I need someone to talk to,in my age group.


New member
Hey my name is Jessica I am 17 almost 18 , I have CF , Osteoperosis, Asthma, GERD, and I have had 2 sinus surgeries, My gaulbladder removed and I have a a brocioscope for my uppper right lung b/c the airways are closed off. My Lung function is currently only at 65% (last year this time is was 98%). I do ahve to say it sux! I ahve also delt with other problems like depressiona and cutting. AAnd you are tottaly right you don't understand until you've been there. I mean the only person in my life that even might understand would be my mom but she still don't always get it. And its like you WANT someone to care and share your pain, but the people goin throught the same thing can't even be around you b/c you might make each other sick. There is a guy in my life right now whom I want hium to get intersted and care but its like he doesn't which sometimes makes it hard on our relationship... The only thing I can say to you is that you ahve to rise up and don't let others give you crap. People used to say that I thought i was 'special" and above eveyone b/c of my cf And I said FU to then real quick Be strong bud!!! wanna talk (open to anyone) come check out my website www.xanga.com/itxgoesxon

Jess Im-Out


New member
Hey my name is Jessica I am 17 almost 18 , I have CF , Osteoperosis, Asthma, GERD, and I have had 2 sinus surgeries, My gaulbladder removed and I have a a brocioscope for my uppper right lung b/c the airways are closed off. My Lung function is currently only at 65% (last year this time is was 98%). I do ahve to say it sux! I ahve also delt with other problems like depressiona and cutting. AAnd you are tottaly right you don't understand until you've been there. I mean the only person in my life that even might understand would be my mom but she still don't always get it. And its like you WANT someone to care and share your pain, but the people goin throught the same thing can't even be around you b/c you might make each other sick. There is a guy in my life right now whom I want hium to get intersted and care but its like he doesn't which sometimes makes it hard on our relationship... The only thing I can say to you is that you ahve to rise up and don't let others give you crap. People used to say that I thought i was 'special" and above eveyone b/c of my cf And I said FU to then real quick Be strong bud!!! wanna talk (open to anyone) come check out my website www.xanga.com/itxgoesxon

Jess Im-Out


New member
Hey my name is Jessica I am 17 almost 18 , I have CF , Osteoperosis, Asthma, GERD, and I have had 2 sinus surgeries, My gaulbladder removed and I have a a brocioscope for my uppper right lung b/c the airways are closed off. My Lung function is currently only at 65% (last year this time is was 98%). I do ahve to say it sux! I ahve also delt with other problems like depressiona and cutting. AAnd you are tottaly right you don't understand until you've been there. I mean the only person in my life that even might understand would be my mom but she still don't always get it. And its like you WANT someone to care and share your pain, but the people goin throught the same thing can't even be around you b/c you might make each other sick. There is a guy in my life right now whom I want hium to get intersted and care but its like he doesn't which sometimes makes it hard on our relationship... The only thing I can say to you is that you ahve to rise up and don't let others give you crap. People used to say that I thought i was 'special" and above eveyone b/c of my cf And I said FU to then real quick Be strong bud!!! wanna talk (open to anyone) come check out my website www.xanga.com/itxgoesxon

Jess Im-Out


New member
Hey my name is Jessica I am 17 almost 18 , I have CF , Osteoperosis, Asthma, GERD, and I have had 2 sinus surgeries, My gaulbladder removed and I have a a brocioscope for my uppper right lung b/c the airways are closed off. My Lung function is currently only at 65% (last year this time is was 98%). I do ahve to say it sux! I ahve also delt with other problems like depressiona and cutting. AAnd you are tottaly right you don't understand until you've been there. I mean the only person in my life that even might understand would be my mom but she still don't always get it. And its like you WANT someone to care and share your pain, but the people goin throught the same thing can't even be around you b/c you might make each other sick. There is a guy in my life right now whom I want hium to get intersted and care but its like he doesn't which sometimes makes it hard on our relationship... The only thing I can say to you is that you ahve to rise up and don't let others give you crap. People used to say that I thought i was 'special" and above eveyone b/c of my cf And I said FU to then real quick Be strong bud!!! wanna talk (open to anyone) come check out my website www.xanga.com/itxgoesxon

Jess Im-Out


New member
Hey my name is Jessica I am 17 almost 18 , I have CF , Osteoperosis, Asthma, GERD, and I have had 2 sinus surgeries, My gaulbladder removed and I have a a brocioscope for my uppper right lung b/c the airways are closed off. My Lung function is currently only at 65% (last year this time is was 98%). I do ahve to say it sux! I ahve also delt with other problems like depressiona and cutting. AAnd you are tottaly right you don't understand until you've been there. I mean the only person in my life that even might understand would be my mom but she still don't always get it. And its like you WANT someone to care and share your pain, but the people goin throught the same thing can't even be around you b/c you might make each other sick. There is a guy in my life right now whom I want hium to get intersted and care but its like he doesn't which sometimes makes it hard on our relationship... The only thing I can say to you is that you ahve to rise up and don't let others give you crap. People used to say that I thought i was 'special" and above eveyone b/c of my cf And I said FU to then real quick Be strong bud!!! wanna talk (open to anyone) come check out my website www.xanga.com/itxgoesxon

Jess Im-Out


New member
well i know u wrote this letter in 2001 but if u still need my help here it goes. maybe your bf is that type of person that hasnt gotten the chance to be confortable in telling his thoughts to people including u. maybe to make things better he could maybe get to spend more time with u, to get to know u.


