If you were my age, with CF, what would you do differently for your health?


New member
What fantastic responses!
I'm terribly sorry about the delay on my part, this has been an INCREDIBLY interesting few weeks with everything from being robbed to my apartment flooding to my roof caving in (I'm actually under-exaggerating on all of these parts).

Thank you for all of your amazing comments!
Chris, Amen!
dbtoo, I have truly missed talking to you, you never fail to crack me up!
Bonniebaby, I was a dancer for about 12 years and my doctors told me the EXACT same thing; that dance was one of the main factors in my lung health, and I believe my past dance experience is one of the main reasons I am still as healthy as I am!
65rosessamurai, I've always wanted to stay in Japan! I've wondered how it would work, knowing CF isn't an issue there. So glad to know there's someone doing it!
For the sake of the boards I definitely don't want to change anything being said, because they are all FANTASTIC.

I'm reading all of these incredible suggestions and -I'm a bit proud to say- checking many off of my list.

-I am INCREDIBLY diligent with my treatments, twice a day, every day. I skip at night maybe once a month, and that is usually to rest.

-I have (recently) been getting to bed before midnight every night, that is a huge new thing for me. A doctor (Chiropractor, not CF doctor) recently said every hour of sleep you get BEFORE midnight, counts as two hours of rest to your body. That shocked me enough that I had to give it a try... I don't know about the two hours of rest thing, but I HAVE learned that I ONLY have dreams if I get to bed before midnight. Weird, huh?

-I've always known water (constant hydration) was incredibly important, and when I keep myself fully hydrated I strongly feel the effects on my lungs. With the problems with my apartment and confusion over the past month+ I've kind of lost track of this, thanks for the reminder, CFkitty!

-My faith (thanks, CFkitty, your suggestions were quite incredible) has been the one thing that has carried me through life. I rarely understand God, but I've chosen to believe that since I have NO idea why *insert blank here*, He MUST know, and I just have to be okay with that.

-In relation to the above question; I decided when I was a teen that I would live my life AS IF I were going to live forever, even though I know I'm not. I've always been very 'future minded', this is why I've always taken really good care of myself. It IS a bit of a curse though, because there are some instances where you shouldn't think about the future, you should just live life with no regard. Like dating... I always get a little too 'future conscious', even if it's just a first date!

-I have always been incredibly open with my doctors. I'm surprised when I hear of people who shyly avoid telling their doctors about things. Every since I was a teen my doctors trusted me so much with my health they would basically let me diagnose myself.

-I have recently (finally) started exercising (almost) daily. As I'm getting back into shape I'm adding more to my routines. I'm looking forward to (and dreading) it being warm enough to run again.

-Be social (have friends). Even if it has nothing to do with CF, I've learned that I feel MUCH better when I have good friends around that I frequently spend time with.

-Very recently I've been realizing how much stress effects the health, and how sometimes (as MiddleAgedLady said) it's better to just let something go, because there is a fine line between being worth the fight, and sacrificing for peace of mind.

Some things I HADN'T thought about that are really, really good points:

-Putting money aside for future health problems. This is a bit of a downer! But it does make sense. I've always put money aside for my 'future', but I had never thought about it being for my future HEALTH.

-Accountability. I think this is a fantastic idea, even just for little things like getting to bed early!

-Nicole I LOVE the idea of Personal Development Plans! Also, I would agree with you, EVERYBODY should read through Dave Ramsey's stuff, I would also suggest all of Robert Kiyosaki's books!

-Staying up on research and latest developments is something I've never been very good at... being on the boards forums has helped a lot, and I think I need to become more passionate about this.

Some suggestions I would add, from personal experience, to the incredible suggestions already given!:

-Herbs and Teas. As many of you know I've recently started studying herbs and the like, and ever since I started my Green Tea fix I feel like superman. After a week or so of consistently drinking tea and eating healthier (not sacrificing any needed CF substances or meds), I felt a huge difference in my body.

