I just want everyone to make the best informed decision possible


New member

Thankyou to SD and to Emilee both for the information you left here. Though it differs, you both had the same motive in putting it here. Informing us. Thanks!


New member
I wrote this earlier today when the subject was a bit fresher but I will post it anyway, you will learn more about me.

Furthermore.. "catboogie" (Laura) has the right idea as posted above!!!!


I am new to this forum. You may have read my first post on this topic above. I have been reading posts in this forum for several months and been following all the comments about the use of oregano oil specificlly P-73 grade oil. I have done research on the subject on my own as well as following many of the links you so generously supplied.

I came to the conclusion that the oil could very well help me, so I started to use the Oreganol P-73 oil and the Oregacyn 450mg caps on the third of this month. I saw improvement almost immediately. My biggest problem with my CF is chronic sinus infections. My Docs recently put me on Levaquin which seemed to clear it up for several weeks before I started the oil but the symptoms quickly returned. When I started the P-73 Oil, my sinus problems started clearing up virtually overnight. Now my symptoms are greatly reduced and my sinus pollups are clearly shrinking. The bulges on the sides of my nose are definately shrinking and for the first time in years I can breathe freely through the right side of my nose.

I really don't care what a medical Doctor has to say about the potential risks of using a non FDA approved substance. I will listen to what they have to say and I will make my own decision. I do my own research on a subject! This stuff has helped me bottom line, and I started taking it because of all the well documented research that has been done over the years that I have been able to verify by accessing various papers on the internet and reading two books by Dr. Cass Ingram, an expert on the subject.

We all have to remember that the Medical Profession and Health Care System in this country leave much to be desired!! Your Doctor will never tell you that Hospitals are one of the most dangerous places for people with chronic illness to be, mostly because of cutbacks in cleaning practices, motivated by a need for profit. Doctors will never tell you how often they have sales pitches made to them by Drug companies. The Drug companies will never tell you up front how many billions of dollars they have invested in advertising in order to sell a product. The Drug Company sales people will never tell you that their sales pitch to the Doctors is designed to get the doctors to use their products in order to satisfy the interests of their stock holders. They will never tell you that the average cash value of gifts given to all Doctors yearly by Drug companies is about $13,000 a year. (Recent story on NPR) Do you think these gifts might influence the Doctors choice of treatment? You bet it does!!!

Unfortunately for us the health care system is motivated by profit and there is big money in it. This is why the poorest of the poor have no health care and sadly that number is over 30 percent of the population.

The fact is that Doctors are reluctant to say anything to support the use of non FDA approved products because they are freightened of law suits, besides the fact that many of them are in cozy relationships with Pharmaceutical companies.

You have to look at anything a Doctor says to you with a skeptical eye. I don't have enough fingers on my hands to count the number of times I had complications from taking various drugs. The potential side effects for using some drugs can be deadly. I personally have lost a substantial part of my hearing and have had continuous ringing in my ears for 20 years due to an antibiotic that was given to me without warning me that this could happen. I am sure I am not the only one that has suffered unnecessarily because of prescribed drug use.

I can say without a doubt that alternative approaches to dealing with my various health problems have in many cases done more for my well being than what traditional medicine could do. I have found traditional western medicine to be greatly lacking in the area of neutrition in particular. And with the usual 15 minute doctors visit, your doctor has virtually no chance of ever getting to know you or you getting to know them for that matter. All they really know about you is what shows up on the lab reports and xrays and the few notes they may take when you see them. They never realy get to know you as an individual.
How many hours of your life has your doctor spent with you? Years ago you had a family doctor and they made house calls, they new you and your family very well!

Unfortunately our current health care system is the one we have and we need to learn to use it to our advantage. We need to stay awake and ask lots of questions. We need to do our own resaerch on potential side effects of drugs. We need to be aware that things other than drugs can have a profound effect on the quality of our lives. In more than one case in the past year I have stopped using a drug because of what I found out about its potential side effects that my Doctor failed to mention. Even after pointing out various health issues I have had, a drug that was known to aggravate a particular problem was prescribed anyway.

