i pretty much exclusively do my IVs at home now unless there is some major problem that leads to needing the IVs in the first place like pneumonia or something. I have a port now, but when i had a PICC i would go into Vascular Radiology as an outpatient, get my PICC and go home that day. the home health company would deliver the meds to me and a nurse would come out a few times a week to do any blood work that needed to be done, vitals, dressing change, etc.
i would HIGHLY recommend doing IVs at home if it's at all possible. I find that being at home when people aren't coming in and out of your room 50 times a day is so much more beneficial to my health and recovery!
if this does turn out to be an option i would see if whatever antibiotics your son is on are available in the eclipse (i think thats the name) balls. they look like little grenades to me or little balloons and they are SO SO SO wonderful because they are portable. for me that was huge because i could walk around the house or go out to dinner or the movies or whatever....
hope your little guy starts feeling better soon!