-Expressing yourself. Be it writing, art, what ever. I've been trying to eliminate time spent on frivolous things (such as Facebook, BOO FACEBOOK!) to focus more on old passions. Most people can't relate in any way to what we have been through as CFers. I find that drawing, writing, or finding a way to express something from inside, even if it doesn't make sense, really helps me express myself, even if nobody else understands, I do.

-... there were two other things I was going to add to this.. and they left me, and I've already spent WAY too much time typing all of this out, so I'll come back when I remember...


New member
What fantastic responses!
I'm terribly sorry about the delay on my part, this has been an INCREDIBLY interesting few weeks with everything from being robbed to my apartment flooding to my roof caving in (I'm actually under-exaggerating on all of these parts).

Thank you for all of your amazing comments!
Chris, Amen!
dbtoo, I have truly missed talking to you, you never fail to crack me up!
Bonniebaby, I was a dancer for about 12 years and my doctors told me the EXACT same thing; that dance was one of the main factors in my lung health, and I believe my past dance experience is one of the main reasons I am still as healthy as I am!
65rosessamurai, I've always wanted to stay in Japan! I've wondered how it would work, knowing CF isn't an issue there. So glad to know there's someone doing it!
For the sake of the boards I definitely don't want to change anything being said, because they are all FANTASTIC.

I'm reading all of these incredible suggestions and -I'm a bit proud to say- checking many off of my list.

-I am INCREDIBLY diligent with my treatments, twice a day, every day. I skip at night maybe once a month, and that is usually to rest.

-I have (recently) been getting to bed before midnight every night, that is a huge new thing for me. A doctor (Chiropractor, not CF doctor) recently said every hour of sleep you get BEFORE midnight, counts as two hours of rest to your body. That shocked me enough that I had to give it a try... I don't know about the two hours of rest thing, but I HAVE learned that I ONLY have dreams if I get to bed before midnight. Weird, huh?

-I've always known water (constant hydration) was incredibly important, and when I keep myself fully hydrated I strongly feel the effects on my lungs. With the problems with my apartment and confusion over the past month+ I've kind of lost track of this, thanks for the reminder, CFkitty!

-My faith (thanks, CFkitty, your suggestions were quite incredible) has been the one thing that has carried me through life. I rarely understand God, but I've chosen to believe that since I have NO idea why *insert blank here*, He MUST know, and I just have to be okay with that.

-In relation to the above question; I decided when I was a teen that I would live my life AS IF I were going to live forever, even though I know I'm not. I've always been very 'future minded', this is why I've always taken really good care of myself. It IS a bit of a curse though, because there are some instances where you shouldn't think about the future, you should just live life with no regard. Like dating... I always get a little too 'future conscious', even if it's just a first date!

-I have always been incredibly open with my doctors. I'm surprised when I hear of people who shyly avoid telling their doctors about things. Every since I was a teen my doctors trusted me so much with my health they would basically let me diagnose myself.

-I have recently (finally) started exercising (almost) daily. As I'm getting back into shape I'm adding more to my routines. I'm looking forward to (and dreading) it being warm enough to run again.

-Be social (have friends). Even if it has nothing to do with CF, I've learned that I feel MUCH better when I have good friends around that I frequently spend time with.

-Very recently I've been realizing how much stress effects the health, and how sometimes (as MiddleAgedLady said) it's better to just let something go, because there is a fine line between being worth the fight, and sacrificing for peace of mind.

Some things I HADN'T thought about that are really, really good points:

-Putting money aside for future health problems. This is a bit of a downer! But it does make sense. I've always put money aside for my 'future', but I had never thought about it being for my future HEALTH.

-Accountability. I think this is a fantastic idea, even just for little things like getting to bed early!

-Nicole I LOVE the idea of Personal Development Plans! Also, I would agree with you, EVERYBODY should read through Dave Ramsey's stuff, I would also suggest all of Robert Kiyosaki's books!

-Staying up on research and latest developments is something I've never been very good at... being on the boards forums has helped a lot, and I think I need to become more passionate about this.