I have had the advantage of working side by side with Doctors in a teaching hospital for four years as a medical transcriber. I knew on a very detailed basis what the Doctors were doing with each patient on my floor. Before I took the job I held Doctors far above most other people. In the process of working with them I discovered they were just like anyone else, just more educated in a particular field. They made mistakes! They forgot that they had already done a particular proceedure. They forgot their patients names and why they were in the hospital. They forgot to order tests that were needed or they ordered them more than was needed. They prescribed the wrong medicine. They often resorted to using text books and research papers to make decisions. They gambled on one treatment or another that might work. Often times they just guessed. The patients were just a few steps above guinea pigs. In other words I discovered they are human beings just like you and I. The mistakes were not made often but they were made often enough.

I am not saying that all Doctors are lame or can't be trusted. I am saying that just like any other service you purchase, you have to make sure of what you are getting yourself into. Sometimes a second or third opinion is called for. Doctors are not Gods, they don't have all the answers and they may not know what's best for you. Nation wide, the Health Care System is in disrepair. Doctors are overwhelmed, they have many pressures not the least of which are from their patients. They have to follow guidelines and standards. They have tons of paperwork to do because of the bloated Health Insurance Industry. Its not an easy job. I believe they are commited to doing a good job for their patients. I also believe they are always taking care to make the best choices they can, which includes giving advice that won't get them in trouble. The FDA is a big influence!

I for one choose to find my own way through the wilderness. I know that no one else looks out for my best interests better than me. We all have to be our own advocate. Stand up for what we believe in. Find out as much as we can about something before we make a decision that could change your life forever.

Sean, as far as I am concerned, you have done all of us a great service by opening our eyes to what else may be of use to us in our long trip down this uncertain road. Don't take things too seriously or else you will often find yourself unhappy and dissapointed with people. Let the skeptics lay where they fall and let the Doctors look out for their own behinds. It will set you free! You don't have to convince anyone! The world changes very slowly especially when fear is put in the way of progress.

You are a good man with much to share with those willing to listen! Keep it up!!!

PeterC 57yo m/cf


New member
anon, get over yourself. i have the right to defend myself if someone reads my posts wrong and is possibly accusing me of something i havent done.

oh and sean, no problem. ive pmed you with the gsh pushers history anyway.


New member
Thanks a ton Peter, you saved me a good deal of time and effort to state that for me. I couldn't have said it better myself. I find it amazing you are 57 years old. I hope you make it to see 80 or beyond, and to keep spreading your wisdom regarding alternative avenues to help others see things differently.

I often have said that there will be no medicine to treat us that doesn't have a large profit interest in it for any manufacturer. Case in point? Hypertonic Saline. They take sterile water (you could do this yourself with distilled, or double distilled water), and then add a % of salt, mix it, then either sell it as one large container or maybe ampule individual servings. The absolute cheapest place I could find it for was 40 dollars for a 1 month supply! I have heard of others paying much more than that! FOR SALT WATER!!! Remember, a gallon of distilled water (as reasonably close to sterile water as you can get) is about .99 cents at any grocery store. And salt in many of it's forms is one of the cheapest substances known to man. And they have the balls to mark it up to such an incredible profit margin?

Makes me sick to my stomache. In comparison, you can get a 1 oz bottle of the good quality oil of oregano, where one small bottle will last 2, 3, or maybe 4 or more months, for around 35 bucks, and the contents of that bottle are carefully made via delicate extraction.

I now do 4 aresols twice a day, so i'm a tad overloaded, I don't think i could make room for hypertonic saline also, but it sure would be nice to know exactly how to make my own at home!

For once i'd love to see a drug or substance come around that is endorsed by the CF medical community that is actually cheap for once. Of all things, hypertonic saline should be that substance, but it's not.
I too want to thank Peter so much for his remarks. I have often said to people that I know that it is unfortunate that some great herbal and natural substances will never be tested for CF because there is no money involved for pharmaceutical companies or Drs. for that matter. I hope everyone knows that I am NOT against trying alternative methods. I am doing alternatives methods for myself currently that I have found to be great. My main concern was giving what info I was given and letting people do their own research. That is exactly what I am doing I don't take what one person says as face value i.e. the letter that I posted without doing my own research on the matter. I would love to hear more of your story Peter as well. I think that it is inspirational to see someone at your age on here especially not being hospitalized for such a great length of time.



