Thats insane. Now I am a baptist, I dont know what she claims to be...but every baptist I know would never ever in a million years think of even doing such a thing. All the chritsians I know (doesnt matter the denomination) would never. . If anything they would be offering support to the families of the troups and the Amish, and no not to try and convert them just to cover my bases on here. What makes me even more angry is that the media covers this....I mean yes its good to be informed and know of the exterimist...BUT have you ever seen news coverage of Christians, or Muslims or even Jews doing something great in the community or nation? no, if i have its a small little news clip in the middle of the news paper. Why is it we always have to hear of the crazies? Its one reason why i hate to watch the news sometimes. I hardly ever see anything good on it and I know for a fact people out there are doing good things no matter what they believe or dont believe. Sadly I really think all we hear is extermist things so that people will just be more divided....doesnt matter your religion or if your atheist, if all you hear is all the extermists...what are you going to think? All it takes if a handfull of crazies who claim to be Muslim or Christian and thats what people think of the whole group...when in fact its not them at all.