Some suggestions I would add, from personal experience, to the incredible suggestions already given!:

-Herbs and Teas. As many of you know I've recently started studying herbs and the like, and ever since I started my Green Tea fix I feel like superman. After a week or so of consistently drinking tea and eating healthier (not sacrificing any needed CF substances or meds), I felt a huge difference in my body.

-Expressing yourself. Be it writing, art, what ever. I've been trying to eliminate time spent on frivolous things (such as Facebook, BOO FACEBOOK!) to focus more on old passions. Most people can't relate in any way to what we have been through as CFers. I find that drawing, writing, or finding a way to express something from inside, even if it doesn't make sense, really helps me express myself, even if nobody else understands, I do.

-... there were two other things I was going to add to this.. and they left me, and I've already spent WAY too much time typing all of this out, so I'll come back when I remember...


New member
What fantastic responses!
I'm terribly sorry about the delay on my part, this has been an INCREDIBLY interesting few weeks with everything from being robbed to my apartment flooding to my roof caving in (I'm actually under-exaggerating on all of these parts).

Thank you for all of your amazing comments!
Chris, Amen!
dbtoo, I have truly missed talking to you, you never fail to crack me up!
Bonniebaby, I was a dancer for about 12 years and my doctors told me the EXACT same thing; that dance was one of the main factors in my lung health, and I believe my past dance experience is one of the main reasons I am still as healthy as I am!
65rosessamurai, I've always wanted to stay in Japan! I've wondered how it would work, knowing CF isn't an issue there. So glad to know there's someone doing it!
For the sake of the boards I definitely don't want to change anything being said, because they are all FANTASTIC.

I'm reading all of these incredible suggestions and -I'm a bit proud to say- checking many off of my list.

-I am INCREDIBLY diligent with my treatments, twice a day, every day. I skip at night maybe once a month, and that is usually to rest.

-I have (recently) been getting to bed before midnight every night, that is a huge new thing for me. A doctor (Chiropractor, not CF doctor) recently said every hour of sleep you get BEFORE midnight, counts as two hours of rest to your body. That shocked me enough that I had to give it a try... I don't know about the two hours of rest thing, but I HAVE learned that I ONLY have dreams if I get to bed before midnight. Weird, huh?

-I've always known water (constant hydration) was incredibly important, and when I keep myself fully hydrated I strongly feel the effects on my lungs. With the problems with my apartment and confusion over the past month+ I've kind of lost track of this, thanks for the reminder, CFkitty!

-My faith (thanks, CFkitty, your suggestions were quite incredible) has been the one thing that has carried me through life. I rarely understand God, but I've chosen to believe that since I have NO idea why *insert blank here*, He MUST know, and I just have to be okay with that.

-In relation to the above question; I decided when I was a teen that I would live my life AS IF I were going to live forever, even though I know I'm not. I've always been very 'future minded', this is why I've always taken really good care of myself. It IS a bit of a curse though, because there are some instances where you shouldn't think about the future, you should just live life with no regard. Like dating... I always get a little too 'future conscious', even if it's just a first date!

-I have always been incredibly open with my doctors. I'm surprised when I hear of people who shyly avoid telling their doctors about things. Every since I was a teen my doctors trusted me so much with my health they would basically let me diagnose myself.

-I have recently (finally) started exercising (almost) daily. As I'm getting back into shape I'm adding more to my routines. I'm looking forward to (and dreading) it being warm enough to run again.

-Be social (have friends). Even if it has nothing to do with CF, I've learned that I feel MUCH better when I have good friends around that I frequently spend time with.

-Very recently I've been realizing how much stress effects the health, and how sometimes (as MiddleAgedLady said) it's better to just let something go, because there is a fine line between being worth the fight, and sacrificing for peace of mind.

Some things I HADN'T thought about that are really, really good points:

-Putting money aside for future health problems. This is a bit of a downer! But it does make sense. I've always put money aside for my 'future', but I had never thought about it being for my future HEALTH.

-Accountability. I think this is a fantastic idea, even just for little things like getting to bed early!