New member
Hi Peter,

you made a very good statement in my opinion.
And there is something else I would like to mention:
I think most of the oral antibiotics we take have not really been tested with CFers. Zithromax for example should normally been taken for about one week, no longer, but many of us take it for weeks, even months and years. So we are more or less doing longterm testing of most products and nobody does really know, what might happen to our livers and kidneys in the long term...
And even if they do test a new drug with us officially, we are the persons to test it and nobody knows, what will happen both at once and in the long run.
I remember that I was testing a new antibiotic once before official use ( I think it might have been Ciprobay) and I got a very bad sun allergy. My face was swollen, my eyes looked like asian, well now this is listed as a possible reaction..
I remember also that I did once inhale tobramycin for 2 weeks, it was the one made for infusions, but our docs gave it to us to inhale. Well, I had no problems with it besides the weird taste, but later, as Tobi especially for inhaling "came out" I did also try it and my voice was gone for 5 weeks, and no doctor had a solution...
2 years ago during my last IV I did also have a lost of hearing like you...
I am 43 and I do take oral antibiotics since about 20 years now, but I did not much inhaling and no more than one IV a year until now, also my doctors always told me to do more. But I´m still doing quite well and if I feel really bad and do an IV therefore, it really makes a difference. So, although that might be provocative: My personal opinion is that its sometimes better not to do everything my doctor wants me to do; who knows if I would really feel better now, if I had done every antibiotic therapy the doctors wanted? In my opinion it might also have been bad for me, getting too used to the medications, getting more resistant bugs and maybe I would be sicker now, who knows?



New member
I think everyone's body is different. The research Sean and others have done, and all of the info on this site is awesome and has been a great help to us.
The H20 Orega, in just one week has made some amazing changes in my bro. He is finding his lungs are clearing FAR better than with any other method he has tried. He's breathing easier, and is VERY excited to see what a month of use will do. Like some of you said, it's not for everyone, but you know, when "conventional medicine" has done nothing but land him in the hospital for 2 to 3 weeks a month, we had to try SOMETHING else. We are working on getting some of the other suppliments too. I am sure some will help, and some won't but we've gotta try.
If you have ever read that book "eating for your blood type", you will find everyone IS different. And certain suppliments, foods, etc. will affect everyone differently.
So with all that being said. Thank you to ALL of you for the valuble information, both positives and negatives on ALL subjects. Sometimes there is NO medical research, reports, articles which subsitute for personal experience. It's great to see a study of lab rats, but men and women, who have been dealing with this disease since birth, going through all they have to keep themselves healthy means much more. There is a saying one of my old bosses used to use "Common Sense is not all that common"....boy is that one true. IF we are using common sense, doing our research, and trying different things in small quantities and working our way up one step at a time....We may have some amazing discoveries.
I don't know about all of you, but I human, and I will never know everything, and I learn something new every single day. If you keep an open mind about everything, you will too. Now, Doctors are human too, they make mistakes, and can be closed minded and look at the FDA like a another god. If it was not for people like all of you trying different things, some of the drugs, antibiotics, natural suppliments we all take today would not even be an option. It takes, what, 10 years or more to have a drug/suppliment approved by the FDA? Crazy, they can approve things like oxycontin (big money maker) which kills and is highly addictive (even more big money), but something simple like 00 doesn't even get the time of day...why??? Well because that means that the BILLIONS of dollars spent each year on Tobi, Pulmyzme(sp), may possibly be erraticated. Just like anything else, certain antibiotics work for some and not for others. OO is not different.
There, I have said my peace. You guys are all great, and keep it up!!


New member
AS a transplant patient, I would like to give my experience. IF I did not have new lungs and I was a member of this site, I would definitely be taking OO. I am not sure if I would inhale it but probably would definitely consider this as an option. In the past with my cf lungs, I was just like Sean and took many things like echanacia, goldenseal, coQ10 and a bunch more. I saw a great benefit with my low lung fuction at the time. When I got my new lungs, I did well but had some rejection and probably it was due because I pumped myself up with immune boosting agents prior to the transplant. At the time, the transplant team said it was ok. Now, transplant teams will tell you not to take immune boosting agents. I thought the nurse was not correct at first but she did say you need to be healthy for the transplant. Theories change over time. I would never take an immune boosting pill or eat anything that directly boost the immune system again and I am still searching for what things could hurt me (example: Probiotics,live cultures that contain good yeast) learning that is not good for compromised individuals.

I do believe there are bad doctors out there. But when it comes to a specialist, i have never had a bad experience. I would like to point out that, yes there is still little known to cure CF and eventually the only option would be a transplant but if that is still true and you need a transplant, you will get the best care you need and it is wise at that time to put all your trust in a transplant team.