New member
Hi Morgan, I'm a 20 year old feamle from New Jersey and I know what it's like to have CF and I know that it can get very frustrating at times. I at one point stopped taking all my meds and treatments and I ended up getting sicker. I felt the same way you do, I just wanted to be normal like every other person out there. But then I realized that I can't change the fact that I have CF and if people can't deal with that then I don't want them in my life. I've gone thru many boyfriends and I didn't tell them at first that I had CF, cuz i thaught it would turn them off, but then when I did tell them some would stick around and try to understand it and do research on it, so they would kinda know what I was going thru and others they didn't want to deal with it and they left. And that was ok with me cuz if you can't take me the way that I am then I don't want you. You either get all of me and that includes all the baggage that comes along too or you don't get any of me. If you want to talk you can email me at heidinicole85@hotmail.com or you can IM me using AIM at ariesgrl0327 or using MSN messenger with heidinicole85, I also have yahoo and that is the same as AIM, but I don't use that one that often. AIM is the best one to catch me on. Hope to talk to you soon. Don't worry everything will work out for you, I promise, Just look at the positive stuff in life instead of the negative, I know it's hard, but if you look at the positives you'll be healthier and worrying about stuff doesn't help anything, it actually makes you sicker. So just relax and take things in stride, trust me on this. and for anyone else who wants to talk you are also free to email me or IM me. I'm usually not on the computer on the weekends so you are more likely to catch me during the week. I also know some other people with CF they are older than you, but we all experience the same stuff so if you would like to talk to them just email me


New member
oh zoe, you entry made me cry. i lost my grandfather but not to cf but to another genetic disease that runs in my family...but at that time i was in 4th grade so i didnt actually realize what a huge thing happened. but i still remember all the wonderful things he taught me and how he was always saying that even though life will be hard and i will find many bumbs on the way, i should always keep going. i loved him and i still love him everyday more, he took care of me since i was lil, i'm 15 now...and one time he told me a thing that always sticked to my mind. he said that when we r born we are crying, but eveyone else is smiling, and laughing, all happy....he told me to live life in such a way that when we die we will be the ones smiling from Heaven and they will the the ones crying. your brother is watching you from above and he's your protecting soul...he will always be there for u. all you have to do is look up the sky through the window at night time and talk to him...he will listen and it helps too..thats what i do.God bless you!!!! i know that u probably heard this a lot but its true that things happen for a reason. ---alexia<img src="i/expressions/moon.gif" border="0">


New member
that one was 4 zoe, another guy that commented. but morgan dont get mad when people are trying to help when writing to u. like the lady that wrote to u about her daughter cuz she sees her child in pain & for a mother that's a awefull pain to feel. i'm 14, & i dont have the disease, and i might not know how it is to have it but i'm one of the tons of people that wrote in here trying to help you...
but i have other genetic diseases that run in my family, like thalassemia...i dont have it, my aunt does and my grandpa did, but i'm a carrier, so there's a huge change that i'll pass it on to my child.
no matter what disease u have, dont let it bring u down, it's hard but u have to learn to overcome the difficulties...cuz thats wat life is all about. u were destined to have it and there's a reason why u exist. dont spend ur life trying to figure out why u have it and questioning, just live it and try to improve it to your liking. there's lots of ppl that will bring u down just because they think that they r stronger than u, but 99.9% of the time they are weaker inside then you will ever be. & when u find the right girl she will like u for who u are. nobody's perfect, but she'll accept u for all the reasons. just receive this advice, go and live life no matter where it leads u. u are not here just to suffer, but to learn something...i hope you'll feel better with all these ppl writing to u. they are trying to help....~alexia<img src="i/expressions/moon.gif" border="0"> (lucky23_ashymk@yahoo.com)


New member
hey morgan, i dnt have cf but my lil bro duz. hes only 9 and i get so scared abt him sometimes, i dont even know if hes okay as i dnt see him- he lives wiv my dad. your gf wer fools if they dumped u cuz of ur cf, it doesnt make u a bad person or any different as a person 2 anyone else except when u get down abt it but then evry1 gets down about something sometimes dnt they? i really hope that you stop feeling so bad about it and people who treat you differently to others probly just dnt no wot 2 say or how 2 act around you. i go to college in uk birmingham and alot of the ppl here dnt even know what it is which surprised me. one of my really good m8s has it aswell shes 16 now and shes also got crones disease aswell as cf, shes in and out of hospital all the time but shes still such a happy and lively person, dnt let it get you down it could always me worse! i no u probly dnt wana hear this but like that person said i agree i fink you should see a councellor or someone- it doesnt mean ur carzy or anythink or that your abnormal, it just helps to tlk 2 someone about things when you get angry or upset about things, you dnt have 2 but plz think about it it might help and if it doesnt then u dnt have 2 do it anymore

send me an email if you like to freckles89_5@hotmail.com i hope that you start to feel a bit better about things

love laura (uk birmingham age 15) xxxxxx <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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Hey my name is Leslie Im a 20 yr old male living at the Gold Coast in Aust. Im also a severe sufferer of CF but it ceartinly dosent stop me from doing the things that I wanna do. Im getting a green card to go and work over in the states next year and would love to catch up and talk to anyone who lives over there my email is lizzard1200@hotymail.com.au