-Nicole I LOVE the idea of Personal Development Plans! Also, I would agree with you, EVERYBODY should read through Dave Ramsey's stuff, I would also suggest all of Robert Kiyosaki's books!

-Staying up on research and latest developments is something I've never been very good at... being on the boards forums has helped a lot, and I think I need to become more passionate about this.

Some suggestions I would add, from personal experience, to the incredible suggestions already given!:

-Herbs and Teas. As many of you know I've recently started studying herbs and the like, and ever since I started my Green Tea fix I feel like superman. After a week or so of consistently drinking tea and eating healthier (not sacrificing any needed CF substances or meds), I felt a huge difference in my body.

-Expressing yourself. Be it writing, art, what ever. I've been trying to eliminate time spent on frivolous things (such as Facebook, BOO FACEBOOK!) to focus more on old passions. Most people can't relate in any way to what we have been through as CFers. I find that drawing, writing, or finding a way to express something from inside, even if it doesn't make sense, really helps me express myself, even if nobody else understands, I do.

-... there were two other things I was going to add to this.. and they left me, and I've already spent WAY too much time typing all of this out, so I'll come back when I remember...


New member
What fantastic responses!
I'm terribly sorry about the delay on my part, this has been an INCREDIBLY interesting few weeks with everything from being robbed to my apartment flooding to my roof caving in (I'm actually under-exaggerating on all of these parts).

Thank you for all of your amazing comments!
Chris, Amen!
dbtoo, I have truly missed talking to you, you never fail to crack me up!
Bonniebaby, I was a dancer for about 12 years and my doctors told me the EXACT same thing; that dance was one of the main factors in my lung health, and I believe my past dance experience is one of the main reasons I am still as healthy as I am!
65rosessamurai, I've always wanted to stay in Japan! I've wondered how it would work, knowing CF isn't an issue there. So glad to know there's someone doing it!
For the sake of the boards I definitely don't want to change anything being said, because they are all FANTASTIC.

I'm reading all of these incredible suggestions and -I'm a bit proud to say- checking many off of my list.

-I am INCREDIBLY diligent with my treatments, twice a day, every day. I skip at night maybe once a month, and that is usually to rest.

-I have (recently) been getting to bed before midnight every night, that is a huge new thing for me. A doctor (Chiropractor, not CF doctor) recently said every hour of sleep you get BEFORE midnight, counts as two hours of rest to your body. That shocked me enough that I had to give it a try... I don't know about the two hours of rest thing, but I HAVE learned that I ONLY have dreams if I get to bed before midnight. Weird, huh?

-I've always known water (constant hydration) was incredibly important, and when I keep myself fully hydrated I strongly feel the effects on my lungs. With the problems with my apartment and confusion over the past month+ I've kind of lost track of this, thanks for the reminder, CFkitty!

-My faith (thanks, CFkitty, your suggestions were quite incredible) has been the one thing that has carried me through life. I rarely understand God, but I've chosen to believe that since I have NO idea why *insert blank here*, He MUST know, and I just have to be okay with that.

-In relation to the above question; I decided when I was a teen that I would live my life AS IF I were going to live forever, even though I know I'm not. I've always been very 'future minded', this is why I've always taken really good care of myself. It IS a bit of a curse though, because there are some instances where you shouldn't think about the future, you should just live life with no regard. Like dating... I always get a little too 'future conscious', even if it's just a first date!

-I have always been incredibly open with my doctors. I'm surprised when I hear of people who shyly avoid telling their doctors about things. Every since I was a teen my doctors trusted me so much with my health they would basically let me diagnose myself.

-I have recently (finally) started exercising (almost) daily. As I'm getting back into shape I'm adding more to my routines. I'm looking forward to (and dreading) it being warm enough to run again.

-Be social (have friends). Even if it has nothing to do with CF, I've learned that I feel MUCH better when I have good friends around that I frequently spend time with.