This is definitely off the topic but felt this should be stated in this thread because many people who come to this site might not need a transplant today but tomorrow they could need one. When it comes to a transplant or death it is wise to trust the system and hope and pray that you get lungs.

I do believe that Some doctors over medicate us at times but they do save lives. I guess you can say it is a double standard.

I hope and pray that you all do your own research and keep your own lungs for as long as possible through good nutrition, good rest, plenty of exercise and taking your good supplements. This can add years to your life. Do not forget the therapy!!! I know that added years to mine.



New member

I had no problem with what you had said. You explained it and it was all a simple misunderstanding. Sorry if I came across otherwise.

My beef was with Melissa's comments. While everyone is welcome to their own opinion, I thought her comments were a bit harsh toward SD. Just my opnion and I am sure she would disagree with me & that is fine too.


New member
Good comments guys. Yeah Risa the whole transplant thing makes me very uneasy because someone who is pre or post transplant is in such a special boat on so many different medications and needs to watch out for so many things, that's why I never give any kind of supplement recommendation to those who are pre or post op transplant. It am clueless towards it, so therefore I don't say anything. Same goes for very young children. If someone asks me if I think OO will help their very young child with CF, I generally tell them that the only accepted practice is topical application, usually to the soles of the feet. I personally feel that if a childs PFT's are steadily declining, and conventional treatment wasn't helping that much anymore, and the child was still "generally healthy" with medium grade PFT's, if it were MY child, I would put him on the same regimen I am on and monitor him for a month or two, then decide to go full time or not. But as i've said in the past, i feel much more comfortable giving the nod of my hat to adult cystics who have atleast mid grade PFT scores, and to inform them to do their own research.

So far, judging from all the input from many different CF's, it's looking very pro on the OO front, with only 2 reports of odd symptoms which could possibly be attributed to other weird factors (one was post transplant, and got bad headaches, the other felt it made him cough too much). Most if not all have reported combination of boosts in energy, clearer lungs, alleviation of most of their sinus problems, thinner mucous, clearer mucous, easier to breath, easier to get rid of mucous, end of nighttime noises due to breathing (wheezing, poping, etc), much less hemoptysis, and complete removal of cystic related arthritic symptoms.

I represent every one of those categories. I just did a vest treatment, and what I brought up was like water, and close to clear. I just want to eventually see real clinical research done expressly for CF patients with regards to the inhalation of water soluble oregano oil. I'd vollunteer now, but i'm already an end result. Not sure i'd be willing to risk fully stopping my regimen for several months to get sick again, then start it up for a study.


New member
Sean, I'm so happy to see you back in action. Keeps those energies directed in positive directions. I'm feeling great! I'll keep ya'll posted on my health update when I go in for my pft's and culture Apr. 5th.


New member

Please advise the transplant person to stop the oo. oO is an immune booster. IF this person's transplant doctor knew they would hit the roof. It is much riskier taking oo by inhalation for a lung tx patient rather taking it by mouth. I say both ways are dangerous.

There are other ways of keeping the pseudo down after transplant. I sure hope this person with a transplant is doing what is best.

Please tell them they are asking for big problems. When someone is feeling so well after so long with a transplant it is very hard to believe that something can go wrong. So they take chances. Why mess with success? If the person has normal lungs a little psuedo will not do anything. OO will do some bad stuff to the transplant lungs, I could see it now.


New member
Well, I said I would post an update re: my 4 yr old daughter after her clinic and culture results came back (I've had her taking 1-2 small gel caps of oil of oregano daily for about 3 weeks - she has a problem with frequent staph and other infections). Plus assorted other CF problems.

Unfortunately, not good news - she has +4 staph (heavy growth) again, and Hemophilus influenza, and has been congested and periodically coughing up nasty green stuff. She is on Keflex again for the staph, but that doesn't cover the H.Flu so if she is still sick in a couple of weeks she will likely need IVs for that.

Plus she has some lung damage already (bronchial scarring and generalized hyperinflation), had a severely elevated liver enzyme level (which has since come down). She wasn't nebulilzing the water soluble oregano oil - I think she's too little for this, but maybe that would have helped. It certainly does seem to help some people - I think everyone just responds differently, as with drugs.

