes, you were once a camp counseler for a CF camp years ago, but they all thought you were nuts with your oo explanation then!) And, now, as your final confession, you are going to end it with the fact that your job is done, and it will soon be time to hop on that space-shuttle to head home.
(Of course, you're gonna borrow Will Smith's 'flashlight' to wipe out all our memory of your presence, and give us some BS about how oregano oil saved our lungs!)
"Live long and prosperous" -Dr. Spock from Star Trek (based on another aliens true experiences!!)


New member
Hmmm.... my guess is that you have dual personalities and your nemisis (the "troll") is in fact yourself. You often post assanine things on here as "anon" just to log back on and go berserk on yourself and look the hero to the rest of us. It is a constant struggle, but one you often do not even realize you have. As a matter of fact, it was a moment of brief clarity that brought you to your "confession", though you must have the imaginatvie stories continue for a few more days, as you are not quite certain why you started this thread in the first place. Perhaps troll will come on and enlighten you and us all and remind us of his/your dirty little secret just in time for you to log on and attack and ridicule him/yourself for doing so.

Sonia AKA ladybug
(sorry, forgot to sign in)


New member
Here goes

The setting is from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory - it is beautiful! All around is lovely breathtaking scenery - playing is your favourite music. Oregano is growing all around you. Does this sound like a good start b4 I carry on?!!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Here goes

The setting is from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory - it is beautiful! All around is lovely breathtaking scenery - playing is your favourite music. Oregano is growing all around you. Does this sound like a good start b4 I carry on?!!

Charlotte<img src=""></end quote></div>

Sure, sounds great. I love oregano. Make the candy bars in this scene Hershey Symphony and Room temp Snickers bars, and you got me covered <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Hmmm.... my guess is that you have dual personalities and your nemisis (the "troll") is in fact yourself. You often post assanine things on here as "anon" just to log back on and go berserk on yourself and look the hero to the rest of us. It is a constant struggle, but one you often do not even realize you have. As a matter of fact, it was a moment of brief clarity that brought you to your "confession", though you must have the imaginatvie stories continue for a few more days, as you are not quite certain why you started this thread in the first place. Perhaps troll will come on and enlighten you and us all and remind us of his/your dirty little secret just in time for you to log on and attack and ridicule him/yourself for doing so.

Sonia AKA ladybug

(sorry, forgot to sign in)</end quote></div>

Gee, you sound awfully similar to the troll in question, and quite endorseing of him.


New member
What is it again you're actually looking 4? Funniest story?

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

What is it again you're actually looking 4? Funniest story?

Charlotte<img src=""></end quote></div>

Funniest, most imaginative story. Contest is over on Tuesday, at which time I will go back over the offerings, then ask the winner if they infact have a paypall email/account for me to send them the 10 bucks.

Just my way of keeping the site interesting.


New member
It certainly does make the site more interesting. I'll see what I can do. Bucks are no good 2 me tho cos I live in the UK and the exchange rate is pretty lousy.


PS Any chance of giving me a few more tips please?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

It certainly does make the site more interesting. I'll see what I can do. Bucks are no good 2 me tho cos I live in the UK and the exchange rate is pretty lousy.


PS Any chance of giving me a few more tips please?</end quote></div>

What do you want to know? And the bucks will be via paypall, which is international, so doesn't really matter I think. Dunno what you want to know, so ask and I will answer.


New member
You have become a Booger Destroyer aka Boogieman and you fly high and fast all around the world on your own personal Jet Plane aka "slickboogie" and cure all who have boogie problems. You are always on the loose (pardon the pun)and you have known to visit kids in hospitals who miss their action hero and rescue them out of their hospital bed, cure them and return them to their home. You see you never sleep, you just keep on boogying all over the planet. You do not have time for women as you would simply be all too slick for them. You are known on CNN as the Boogyoogyman of Champion Fighters(cF)

Risa-don't need your money. Donate it to CF instead.


New member
The setting is from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">(don't ask my why?!), just thought it'd be kinda nice. The environment is very relaxing<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"> and cool<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0"> if you know what I mean?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> There is all kindsa food surrounding you<img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0"> - you're favourite food. There is also a bar serving ice cold beer<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"> every hour round the clock.<img src="i/expressions/clock.gif" border="0"> Behind the bar is someone you would like (you tell me?!)<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">. A 24 hour bar. <img src="i/expressions/clock.gif" border="0">

There is also a massive flotation tank<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">. You can do absolutely anything you want in it - you name it, you got it<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">. As I said previously there is oregano all around you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">. There is also a mini cinema stocking all your fave films<img src="i/expressions/camera.gif" border="0">. Also a hockey pitch and football pitch (if you want?!)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. If not, ignore them<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">.

This is a fantasy<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0"> (as if you hadn't guessed?). Probably sounds kinda shite? I dunno. Let me know what you think.



New member
PS I'm sure I won't win! But If by some bizarre chance I do, can you donate my prize to CF Trust?

I would've prob come up with a betta story, but I'm kinda extremely busy at the mo looking after my two lively daughters!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Marissa Tomei only wearing a fire engine red thong serving me the cold Samuel Adams lager. Also her boyfriend neglects her sexually, for a LONG time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
PPS Also not funny, but I didn't want it to be.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">



Super Moderator
Well we all know that you love wearing thong underwear so...

You are actually a male stipper and exotic dancer. You discovered the wonders of oregano oil after you noticed an improvement after being oiled down with the "OO". When you purchased the "OO" originally, you thought the double "O" (oregano oil) would help your clients hit the big "O" (if someone doesn't know what that is...I feel sorry for you!) anyway...

One day while walking the streets in you "cheekless chaps" you were approached by a high ranking government official. HE (this is part of your secret) employed your services and just a one night show was not enough for him. Since he wants your relationship to remain discrete, you recieved training so that you can officially become his "personal" body gaurd.

That's my guess... Don't let Jeb Bush keep you too busy...