-Very recently I've been realizing how much stress effects the health, and how sometimes (as MiddleAgedLady said) it's better to just let something go, because there is a fine line between being worth the fight, and sacrificing for peace of mind.

Some things I HADN'T thought about that are really, really good points:

-Putting money aside for future health problems. This is a bit of a downer! But it does make sense. I've always put money aside for my 'future', but I had never thought about it being for my future HEALTH.

-Accountability. I think this is a fantastic idea, even just for little things like getting to bed early!

-Nicole I LOVE the idea of Personal Development Plans! Also, I would agree with you, EVERYBODY should read through Dave Ramsey's stuff, I would also suggest all of Robert Kiyosaki's books!

-Staying up on research and latest developments is something I've never been very good at... being on the boards forums has helped a lot, and I think I need to become more passionate about this.

Some suggestions I would add, from personal experience, to the incredible suggestions already given!:

-Herbs and Teas. As many of you know I've recently started studying herbs and the like, and ever since I started my Green Tea fix I feel like superman. After a week or so of consistently drinking tea and eating healthier (not sacrificing any needed CF substances or meds), I felt a huge difference in my body.

-Expressing yourself. Be it writing, art, what ever. I've been trying to eliminate time spent on frivolous things (such as Facebook, BOO FACEBOOK!) to focus more on old passions. Most people can't relate in any way to what we have been through as CFers. I find that drawing, writing, or finding a way to express something from inside, even if it doesn't make sense, really helps me express myself, even if nobody else understands, I do.

-... there were two other things I was going to add to this.. and they left me, and I've already spent WAY too much time typing all of this out, so I'll come back when I remember...


New member
What fantastic responses!
<br />I'm terribly sorry about the delay on my part, this has been an INCREDIBLY interesting few weeks with everything from being robbed to my apartment flooding to my roof caving in (I'm actually under-exaggerating on all of these parts).
<br />
<br />Thank you for all of your amazing comments!
<br />Chris, Amen!
<br />dbtoo, I have truly missed talking to you, you never fail to crack me up!
<br />Bonniebaby, I was a dancer for about 12 years and my doctors told me the EXACT same thing; that dance was one of the main factors in my lung health, and I believe my past dance experience is one of the main reasons I am still as healthy as I am!
<br />65rosessamurai, I've always wanted to stay in Japan! I've wondered how it would work, knowing CF isn't an issue there. So glad to know there's someone doing it!
<br />For the sake of the boards I definitely don't want to change anything being said, because they are all FANTASTIC.
<br />
<br />I'm reading all of these incredible suggestions and -I'm a bit proud to say- checking many off of my list.
<br />
<br />-I am INCREDIBLY diligent with my treatments, twice a day, every day. I skip at night maybe once a month, and that is usually to rest.
<br />
<br />-I have (recently) been getting to bed before midnight every night, that is a huge new thing for me. A doctor (Chiropractor, not CF doctor) recently said every hour of sleep you get BEFORE midnight, counts as two hours of rest to your body. That shocked me enough that I had to give it a try... I don't know about the two hours of rest thing, but I HAVE learned that I ONLY have dreams if I get to bed before midnight. Weird, huh?
<br />
<br />-I've always known water (constant hydration) was incredibly important, and when I keep myself fully hydrated I strongly feel the effects on my lungs. With the problems with my apartment and confusion over the past month+ I've kind of lost track of this, thanks for the reminder, CFkitty!
<br />
<br />-My faith (thanks, CFkitty, your suggestions were quite incredible) has been the one thing that has carried me through life. I rarely understand God, but I've chosen to believe that since I have NO idea why *insert blank here*, He MUST know, and I just have to be okay with that.
<br />
<br />-In relation to the above question; I decided when I was a teen that I would live my life AS IF I were going to live forever, even though I know I'm not. I've always been very 'future minded', this is why I've always taken really good care of myself. It IS a bit of a curse though, because there are some instances where you shouldn't think about the future, you should just live life with no regard. Like dating... I always get a little too 'future conscious', even if it's just a first date!
<br />
<br />-I have always been incredibly open with my doctors. I'm surprised when I hear of people who shyly avoid telling their doctors about things. Every since I was a teen my doctors trusted me so much with my health they would basically let me diagnose myself.
<br />
<br />-I have recently (finally) started exercising (almost) daily. As I'm getting back into shape I'm adding more to my routines. I'm looking forward to (and dreading) it being warm enough to run again.
<br />
<br />-Be social (have friends). Even if it has nothing to do with CF, I've learned that I feel MUCH better when I have good friends around that I frequently spend time with.
<br />
<br />-Very recently I've been realizing how much stress effects the health, and how sometimes (as MiddleAgedLady said) it's better to just let something go, because there is a fine line between being worth the fight, and sacrificing for peace of mind.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Some things I HADN'T thought about that are really, really good points:
<br />
<br />-Putting money aside for future health problems. This is a bit of a downer! But it does make sense. I've always put money aside for my 'future', but I had never thought about it being for my future HEALTH.
<br />
<br />-Accountability. I think this is a fantastic idea, even just for little things like getting to bed early!
<br />
<br />-Nicole I LOVE the idea of Personal Development Plans! Also, I would agree with you, EVERYBODY should read through Dave Ramsey's stuff, I would also suggest all of Robert Kiyosaki's books!
<br />
<br />-Staying up on research and latest developments is something I've never been very good at... being on the boards forums has helped a lot, and I think I need to become more passionate about this.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Some suggestions I would add, from personal experience, to the incredible suggestions already given!:
<br />
<br />-Herbs and Teas. As many of you know I've recently started studying herbs and the like, and ever since I started my Green Tea fix I feel like superman. After a week or so of consistently drinking tea and eating healthier (not sacrificing any needed CF substances or meds), I felt a huge difference in my body.
<br />
<br />-Expressing yourself. Be it writing, art, what ever. I've been trying to eliminate time spent on frivolous things (such as Facebook, BOO FACEBOOK!) to focus more on old passions. Most people can't relate in any way to what we have been through as CFers. I find that drawing, writing, or finding a way to express something from inside, even if it doesn't make sense, really helps me express myself, even if nobody else understands, I do.
<br />
<br />-... there were two other things I was going to add to this.. and they left me, and I've already spent WAY too much time typing all of this out, so I'll come back when I remember...