Anyway, I'm feeling very depressed and discouraged..... Chrissy just seems to get sicker and have more and more problems each year and she's only 4, a baby. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">



New member
I'm so sorry to hear Jenny <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Have you tried putting say 1-2 drops under her tongue (of the regular oil) twice daily? I wouldn't be that comfortable to advocate her nebbing the water soluble either due to her age. The capsules do go into the GI tract, and can offer some symptom relief, but I wouldn't put large stock in it. I'd say possibly give the sublingual approach (under the tongue) for a week, see how she feels, and if ok try it for possibly a month, go back and get another culture, monitor her potential progress or no progress. To me the capsules have mostly been complimentary in nature, but for young children you are fairly limited. I'd say before you throw in the towel try the sublingual method for a bit and see how it goes. Of course it's your decision, if it were my child that would be the next thing i'd try. To me the effectiveness goes like this: Nebbing/inhalation via facial sauna>sublingual (I did both sublingual and nebbing at same time but i'm an adult)>capsules>non facial topical application. It's your call, but i'd seriously try the sublingual approach before calling it quits.

Your daughter has a ton of bugs going on, and while OO has been shown effective against many strains of bacteria, it might be too big of a wall for it to topple, especially just via the caps. If I were in her shoes as an adult, i'd be nebbing the water soluble stuff in fairly large amounts three times a day for a good month before I went in to the doc, for final confirmation on my culture/flora count. I'm NOT advocating this for her, just saying that if she was an adult, that is what I would advocate, including her putting 3-4 drops under her tongue 2-3 times daily. Each of us are different, and while I feel oregano oil is extremely helpful in fighting our bugs and easing our symptoms, some of us might be too much work for it to have much of an impact, especially in some of the ways to administer the OO.

Sorry to hear the news. You could also look into a facial sauna approach.


New member
Hey Sean,

Thanks for your kind words... No I haven't given up at all on the OO; it just seems for Chrissy the oral route isn't effective. I think she would absolutely freak out if I tried to put some drops under her tongue - that stuff is harsh, like battery acid!

I think like you said the best route is to neb the water soluble stuff but because she is so little I'm hesitant to do it.....but maybe even doing a small amt. a few times a week might help?? Going to look into that.

Thanks for all the great advice!



New member

Sounds like you have your hands full!!

Was wondering if you have ever investigated using GSH (Glutathione) to help your little one.

If you have not, I would encourage you to read the papers by Valerie Hudson and also contact Dr. Clark Bishop about your child. The papers can be found and you can also contact both Valerie and Dr. Bishop by going to <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://members.tripod.com/uvicf/index.htm">http://members.tripod.com/uvicf/index.htm</a>

I recommend this because Valerie has two young boys with CF that have been greatly helped as a result of her doing extensive research and putting them on glutathione.

As a result of her efforts and with the help of Dr Bishop of Utah Valley Institute Of Cystic Fibrosis, several trials are underway with very positive preliminary results coming through. The results will be published soon. The use of GSH seems to really help the young ones the most.

After going to the site click on RESEARCH then GLUTATHIONE and under FUNDAMENTAL PAPERS find Valeries numerous papers. I would also scroll down to the MEMBERS MESSAGE BOARD. A lot of personal stories and other support can be found there.

I have spoken with Dr. Bishop and he was very helpful to me. A very nice compationate man commited to helping those with CF! I don't think he will steer you wrong. He can be readily reached via his email address which can be found on the site. He will call you back if you ask him.

I hope this helps!!!

Best wishes and I will pray for your child!!


Peter Campanale
57 years with cf


New member
I've written that Bishop guy atleast three times, has never responded to me. GSH is probably great for us, the problem is in the recommended neb dosing. For me, they say I should be nebbing 6000mg a day. Each sapsule is 200mg (55mg of bicarb added) of buffered l-glutathione. So I would be nebbing 30 capsules per session, for 60 capsules a day, and 100 come in a bottle. The concentration of GSH in each sessions neb would be incredibly strong @ 30 capsules dissolved into 6mg of fluid? Or I could possibly have an added headache of putting 6 capsules per every 5 ml of fluid in for each individual neb treatment, 5 times before I could leave my house, not to mention that would be a tremendous amount of fluid in my lungs at one time. I weigh 208 lbs, so that's how much they say I should take. And i'm only going to get bigger at the gym.

