I think there are limitations to humans, as well as some red tape that do factor into whether or not drugs get passed and how quickly (no matter how much we'd like to believe otherwise). And, oftentimes I dont' believe its the docs and people who work directly with patients that hold things up, but big pharmaceutical companies AND the FDA. Be it for money or just to avoid lawsuits if even the tiniest thing were to ever go wrong.
I think the biggest disappointment I have is not that we're not getting a "cure" as promised, but that these pipeline drugs take WAY too long to get to us. Too much red tape, too much cost, too much everything.
Wasn't TOBI the last great drug that came out for CF? Wasn't that in the 90's? So, in about 20 years, we've had one great drug (that doesn't even work for many) come out. Not too impressive.
Plus, when you figure things like glutathione and all the "natural" trials that have been ongoing for years (my clinic highly recommends NOT taking things until they are approved and I follow their warnings), it seems like nothing new is every coming out for CF.
Then, when we are promised something great, something like this happens. Even if it was not a cure, Azli stood to help many many people from deterioriating health (that's how I understood it anyway). Now, those of us who can't yet get it, will simply continue what we've been doing the past two decades and hope we don't decline too much to be helped by new meds when/if they do come out.
Its just very unfortunate.