New member
Yes this site is the best for finding out every detail and out come of the disease. I agree exercise and compliance can be challenging when you're sick or not up to par however there are no alternatives I've seen posted. Yes I'm a bit lucky on my own account however it still involved exercise. Now on my 2nd oral ABX and fighting something no culture done yet. I will go home at lunch and hit the eliptical for 20 to 30 minutes. Got stuff coming from my head and lungs feel like crap.

I have been batting the vest in my head for a while for times like this where I just can't get enough of the stuff moving with treatments. The flutter does not work and all the other stuff is just a huff of air to me. I have stopped running due to a bad knee (18 miles of LBI) and have fallen off the cliff. Is the vest that good? Any others out there support this direction? Well good to see the direction the post has gone sorry to hijack some info!



New member
Yes this site is the best for finding out every detail and out come of the disease. I agree exercise and compliance can be challenging when you're sick or not up to par however there are no alternatives I've seen posted. Yes I'm a bit lucky on my own account however it still involved exercise. Now on my 2nd oral ABX and fighting something no culture done yet. I will go home at lunch and hit the eliptical for 20 to 30 minutes. Got stuff coming from my head and lungs feel like crap.

I have been batting the vest in my head for a while for times like this where I just can't get enough of the stuff moving with treatments. The flutter does not work and all the other stuff is just a huff of air to me. I have stopped running due to a bad knee (18 miles of LBI) and have fallen off the cliff. Is the vest that good? Any others out there support this direction? Well good to see the direction the post has gone sorry to hijack some info!