Even if I only weighed 100lbs, that would mean 3000mg a day. I have no problem with doing the GSH, and they have good research backing that is very helpful, but man, that is just way too rediculous for someone to do. Now granted if it was guaranteed to cure my CF on this regimen at a genetic level or 100% make all symptoms go away full time as long as i'm on it, I would pay for it and deal with it, but of course, just like oregano oil, that isn't the case.

They seriously need (hopefully after the trials are done) to do something about concentration levels. Maybe after the trials are done some big pharmaceutical company will get on board and make a highly concentrated version, so someone of my size (or even the small people, their dose is still rediculous) can have the proper intake at only twice a day, with a reasonable aresol amount.

As per your question about having her neb the water soluble OO. Since she isn't a tiny infant, and she has so many bugs already, If it were my child and she was in this exact situation, and apparently she isn't getting better with conventional treatments, I would do it for my child. Now I am NOT saying you should do it because I said so, it is afterall your child and not mine. If I were you to play it on the safe side, i'd get the regular oil and tell her that you want to try something to possibly see if it makes her feel better. Tell her other adults have tried it and some have felt better. Tell her it will taste like crap, but the more she holds it under her tongue, the less she will taste it (I tell people to hold it under their tongue for about 10 mins, most of the substance has gone into the blood stream by then, then they can swallow whats left, but it will still taste nasty).

See if she is receptive to you stressing it's something worth giving a try. I'd say try that for a week, and monitor her to see if she has any negative side effects, like headaches our of the blue, or anything else out of the ordinary. If after a week nothing negative develops, ask her how she feels in general compared to before you guys started it under the tongue. If she says she feels the same or slightly better, continue for a month. Reevaluate after a month. Depending on what she reports and what you observe and how she feels, try and schedule another doctor appointment for a culture, PFT etc. If things are still the same, with no notable improvement, I would personally move to a facial sauna and have her do two or three treatments of deep huffing of just the oil + distilled water per day. Follow the same observations and self reporting as with the sublingual method. The inhalation of the oil via facial sauna is similar in unpleasantness to the sublingual method, but not taste. Do the same thing with the doctor culture/PFT wise. If still no notable improvement in how she feels or her culture, to me the only other course available would be to try nebbing the water soluble OO twice daily.

Remember, I view (due to her age and what lvl of CF she is currently in) the nebbing of the water soluble OO as a last resort for those who current conventional treatments haven't worked (like what happened with myself). She is 9 years old, which surely doesn't make her an adult, but she isn't an infant either. She has a lot left to mature physically, especially considering puberty is right around the corner. All kinds of changes (as i'm sure everyone knows) take place within a body during puberty, and to be honest, even though I know the components of what's in OO, and have looked into each one of them, while I have never heard of OO havent any relation to problems during puberty, there certainly haven't been anything reported (that I know of) where it was cleared for use during puberty.

It's a very touchy situation. As I said before, personally knowing what I know now with my results and others results from the oil, and knowing what her problems are, and if she isn't getting any better, if she were *MY* child, I would probably start her on the facial sauna develery method, and if no notable positive changes were noted culture/pft/feel wise, i'd move to the water soluble nebbing approach.

To me (and why I made the decision to try it on my own, with there never being any research background for it's inhalation), it all comes down to "How bad off am I now? Have they tried to treat my problem with most reasonable available conventional means? Does it help anymore? Givin what we know about OO, would it really potentially harm me more than what they are doing to me now with not much results? How long can I stay on this path of negative progression before the questions of using questionable supplements to treat my problem is out of the question due to my health?".

Of course the above are just my opinions, it's up to you to figure out what is best for her and to go with that. I personally knew I generally didn't have much to lose, so I went with it, and for me it was the right choice, but that doesn't mean it will be the right choice for everyone.


New member
Hi again Peter, and Sean,

Thank you both so much for all this valuable information. I will for sure check out the glutathione link (I don't know anything about the stuff).

Sean, you're right - I was thinking this last night - that Chrissy just seems to be progressively worsening despite all the best conventional treatment, good diet etc. At the rate she's going (she's 4, not 9) I'd be amazed if she makes it to twenty (she also has reflux, polyps, recurring intestinal blockages, frequent tummy pains, elevated liver enzymes etc.) - I just can't stand for her to get worse and worse without feeling like I've tried everything. So water soluble oil of oregano is something we're going to experiment with, for sure. I will let you know how this goes.

Take care and thanks again for the advice,