New member
Yes this site is the best for finding out every detail and out come of the disease. I agree exercise and compliance can be challenging when you're sick or not up to par however there are no alternatives I've seen posted. Yes I'm a bit lucky on my own account however it still involved exercise. Now on my 2nd oral ABX and fighting something no culture done yet. I will go home at lunch and hit the eliptical for 20 to 30 minutes. Got stuff coming from my head and lungs feel like crap.

I have been batting the vest in my head for a while for times like this where I just can't get enough of the stuff moving with treatments. The flutter does not work and all the other stuff is just a huff of air to me. I have stopped running due to a bad knee (18 miles of LBI) and have fallen off the cliff. Is the vest that good? Any others out there support this direction? Well good to see the direction the post has gone sorry to hijack some info!



New member
Yes this site is the best for finding out every detail and out come of the disease. I agree exercise and compliance can be challenging when you're sick or not up to par however there are no alternatives I've seen posted. Yes I'm a bit lucky on my own account however it still involved exercise. Now on my 2nd oral ABX and fighting something no culture done yet. I will go home at lunch and hit the eliptical for 20 to 30 minutes. Got stuff coming from my head and lungs feel like crap.

I have been batting the vest in my head for a while for times like this where I just can't get enough of the stuff moving with treatments. The flutter does not work and all the other stuff is just a huff of air to me. I have stopped running due to a bad knee (18 miles of LBI) and have fallen off the cliff. Is the vest that good? Any others out there support this direction? Well good to see the direction the post has gone sorry to hijack some info!



New member
Yes this site is the best for finding out every detail and out come of the disease. I agree exercise and compliance can be challenging when you're sick or not up to par however there are no alternatives I've seen posted. Yes I'm a bit lucky on my own account however it still involved exercise. Now on my 2nd oral ABX and fighting something no culture done yet. I will go home at lunch and hit the eliptical for 20 to 30 minutes. Got stuff coming from my head and lungs feel like crap.
<br />
<br />Kristen:
<br /> I have been batting the vest in my head for a while for times like this where I just can't get enough of the stuff moving with treatments. The flutter does not work and all the other stuff is just a huff of air to me. I have stopped running due to a bad knee (18 miles of LBI) and have fallen off the cliff. Is the vest that good? Any others out there support this direction? Well good to see the direction the post has gone sorry to hijack some info!
<br />
<br />Steve


New member
Hey Steve,
From my personal opinion, the Flutter just didn't seem enough to me, nor did the vest. I do both at the same time. My doctors aren't quite sure what they think about this because it's far too rough for most, but it's the only way I feel like I've completely cleared my lungs out. If you feel like you're not getting enough I would say the vest would help, but talk to your doctors about multiple ways to attack the mucus!


New member
Hey Steve,
From my personal opinion, the Flutter just didn't seem enough to me, nor did the vest. I do both at the same time. My doctors aren't quite sure what they think about this because it's far too rough for most, but it's the only way I feel like I've completely cleared my lungs out. If you feel like you're not getting enough I would say the vest would help, but talk to your doctors about multiple ways to attack the mucus!


New member
Hey Steve,
From my personal opinion, the Flutter just didn't seem enough to me, nor did the vest. I do both at the same time. My doctors aren't quite sure what they think about this because it's far too rough for most, but it's the only way I feel like I've completely cleared my lungs out. If you feel like you're not getting enough I would say the vest would help, but talk to your doctors about multiple ways to attack the mucus!


New member
Hey Steve,
From my personal opinion, the Flutter just didn't seem enough to me, nor did the vest. I do both at the same time. My doctors aren't quite sure what they think about this because it's far too rough for most, but it's the only way I feel like I've completely cleared my lungs out. If you feel like you're not getting enough I would say the vest would help, but talk to your doctors about multiple ways to attack the mucus!


New member
Hey Steve,
<br />From my personal opinion, the Flutter just didn't seem enough to me, nor did the vest. I do both at the same time. My doctors aren't quite sure what they think about this because it's far too rough for most, but it's the only way I feel like I've completely cleared my lungs out. If you feel like you're not getting enough I would say the vest would help, but talk to your doctors about multiple ways to attack the mucus!